
Reddit users misunderstanding God

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There is actually a subreddit for spirituality, kind of like a lesser version of actualized forum. Here, the user is trying to prove God existence with science, which ended up like this

"After i stopped ignoring my nature, i started noticing the pattern

Anyway this is how i startes to believe in God

God means the creator of the universe

As we are born and die, so do plants, stars, galaxies, blackholes,... when the big bang happened, actually our universe (God) was born. As the god who created the universe, doesn't mean it was the original designer of it.

Designer of laws: something above our God, that designed universial laws like mathematics

We create our body by eating, exercising, which doesn't mean we designed our bodies

There is no evidences that our universe is the only one around

If our universe is the God, it would means it mighy has a God of its own

The designer of laws, might have his own designer

We are creating and destroying our body, just like the universe does for us

From microbes perspective we are Gods, frome our perspective the universe is a god

The human body function only because 10000 of  living microbes creatures in our body.

All those species are designed to keep us alive

While having different body we all relate to one consciousness

Consciousness is something that doesn't change even with time.

that means the closest thing to God is our consciousness

Every single living things are somehow connected to help the universe (god) exists

That means we are here for a reason

We are here to discover, to figure out what life is about thru consciousness

If a designer of laws or a god desire to experience what he made how would it happens ?

To think about

Children are always asking: "what it is" "what is universe" "what is right thing to do"

I am still searching for answer but atleast i know this: to know about the universe look within self

We are not meant to see the god because we are apart of god

We are the gods, stimutaniously creating and experiencing the universe within and outside of us.

Understand the ego, and you will be able to reconnected to other conscious beings ?

Is ego a tool or a mechanism that seperate us from others ?

God is us, we are the universe

We are all one mean while being one of a kind

Feel free to proof me wrong, ask question or even add to this point of view

Btw i don't have a religon, srry for grammar i'm not native"

Techniquely this person is half right but he is clearly misunderstanding God. A classic example of theories without direct experience.

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@VerballyHazardous The problem with any explanation regarding god is that you will always be wrong and right at the same time no matter how ingenious your definition is. You will always leave out some aspect of it. You just can't describe god in it's entirety. That means there will always be people in the world that won't like your understanding of it and will gladly argue with you for ages how much wrong you are. 

In this forum we have a very specific vocabulary to talk about spirituality that is in many ways different from other groups around the world and they too face the same situation. So that means when people here talk about spirituality in this forum specific way we understand what they are pointing at because we have similar backrounds. When people from outside speak about spirituality we might think they are pointing in the wrong direction even though they point at the same thing  just in a different way. They just have different vocabulary that is foreign to us. 

Now I understand the complexity of the understanding can vary a lot. But I believe it is more about individual efforts of people within the group rather than the teaching of the group itself. Your understanding of god can be just as complex regardless if you are christian, atheist, muslim of any other spiritual tradition. What matters is if you are true to your own understading. 

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Hm, i guess i was too hasty in my judgment, i will be more careful next time.:|

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