
I think Messiah Complex needs to addressed more

36 posts in this topic

@SBB4746 I completely understand where you're coming from mate. They are not on missions to save the world or save humanity, more just help people realize the true nature of themselves when they can, and express this understanding in all areas of their life. 

Rupert actually said in a video recently 'I'm not enlightened, I'm not any better than you, all I see is Awareness, and in some it is more veiled than in others.' 

'We are all the light of this being, in some cases, this being is still veiled by thoughts and feelings.'

If you want to see a true humble master, who knows the nature of his own being and simply helps others realize this too.

I also agree on the Messiah complex, anyone who believes 'I am more important and enlightened than you' will become seriously humbled eventually. There is NO hierarchy. True awakening is the most humbling thing of all, it's literally realizing you are the Self, like EVERYONE else, so if all are that, what makes you special and more enlightened? 

It's one of the issues of teaching before full Self-Realization, when you have 1000s of people asking you Qs and treating you as special, it's hard to not start thinking that you are special? Imagine you had 1000s of people telling you you're the best footballer they've ever seen, you'd start thinking it about yourself wouldn't you? 

@electroBeam Nothing wrong whatsoever with wanting to help people, spread love and express your understanding, the difference is when you think it's you that's the special one and changing the world. It's always God/The Absolute, All desire is God's desire, and from that place, desire comes from a place of love and wanting to share. The reason desire gets such a bad name is because people desire for them Self alone, without caring about the consequences on so called 'others' (yourself). 

But, like I said, wanting to help and express love and share value is natural. Imagine a world where people actually did that, it would be amazing! 


'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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Leo is way better than all of these gurus mentioned above no matter how cordial they appear. 

Leo interacts freely with people here, one on one. He puts a ton of effort every minute 

There is a lot of closed mindedness to be not be able to appreciate and go after some minor flaws 


Leo is just assertive of what he has to offer. That means confidence not arrogance 

Get your head out of the sand. 

Learn to have an ounce of gratefulness for the man who created this website. 

The petty criticism from all of you stinks and he is on his break trying to make more strides in his life. He isn't whining. 



He is no messiah until you put that label on him. And this is no cult. 

Learn the definition of a cult first. In cult people are forced against their own will and can't get away. 

Nobody is forcing you here to do something. If it all, there is every opportunity and freedom to practice your spirituality here in any way which you like. 

Terribly sad to see some people being so myopic and not looking at the bigger picture and how much Leo has done for everyone. 


Edited by Preety_India

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@LfcCharlie4 Interesting links you posted earlier. I've read them both. For myself I had the sense that he might miss a little bit of nuance or a complete understanding, but that was just an idea I got, who knows, good read anyway. Just wanted to say thanks lol:P

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10 minutes ago, Johnny5 said:

The bigger picture is that all of this is in service of Leo.

Leo wants to become a true sage. This is how he gets what he wants.


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I feel like the whole enlightenment thing is about projection and comparison. I hear or read about a person (Eckhart tolle in my case) who has found some sort of blissful or peaceful state and start to compare my own experience to the descriptions of their experience without realizing that there's nothing wrong with the state i'm in and try to meditate and be more present and read and search how i can get to the state i imagine they are in. 

All i have in the end is whatever experience i'm having which includes some descriptions of what the experience for others seems to be and no way of knowing if there's "enlightenment" here or there.

Also, i think that no matter how many spiritual or philosophical books i read or videos i watch there can never be a satisfying answer to anything, i could go on forever questioning everything: "what about this what about that, i'm this i'm that" etc.

Leo thinks too much of his thinking

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@This Your existential experience is you're own, your awakening will be 'unique' in the sense nobody will experience exactly what you go through. 

What you speak of is common post-awakening, everyone wants to compare their awakenings to teachers, others etc 

Sure there are depths to awakening as I often point out and 'pointers' where you can kind of tell how deep ones awakening is, but no 2 awakenings will ever be exactly the same, just like no 2 football games or apples will ever be exactly the same. 

Post-Awakening, it's ALWAYS best to trust your own direct experience, and not compare yourself to another's awakening. 

I fell into this trap a number of times thinking well this happened to Ramana, Rupert said this blah blah blah. 

