
Is Leo Manipulating Us?

178 posts in this topic

wow; kind of off topic but you guys are all so smart on this forum o_o   i wonder where you are all hiding in real life :)

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1 minute ago, Orange said:

wow; kind of off topic but you guys are all so smart on this forum o_o   i wonder where you are all hiding in real life :)

In my parents basement of coarse. where else?^_^hbu?

Edited by Zephyr

Sarcaste <3 the Sarcasm in Me acknowledges and honors the Sarcasm in You 

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10 minutes ago, Zephyr said:

In my parents basement of coarse. where else?^_^hbu?

oh damn, so you all hiding in basements huh :)  i'm in my parent's house as well ..until rich and fame come to pick me up lol

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I think this forum should have more anonimity, because - anomimity = more critical posts = more fruitful discussion

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Having been here from day one of launching this forum, I can say that despite the "low level" of content, I've laughed my guts out, cried, questioned, cared, loved, contemplated, reviewed, shifted, seen through blind spots, came to terms with a lot of stuff that took place here during these months. 

There is enough content here to wake up the entire planet. Search for it carefully. 

I think we should all be a little bit grateful for "being manipulated" by THIS and not by THAT...or not!



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We are not living a life, "Life is Living us"

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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3 hours ago, Gone said:

So, I believe in and the ethos here, but ...

After scrolling through the forum for hours on end, reading basically the same shit, I wanted to stop wasting my time and delete my account.

I could just stop coming back to the site, sure, but platforms like this are addictive and the easiest way to quit is to delete your account and be done with it, that's how I got off Facebook. Cold turkey is by far the easiest and most efficient way to get over something.

I started to think of this place purely as a business, outside of higher consciousness values.
I've got to say, having a binding (non-es capable) forum on your website is genius mass psychology manipulation.

Think about what we're doing here:

Talking about self actualisation

Breathing self actualisation 

Discussing self actualisation products

Following a bevevolent, omnipotent self actualising leader, who facilitates very specific discussions about self actualisation

and when we're all excited about self actualisation, guess what? There are great self actualisation products only one tab away!

Also think about what the forum gives Leo:

1. Massive traffic to his website, how many times do we come here each day?

2. New ideas to farm

3. Insight into problems we're having so he can specifically target them, either with free videos that drive traffic here to repeat steps 1-3, or with a new paid product that will probably be released soon.


Here's my question, I think it will make for a good discussion:

Do you think it's necessary to use business to spread higher consciousness values?

Well, I don't think Leo is doing anything nefarious in running this business... but it is certainly a manipulation. A business (and most other human actions) consist of a high degree of manipulation. Every thing we do is either directly or indirectly related to getting what we need or want. You can even watch it in your daily comings and goings. It's pretty much inevitable, even if we're not conscious of it. This is just the nature of being a sentient being. Heck... even flowers turn their heads to face the sun. hehehe. But it isn't Leo who decides whether or not an individual becomes subject to manipulation... it is the individual. If a person feels as though the product that a business is offering will contribute directly or indirectly to getting what they want or need... they will buy in. If they don't, then they won't. But on the individual level, it is important to realize that Leo doesn't hold all the answers and that all he's offering is a perspective. So, if what he says helps you, take it. If what he says doesn't help you, leave it. No one can manipulate you if you don't let them. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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Self-Actualization is an inherent need and drive to grow to ones best human potential... Even if you weren't into self-development you'd still be breathing the process , from the homeless guy trying to meet his basic needs to the rich guy looking for his life purpose

You also used the word leader not dictator, a leader is much more inspiring and helpful to their followers 


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@Gone  when you pay for a product you value it more.GGuess what this forum gives us

  1. New friends with self actualizing drives which is very rare
  2. Compassionate people, loving people and helpful people which are very rare
  3. Insight to new solutions for problems from people gone through the same shit.

Book reviews, public journal facilities which are very rare and powerful. So many self actualizing videos which are free no adds on YouTube channel.100% commitment to release vedios every week even when not well. So much value is being provided, so bro thats the law of gravity max value = max profit, you can't accuse him of spreading higher consciousness values just to make money. 

