
Consciousness is in charge

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Consciousness is infinite intelligent,
Infinite Love, Infinite Awareness ,Consciousness is all there is.

Therefore, nothing is separate from it.

Even our thoughts and ego.

So everything is perfect the way it is and there is no other way. The process of life is going in God’s way.

That’s my understanding with my direct experience and knowledge.

Am I deluded?

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@Heaven Consciousness is a massive factor when trying to understand how we work mentally in my opinion.There are differing consciousness states that’s for sure.Most people settle for the subconscious (autopilot) state to live their lives in.i.e. they just walk in the flesh listening to the 2 off egotistical computers in their head most of the time.

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@Heaven Yeah you can become so concious that you shatter the illusion of having a free will and in the present moment you become a witness to God's universal will, which is effortless.

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You can be trapped (i.e. embroiled within both the computers that make up your brain)  for ever in the autopilot SPLIT CONSCIOUSNESS state, oblivious to the fact there is another very important UNITED CONSCIOUSNESS state i.e. MANUAL (in the moment state).If you are oblivious to MANUAL then this is when you are walking in the flesh FULLY.Generally even if an individual has some experience of the MANUAL state, they don't truly understand the significance of it. What's interesting is that when one is awakened to the Manual consciousness state, this state is still somehow embroiled within the autopilot consciousness state. If this IS NOT true then how does an individual know to bring himself/herself out of the autopilot state (subconsciousness state)  and back into the MANUAL state? 

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