In reality, THIS IS IT, The Absolute is ALL and It's always Here, Now. 

However, sometimes we can need a helping hand to see the truth of our own being, and that's where teachers, 'techniques' etc can come in, but in the end YOU are always your own guru. 


'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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7 minutes ago, LfcCharlie4 said:


In reality, THIS IS IT, The Absolute is ALL and It's always Here, Now. 

However, sometimes we can need a helping hand to see the truth of our own being, and that's where teachers, 'techniques' etc can come in, but in the end YOU are always your own guru. 


Yes, this is inescapable, and i agree. But i also see attempting to teach or reach it can be kind of a trap

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1 hour ago, This said:

Yes, this is inescapable, and i agree. But i also see attempting to teach or reach it can be kind of a trap

Bingo Yahtzee that's because there's nothing to find...❤

The separate self / seeking energy feels incomplete. That feeling of incompleteness will keep you running on the hamster wheel and seeking infinitely.

The trick is to recognize you are already complete, step off the hamster wheel and turn that seeking energy 180 degrees Within...


Who am I?

What does this I consist of?

Where in the body is this I located?

"The separation never occurred"

- A Course in Miracles ❤

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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The only thing Leo has wrong is when he mentions not many people awaken at his level. There could be many people out there that have awaken to those levels hes mentioned but are not in the public eye.  They choose to be silent.... there are video's of Sadhguru mentioning that and he even acknowledges passively that they can be more awaken than him.   

There is a pitfall if he really believes he's the most awaken which he hasnt necessarily claimed so far.  

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11 hours ago, electroBeam said:

@outlandish so Trump is a messiah complex?

Lol yeah basically an extreme form of the messiah complex in my eyes, yes. Good point I hadn't thought about him in those terms.

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1 hour ago, Tanz said:

The only thing Leo has wrong is when he mentions not many people awaken at his level. There could be many people out there that have awaken to those levels hes mentioned but are not in the public eye.  They choose to be silent.... there are video's of Sadhguru mentioning that and he even acknowledges passively that they can be more awaken than him.   

There is a pitfall if he really believes he's the most awaken which he hasnt necessarily claimed so far.  


Edited by Harikrishnan

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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I wonder who is this 'you' he keeps referring to in his videos? An ex-girlfriend? Dad? Mom? A bully at school? It just sounds so bitter to me


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12 minutes ago, This said:

I wonder who is this 'you' he keeps referring to in his videos? An ex-girlfriend? Dad? Mom? A bully at school? It just sounds so bitter to me


It's a third person reference or usage of the "you." Which means "You" is used as an impersonal pronoun which can mean anyone at a time. A general usage of "you." 

The generic you is primarily used as a colloquial or less formal substitute for one. For instance,

"Brushing one's teeth is healthy."

can be expressed less formally as

"Brushing your teeth is healthy.

Hope that cleared up


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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On 05/03/2020 at 6:35 AM, SBB4746 said:

@Preety_India hahaha thanks, you look quite nice yourself. I decided to remove my pic as I don't think it necessary to show myself to the world..

Oh come on why can't we all enjoy?? ??

Anyhoo... I'm glad you brought this up in interested in reading more about this topic. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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9 hours ago, Preety_India said:

It's a third person reference or usage of the "you." Which means "You" is used as an impersonal pronoun which can mean anyone at a time. A general usage of "you." 

The generic you is primarily used as a colloquial or less formal substitute for one. For instance,

"Brushing one's teeth is healthy."

can be expressed less formally as

"Brushing your teeth is healthy.

Hope that cleared up


Yes i'm aware of that. I just can't imagine a reason for making a video and calling everyone watching it unconscious or ignorant or whatever.

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2 minutes ago, This said:

Yes i'm aware of that. I just can't imagine a reason for making a video and calling everyone watching it unconscious or ignorant or whatever.

He only calls out people who engage too much in distractions. He is not a yes type of guy. He likes to point out if he sees someone not doing what needs to be done. Because he genuinely cares. 

Would you rather want a guy who doesn't give a damn what you do? 

Leo is a very loving guy. Most people will only focus on words but not on his actions. He cares a lot. His words are not to be taken literally to the heart. Instead focus more on the message. His message is about being fully awake. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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