
Spiritual swarms

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I have been researching spiritual swarms and can barely find any information on line, if anybody has more information or links I would be very grateful. I have heard the term 'spiritual swarms' mentioned in only one book, called, "taking power, claiming our divinity through magic" by Stephen Mace. In that book the magician talks of binding them to his will using a binding spell, for me, this feels like attacking yourself, so using my force, I simply insert myself in to themand they become me, rather than me them lol, if that makes sense. 

A spiritual swarm, from my understanding is the aspects of your consciousness that you need to Integrate, so you are more whole, more conscious and aware. 


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How about you sit down and contempate what you are?

That is real spirituality. Be careful with distractions.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Hi Leo, and thanks for the reply. I was asking this question of what am i just yesterday, in a seed thought meditation. 

I didn't know there was a 'real' spirituality lol, just playing. 

I got sidetracked for years as I enjoy the study of occult arts, instead of sticking to one practice I dove in to everything to see what I liked, and I liked it all. 

I will take the prompt and keep up the seed thought meditation. 



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@Ascendant Welcome to real spirituality, where the bullshit and games end ;)

Do you want to dick around, or do you want to realize you are God?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I have always preferred to see self as a universe.  If that's what you mean.  Im going to check out a few of your yt later, but I feel we are talking about the same thing. 



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@remember Thankyou, yes, exactly like that, they follow you, in a swarm, and not all humanoid either. 



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2 minutes ago, Ascendant said:

@remember Thankyou, yes, exactly like that, they follow you, in a swarm, and not all humanoid either. 



hahaha, how can this be, if i follow them...


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@remember sorry, typo, follow me in a swarm. It's something I was totally unaware of until I saw them.  I see them around others too. They make up the amalgamation of the personality, learned behavior, people who have impressed upon us such as mannerisms, ideals, beliefs, wounds, etc etc.  After my last kundalini in 2016, I became aware of them. As an example, some of my teachers, I would see a huge black dragon two elemental type beings with bushy eyebrows, plus loads more. When I asked my teachers they told me they were aspects of their consciousness, and they become part of the tools they use in healing etc. Oh. I study shamanic healing. 



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2 minutes ago, Ascendant said:

@remember sorry, typo, follow me in a swarm. It's something I was totally unaware of until I saw them.  I see them around others too. They make up the amalgamation of the personality, learned behavior, people who have impressed upon us such as mannerisms, ideals, beliefs, wounds, etc etc.  After my last kundalini in 2016, I became aware of them. As an example, some of my teachers, I would see a huge black dragon two elemental type beings with bushy eyebrows, plus loads more. When I asked my teachers they told me they were aspects of their consciousness, and they become part of the tools they use in healing etc. Oh. I study shamanic healing. 



hahaha, good for you xD

although i don’t see it as per say black or white - i encountered a pink one recently, which has yet to leave its old skin behind completely to start to fly with bigger wings. where do you study that? it’s funny that you have teachers, are the teachers like the dragons?

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@remember yes the black dragons were theirs, they had turned their shadow aspects in to useful tools through integrating them.  Ohh it's far from black and white for me too. I study in Glastonbury United Kingdom, English shamanism, but I also spent a few years with natives in Canada.  Its a healing course so they teach us how to do healings soul retrieval etc etc, connect with the elements to do things like clear clouds, talk to trees etc, it's great fun being in a classroom with 18/19 other energy workers. I'm in my 2nd year. 


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@Ascendant that sounds pretty nice - interesting that there are schools for shamanism. 

i have one for you i guess it’s from a greek school. as you seem to try to find the difference between amalgamation and healing - you can not integrate some shadow aspects as you would become it. being a leader means to understand that this is higher than you - some people call it chaos.

it is beyond consciousness or you could say prior to consciousness.

Edited by remember

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@remember yes, iv heard that too, about integration of some shadow aspects, that is why I was shown, do not take them in, as that brings a risk, of you becoming them, instead, you enter them, and they, become you, you don't let them consume you, you literally just merge with them, holding the space. Chaos indeed. I enjoy the greek construct, most don't get that we are actually still governed by that construct, 7 chakras, 7 rays, 7 classical planets which host the 7 olympian spirits, which are represented of the 7 days of the week. Our whole societal construct is governed by that system, and a cool way to tap it is to simply know what spirit governs what day, today, being Jupiter's day, the spirit bethor. These energies/spirits, are really helpful. 



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On 3/5/2020 at 2:59 PM, Leo Gura said:

@Ascendant Welcome to real spirituality, where the bullshit and games end ;)

Do you want to dick around, or do you want to realize you are God?

Can I change my destiny if I am God?

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