Average Investor

LSD Trip Report

9 posts in this topic

This was my first time giving this a go. I had a hard time sleeping with the anticipation that I was going to get up at 2am and drop acid, so I missed a bit of sleep. I took a half tab right away and let it sit for 30 minutes while meditating. I felt light effects and right away put a tab of like a paste based lsd? It was not on blotter paper, but was a little block that looked like candy, but turned to mush fairly fast. I tested both to be sure of the substance though. 

After waiting the first hour things started to kick in. It was fairly reminiscent of my shroom trip. I sat for awhile and turned on some music to help set a good vibe for the trip. I figured I would be in for something good. For a bit it seemed a bit overwhelming. Hard to concentrate and keep out of my mind. I decided to head to the shower as it was getting pretty strong and wanted to go to a place I would feel good. It amplified the feelings heavily. I hit a point in the shower, where I just decided I was okay with dying and to let this take me where it wants to go. The effects super intense. It took me awhile to adjust to how I was feeling. It felt acutely familiar to depersonalization, so I was not really having much trouble controlling it as the peak began to wear off more, but it was still really intense. I had some visual movement on things and just some intense thoughts. 

I found a sweet spot as the effects were not too overwhelming to work on the questions I had preset for myself. 


What is my purpose? 

Master using my power of knowledge to teach others and create powerful businesses.


What is the best way to enjoy my life? 


Live to my highest potential 


What is the meaning of life? 

It is to create (This was accompanied by visuals of things evolving from others and the planet and all things producing creating in various arts and births)


Some other thoughts I had:

You are in certain control of your own future (accompanied by visuals of me achieving anything I had set my mind to)

Be more grateful. 

Intense visions of Steve Jobs and how he effected the world. I thought how I could really teach myself to learn the masterful showmanship he had of presenting a product. That and accompanied by many other things around him.  This felt extremely powerful and insightful.

This was all accompanied by strong visuals of of me achieving anything I wanted. Hearing quotes from Napoleon Hill and Earl Nightengale fully in their voices. These even seemed to guide me away from any bad thoughts as I was harnessing the power of taking control of my thoughts. 

I came up with about two pages of business ideas and notes. Even writing out strategies and coming up with ideas that should surely help me out tremendously. This seemed to help me care a lot less about what people think of me as well.

I thought a lot about interactions I have in my personal life a bit too. There did not seem to be anything too significant to come of that.


After about 8 hours I was still feeling some effects and decided to go on a walk. I did a 6 mile walk and really enjoyed it. I timed it perfectly as I knew the rain and time would keep most away from where I wanted to go. 

I am probably going to spend the rest of the day meditating and maybe doing some stuff in photoshop as that sounds really enjoyable to do right now. 

I can dose this same amount exactly, so I know a bit more for the future. I think this is a really sweet spot for me to trip. 

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@Average Investor Very nice man. That sounds like an excellent trip. I recommend progressively raising the dosage in the near future. The fact that you had a good experience with LSD is an excellent sign. These drugs are an excellent practice for self actualization/self discovery so i recommend you think hard about to best utilize these drugs for your growth.

Take it for what it's worth, but I heard a key to Steve Job's success was using LSD to enhance creativity. Could be an interesting synchronicity. 

Edited by Raptorsin7

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What is the meaning of life? It is to create
Be more grateful.
This seemed to help me care a lot less about what people think of me as well.

This ☝️
(also had such insights on LSD)

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@Raptorsin7 Thanks, I am excited to see how it evolves from here.

Yeah, I think it was something quite notable in his biography. I can definitely see how it could help. Not only that just an enjoyable experience all together. 

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@dimitri It came really quick to me, but without any substance I would not have came up either much of an answer. That was a really interesting insight. 

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@Average Investor LSD will show you what's possible and bring new perspectives and clarity. But the work is in the embodiment. The drugs are an incredible tool. But our lives are where it's at. The insights will translate into your life and permeate your experience.


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@Raptorsin7 Yeah, I am already working on some of the business ideas that I had thought of from it. Some things were really reinforcing what I needed to do or things I already knew, but had no clarity on. Some things are not going to be easy to do, but I could do them. 

I could try 5meo, but probably going to hold off on that for quite a bit. 

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@Raptorsin7 I have to admit even this trip blew me away, but I handled it well. I will keep it on my radar for now. I do not really want to trip more than once a month I think. I also kind of want to explore the tabs a bit more. We will see. 

If I go into the dmt I am just going to plug it and dose properly. I would test it with the test kit as well. It sounds really interesting. I think if I go to do it I am not going to fill my mind with what it will do as much. I did that with this trip and I feel like it helped. Granted I have seen some stories and stuff, but I keep the effect part minimal and just went in accepting death. I think the music is crucial for the trips too. I had some issues on thought loops with shrooms, but I did no music and just sat in the recliner and had a shower. No audio or video going of anything. 

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