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Online Dream Board

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I am starting an online dream board to fill up because I can write more wants on here then my physical dream board

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I am loving

I am kind

I am humble

I am compassionate

I am a healthy competitor

I enjoy playing just playing's sake

I am not effected by wins or losses

I am not attached to the outcome of the game

I am free

I have excellent mechanical skill as an adc

I have excellent map awareness

I have excellent game sense

I am calm

I am relaxed

I am at peace

I am happy

I am self actualized

I am enlightened

I am awakened

I know who I am

I feel joy

I feel grateful

I feel appreciation

I am in the zone when I play league of legends

I am completely locked in when I play league of legends

All my chakras are opened

I am fully realized

I am open


I am honest

I am blissful

I feel content






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  • Millions of dollars
  • Home in Northern California
  • Home outside of Vancouver
  • Complete financial freedom


  • Peaceful
  • Blissful
  • Happy
  • Joyful
  • Hopeful
  • Unlimited
  • Free
  • Content

League of legends

  • Outcome independent
  • Consistent


@Nahm @zeroISinfinity 

Is there a problem using I am, or I have? I'm confused about the I thought. I know it's illusory, and it's just refers to THIS, whatever this consciuos experience is. But is there a problem in using it with the dream board?

I'm having a problem generating much feeling with my wants, like i feel content when writing what i wrote above but none of it really makes me feel really good or anything. 

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Drop expectations.Trust your own Conciousness just be It. Whom you can trust other then YOURSELF. It's Infinite Love that's what it really is. 

Promissed won't be interested in non duality. No wonder Leo wants rest from it. I feel very same. ?

All this talk will get more and more of this. 

High class top girls are far more interesting. 

Sorry man just.... Always kindergarten. Yeah I am the same no wonder. 

Need to clear mind from non duality I really want that. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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25 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

Is there a problem using I am, or I have? I'm confused about the I thought. I know it's illusory, and it's just refers to THIS, whatever this consciuos experience is. But is there a problem in using it with the dream board?

can be a "problem" in an opportunity for a nuance of alignment.   

25 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

I'm having a problem generating much feeling with my wants, like i feel content when writing what i wrote above but none of it really makes me feel really good or anything. 

It's sneaky, but often a belief is "assigned" to "the I", and that belief, identified with, slips right under our nose. When use " I ", I am referring to the I which all are known to be. And then of course, sometimes and using the " I " for practical dream purposes...such as..."Who ordered the Sam Adams?"..."I ordered the Sam Adams". It's just useful sometimes. 

The more pertinent sneakery at play here to uncover, is in the usage of "I feel content". A feeling can not be felt. A feeling simply is, feeling. Just as thought can not be thought - a thought is a thought. Perception can not be perceived. Perception is perception. The 'trap' here, is that " I " get spoken of in that way, as if it were an individual being, inside the body. " I " feel content.   Contentment is a feeling. A feeling is a feeling. There is no " I " required whatsoever, for there to be awareness / feeling. 



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