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We are all God talking to God's own self.

29 posts in this topic

If fact let’s put neutral in the middle of agree and disagree....but wait a minute which side is agree and which side is disagree?

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Duality within Neutrality.How does that fair with our consciousness states.In synch with out of synch within.

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On 09/03/2020 at 8:26 AM, Prevailer said:

@rememberHey Remember, it's me and you again. Let's not fall out again. Can we just agree to disagree. Yes and No are still (yes AND no) to the biological quantum computers (read up on how quantum machines work) They don't make any sense at all. They compute that right is wrong and wrong is right if you listen to them long enough. Your consciousness state is split between these two conflicting views hence the dual mind. We are separate from them. We are spirit.God is unity in unitedness i.e. not separate. You can prove this by trying to bring yourself into the moment and stay there. If you cant stay there your consciousness has split again.PEACE.

There is no you. 

The purpose of embracing evil is that the evil is your mental creation.

It's a form of self reconciliation that allows you the choice to chose not to conduct these actions anymore. Out of spiritual conviction and purification.

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@Prevailer @PrevailerYou need to find a middle ground.I keep telling people in my posts that duality is a lie a complete and utter lie.Stop being taken in by it.You are completely incapable of untangling yourself from your mind.You live in your mind listening to the 2 off biological computers which is probably a foreign concept to you.You are living in a dual consciousness state totally unaccepting that you can and need to unite your consciousness state and therefore come out of your head and stop being ruled by your thoughts.

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