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1 hour ago, abrakamowse said:

The point is we all are being manipulated, we have to choose wisely about who do we want to manipulate us.


End of story, bro!

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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26 minutes ago, Ayla said:


I think we should all be a little bit grateful for "being manipulated" by THIS and not by THAT...or not!


We should not be now that seems more real B|

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@Emerald Wilkins


I have a fondness for colourful words like these. Do you mind if I steal it?

But I won't make any money from my new appropriation. That would be very "low consciousness" of me!


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1 hour ago, abrakamowse said:

The point is we all are being manipulated, we have to choose wisely about who do we want to manipulate us.


If he is manipulating us through producing really valuable & high quality contents for FREE, then I say he keep it up^_^

Makes me think that Leo himself is the one who is being manipulated--- by higher desires.

Sarcaste <3 the Sarcasm in Me acknowledges and honors the Sarcasm in You 

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23 minutes ago, Mal said:

@Emerald Wilkins


I have a fondness for colourful words like these. Do you mind if I steal it?

But I won't make any money from my new appropriation. That would be very "low consciousness" of me!


Steal it all you want. Just don't become nefarious and start tying dames to the railroad tracks! ;)

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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Stop this absurdity and appreciate all the free content that is here.

People need money to live, you expect him to live on your donation?


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I think it is important that you do some study on epistemology if you watch is a site that stems from a person who uses the information to benefit his own life, with his own personal preferences and values. Be mindful of the information you allow your mind to take in. Some of the stuff will suit you and some will not.

From my point of view a lot of the stuff I have learnt from him and the forum, with very wise people, has massively helped me. It has given me more emotional harmony, cut down my bad addictions, given me the love I had been denying myself for my whole life, it had been helping me see through the biases of my own knowledge, made me less attached to the beliefs I held so dear - this is been so helpful because it lets me listen to crazy/wacky ideas that I would have never contemplated before (I mean isn't that whats it about? fuck clinging to a set of single ideals about life, that makes it so one dimensional and boring. I love listening to people opinions now because my mind is waaaaayy more open and less dogmatic. Just more free!!), and created a general space up there within my mind which i have been longing for, and COMPLETELY STOPPED my bulimia. I can say that out of all the shit I have allowed my mind to be influenced by in society this has been far the most helpful in my life (not calling this shit).

I love Leo and all you guys for this :D xx

Edited by Huz88

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if all leo's videos on youtube, and all the topics in the forum, and all those wonderful egoless people is "manipulation", well i want to be "manipulated" all the time X) 


Edited by Mariem

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5 hours ago, Gone said:

So, I believe in and the ethos here, but ...

After scrolling through the forum for hours on end, reading basically the same shit, I wanted to stop wasting my time and delete my account.

I could just stop coming back to the site, sure, but platforms like this are addictive and the easiest way to quit is to delete your account and be done with it, that's how I got off Facebook. Cold turkey is by far the easiest and most efficient way to get over something.

I started to think of this place purely as a business, outside of higher consciousness values.
I've got to say, having a binding (non-es capable) forum on your website is genius mass psychology manipulation.

Think about what we're doing here:

Talking about self actualisation

Breathing self actualisation 

Discussing self actualisation products

Following a bevevolent, omnipotent self actualising leader, who facilitates very specific discussions about self actualisation

and when we're all excited about self actualisation, guess what? There are great self actualisation products only one tab away!

Also think about what the forum gives Leo:

1. Massive traffic to his website, how many times do we come here each day?

2. New ideas to farm

3. Insight into problems we're having so he can specifically target them, either with free videos that drive traffic here to repeat steps 1-3, or with a new paid product that will probably be released soon.


Here's my question, I think it will make for a good discussion:

Do you think it's necessary to use business to spread higher consciousness values?

This is the biggest manipulation I have seen on this site in awhile... all generalities, no specifics.

What was the manipulation? To get a response... it even worked on me ***sigh:/

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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