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God is not The Absolute.

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@Nahm Illusion is very real for those who keep coming back to the idea of it, thus perpetuating the experience of it. Of course I am compassionate towards those who are there. I was once, too. In a way, I share all of this out of compassion and love. 

Enjoying it quite a bit, thanks! ?

@Inliytened1 Definitely not on the same wavelength, yes. But that's the beauty of it.

I make the distinction simply to attain a deeper understanding. To see clearly. Not to imply "separation". 

That's why I say;

One, but not the same.

Everything is an extension of Nothing. There is no consciousness in The Absolute. No Light.

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2 minutes ago, ivankiss said:



Everything is an extension of Nothing. There is no consciousness in The Absolute. No Light.

You still have a duality between everything and nothing.  Nothing is an extension of everthing as well.  Infinity.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Nahm True. Nothing wrong with anything at all. Still; evolution. :)

@Inliytened1 I don't have anything xD I'm just conscious of Source. Consciousness is not the Source of Consciousness. 

We agree on Infinity tho.

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10 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

Consciousness is not the Source of Consciousness. 

“Ime”, it very much is, and as such there is no duality, and this is why those who experience the absolute (linguistic duality sorry) have no issue whatsoever using the word ‘Absolute’. 




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@Nahm In pure white, there is no light.

I see no duality in any of the stuff I'm describing here. I can see how it could be understood that way tho.

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@ivankiss Indeed. “The tongue can’t taste itself”. ??

The “challenge” is not so much in seeing that it can be understood that way, but that it is being explained that way.



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@Nahm Tried as hard as it could. Didn't work out xD

All I'm saying is; there is something "older" than Light - to put it that way. Older than God. Older than Consciousness.

How come I'm conscious of "it"? 

Well, I'm not. That's how :)

Waking up to this makes ordinary, everyday enlightenment seem like nothing xD

Edited by ivankiss

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8 minutes ago, Nahm said:


The “challenge” is not so much in seeing that it can be understood that way, but that it is being explained that way.

That's a good point. Thanks.

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everything is within nothing that’s why there is no duality. nothing couldn’t be within everything without being a part of it, or could it? there is no falling asleep there is no awakening if it would not happen inside of the absolute - which is the absolute. 

distinction is not separation indeed - openness is not contraction. cristallisation is not eternity.

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@remember infinity has no beginning and no end.  So everything is nothing and nothing is everything..


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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3 minutes ago, remember said:

@Inliytened1 indeed, it’s what we make of it. 

Indeed! :)



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@remember I'm not experiencing everything as if it was within nothing. I'm experiencing it as an ever-expanding extension of nothing.

Crystallization is not an end. It just happens. Right before Light retracts itself back into nothing and the circle repeats. 

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9 minutes ago, remember said:

@Inliytened1 indeed, it’s what we make of it. 

There isn't a we to make anything a certain way, that's quite literally the illusion of self.

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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5 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

@remember I'm not experiencing everything as if it was within nothing. I'm experiencing it as an ever-expanding extension of nothing.

Crystallization is not an end. It just happens. Right before Light retracts itself back into nothing and the circle repeats. 

but where does experience happen within? and where does the extension happen within? a black hole is not eternity it’s ultimate christallisation black hole is loaded matter it’s the absence of light but eternity/infinity as such is also the absence of light both are the colour black - when black contracts into black and even eats up black you encounter another form of nothingness it’s not eternity it would be the end of it. there is no guarantee for recreation - this is dark matter stuff.

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1 hour ago, ivankiss said:

Waking up to this makes ordinary, everyday enlightenment seem like nothing xD

Hilarious! ??



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@remember Creation and the experience of it happens within Consciousness. What "enabled" Consciousness to be at all is that which cannot be named or pointed at.

"Black whole" is just an analogy. An illustration. Nothing gives it justice, truly.

There is no guarantee for anything. But there is a possibility. "It" can everything "it" cannot.


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@ivankiss oh yes it can be pointed at: expansion and manifestation rather than contraction. if you call it black whole it’s not the black hole, the black hole is within the black whole as is light and all of it within nothing. i know guys like dark matter some fall for it others don’t. it’s better to stay in some distance to it. magnetism is still interesting.

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God is not The Absolute.

*Leo Gura is online and would like to know your location* 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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