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Performing As Myself

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I'm having trouble performing in a video game i'm trying to master. I am anxous, worried, angry, over competitive when I play because this is how i've always played sports and games.  

I now realize that to be the best I can possibly be, i need to find the zone/flow state, which is actually just myself. Flow states occur when we are just being our selves, MYSELF=that which is aware of experience. 

So I want to play as MYSELF, or me, but i get lost in thinking/toxic habits when playing. Any tips on how to access myself or the zone more consistently when I play?

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I used to play really competitively in games as well. I was GrandMaster Terran in Sc2 at one point.

A good thing I found to get into flow state was to play like "myself". I imposed my personality on the game and took pride in it. I didn't concern myself with what others thought I should be doing. Of course I knew I had weaknesses I needed to work on to get better but I realized something that made improvement less of a chore and more attainable and natural: I put so much focus into expressing myself in the game and doing what I wanted, that when I reached "flow" state I would overflow with ability. I was simply doing the thing I was already good at, so everything extra could spill over into over in other areas.

I'll leave you with a question. Going into the start of a game, which mindset do you think will serve you better?

"Ok so I'm playing this guy. I hate the way he play. I NEED to counter this thing he does or I'm gonna lose."


"Alright. A brand new game. I have a new chance to express what I'm good at."

Edited by Roy


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@Roy Very cool thank you man. I was masters Terran in SC2. I remember i would come home from school at lunch and play a ranked game. My heart would be beating like crazy, and my hands would shake during the game lmao.

There's no doubt the second one. Joy, love, and happiness are the keys to being good at anything. It's all about self expression.

Edited by Raptorsin7

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