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Awareness Enhances Sensory Power

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Is it right Awareness and while in present moment , you sense everything more compared when you are not conscious ? is it not working against you ? if you feel sad ,hurt ,angry ( you fully feel it without distraction) ? 

I can smell almost everything , hear small voices , sometimes sense other person's intention ?

All these are for short duration ( in real time) but the intensity of sensing has increased ?

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8 hours ago, jes said:

Is it right Awareness and while in present moment , you sense everything more compared when you are not conscious ? is it not working against you ? if you feel sad ,hurt ,angry ( you fully feel it without distraction) ?

Good question! But no, don't worry that when awareness rises you will feel more shitty. It's the opposite. It might seem that way if you just think about it logically - like you do - but it is more like this:

When awareness rises you literally become aware that everything you do is like a play. Sometimes you play the "good" side (when you are in your higher self and for example learning you for studies) and sometimes you play the "bad" side (when you are in your lower self and for example smoking pot while binging on ice cream and watching a netflix marathon).

Not only your action separates in these categories (good / bad - white / black) but everything goes on in a similar way. For example you try to live your whole life (very passionately) not to die, because you have the sense in you that dying is something that just mustn't happen.

Through awareness you begin to acknowledge how everything can bee seen as games, cycles and similar patterns. Not only that, but you also begin to see how you began to involve yourself so passionately in trying to make the one side win that now you are terribly afraid that black might win.

Moreover, you know back in your mind that black will win in the end so you structure your whole life to get so involved in all kind of bullshit (other games) so that you don't have to face the fact that black wins in the end.

And you just make too much of it.

Awareness shows you that you are nothingness, incarnating itself in all kind of different games and patterns and that you are white and black, life and death and really can't die. If you begin to see that, you might still come across pains but it won't fuck with your head any more.

It is by far one of the most cleansing and nice things to experience that you as the great self are immortal. It feels like being let out of yourself. And now ask yourself this: Isn't that really what you try to accomplish with all your bullshit involvements you make in your life?

Cheers from Berlin, :P

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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Well, the above is one interpretation, but my experiences show differently.

I feel greater pleasures, richer emotions of love, self-empowerment, plus whole sets of feelings and sensations that normal humans just don't have the ability to feel (at this time), but I also feel or have access to levels of depth and  intensity with pain, stress, fear, and insane level pressurized energetic environments.

When your senses get wider and deeper, you have an access to a greater range and more multi-dimensional combinations of feelings across the whole spectrum of emotion and sensation. Emotions shift and change and behave differently, like for instance I can combine pleasure and pain, layer them on top of each other, creating structures or bridges, which mediate and counter-balance most of the issues that come from feeling only one emotion in isolation. I deal with sets or bundles of emotions, so fear or pain aren't the same for me, compared to other people, because I have many combinations where those two work great together and help me out beautifully.

Anyways, Sensitivity is a capability, and only one of many that all work together in a synergistic fashion. I still haven't fully developed mine (if there even is such an endpoint of "fully developed"), but for instance I can feel subtle traces of electricity in the air, feel and slow down my perception of time, I can feel the respiratory build-up of my cells in my body, plus of course I feel and work directly with all the structures behind "thinking" that it seems not even Buddha was aware of.

Inward and outward, all my senses increase or grow, but it's not just via intensity, it's nuance, subtlety, coherency, and flexibility. Our sensitivity eventually develops to have more than just a "volume knob".


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@Arik I just heard there was a shooting there in a cinema. What's up with this world?

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