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A belief about Isness accepted as true/reality, is that how ego is created?

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I had a a thought that said:

"What if I am a thought experiencing isness"?

That would be mean that isness is prior to thought.

That would mean that anything that would come from thought, it would come after isness/being/present moment is already here.

This includes the though of "this is obviously a physical reality", "this is more than obvious I mean cmon" and etc .

Those all thoughts seem very true yet they are thoughts appearing in isness, which is obviously prior to any thought.

Basically the only thing I know for sure is isness. Thoughts can only try to interpret isness.

I'm onto something or im just going insane and should quit Self-Inquiry?

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Not too sure what you're talking about, but yes how you interpret reality and how reality is are two very different things. Your ego will try to project itself onto reality, make sure not to mistake it for reality itself. I think you are on to something. Keep it up

Describe a thought.

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2 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

I'm onto something or im just going insane and should quit Self-Inquiry?

Never quit self inquiry! 

2 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

 Thoughts can only try to interpret isness.


If by isness you mean consciousness, then you are correct! You can not just think " I am the universe experiencing itself as a human being " and expect to be enlightened, you have to EXPERIENCE it, NOT think it! ( Although thinking with obviously lead you to the realisations that will eventually get you there )

This will take years of effort, so keep trying.

“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.”

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