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Does God Need Us?

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Does God need us for it to be realized? If there is no awakening/tuning into Truth of existence, then does God still exist? Does God even give a shit or is God still "there"? 

If for example I experience an awakening and I realize that I am God, then God exists. But before that awakening took place, God was not yet realized from my perception. So let's say no one would ever awaken, then would God still come to being? Or is reality itself God and does not need to perceive itself as God for it to be God?

One thing I've thought about is that the evolution and purpose of the universe might be for the universe to become self-conscious, and it's doing this in very tiny ways such as people awakening, becoming more conscious etc. But then again, why? What is the point of it becoming conscious of itself?

I guess a similar question would be: does a tree make a sound if it falls in the forest and nobody is there to perceive it? 

Edited by QandC

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  On 3/6/2020 at 9:58 PM, QandC said:

is reality itself God and does not need to perceive itself as God for it to be God?


It just is itself.  It cannot reference itself because God is Absolute Infinity.  So it just is itself.   And in its finite form it has to remember that it is itself.

It has nowhere to go because it is omnipresent so it has to forget its own infinity to appear to go somewhere.   So it is eternally dividing itself and unifying itself.  The reunification is its greatest gift to itself but the process goes on eternally.  The dance of Consciousness.  

I love the question on the tree falling.  That bothered me as a child because from the materialist paradigm it made no sense that something could exist without a perceiver.  But as reality is an Infinite Mind/consciousness that question is answered because there is only Being or pure consciousness.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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I never understood the problem with the tree falling question. If no-one perceives it, ie there's no evidence to us that it happens, how can we know that it does happen in the first place for us to ask the question? In other words, this whole scenario is imaginary and the tree only falls in our mind's eye. But of course that posits a duality between imagination and physical reality, right? 

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  On 3/6/2020 at 10:23 PM, silene said:

I never understood the problem with the tree falling question. If no-one perceives it, ie there's no evidence to us that it happens, how can we know that it does happen in the first place for us to ask the question? In other words, this whole scenario is imaginary and the tree only falls in our mind's eye. But of course that posits a duality between imagination and physical reality, right? 

Yeah it makes no sense to ask the question.  actually...There is no tree in actuality - there is no objective, physical reality.  There is only pure Consciousness or Being - what you are experiencing right now. 


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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  On 3/6/2020 at 10:30 PM, Inliytened1 said:

There is only pure Consciousness or Being

I haven't got to this stage, but if true, it suggests  an answer to the first question: 

  On 3/6/2020 at 9:58 PM, QandC said:

Does God need us for it to be realized?

because there would be no division between "God" and "us", and if God doesn't exist, neither do we (I think). 

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@silene When I was a few years old I was thinking about the question "how can nothing exists" or in other words: why there is something rather than nothing or why there is anything at all?

Maybe this will ,help'.

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Do you find a distinct separation between you and perception ?

Where does perception end, and the knowing of begin? 

Where does the knowing end, and perception begin?

Don’t just think about it conceptually, look now in direct experience.

What is “sound” but vibration? What is an “ear”, but vibration? What is a “tree” but vibration? What is a “thought” but vibration?

What is “reality” but vibration?

What is vibrating? 

Clearly, you, as you can not be found.

Unless you believe the vibration (“thought”)... “I’m separate...non-vibration, ‘physical’, apart from the rest”. 

Such is the tree, which falls in the woods. 



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  On 3/6/2020 at 10:30 PM, Inliytened1 said:

Yeah it makes no sense to ask the question.  actually...There is no tree in actuality - there is no objective, physical reality.  There is only pure Consciousness or Being - what you are experiencing right now. 

Does an awakening answer the question why reality seems some way and not another?

I get there´s only Being but is there a why?

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  On 3/7/2020 at 3:54 PM, Javfly33 said:

Does an awakening answer the question why reality seems some way and not another?

I get there´s only Being but is there a why?

Infinity - some way or not is duality or separation.  What makes you think its not all ways?  God's gotya covered :)



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I’ve learnt the hard way but it is my honest opinion that the real awakening is the realisation that as individuals we are in a desperately lost state and need God to help us.The problem is most men/women are far to proud to ask.They would rather go to their graves first.

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