
5-Leo dmt and Leo’s new video

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15 minutes ago, fridjonk said:

Raw awakening does not come close to psychedelic awakenings.

How do you know that?

Edit: and what does that even mean?

Edited by ttm

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@LfcCharlie4 It's not about psychedelics - my awakening - and you know this because we have talked outside the forum - was via meditation.   

@Mongu9719 just stepped across the line of the guidelines because there are open minded people who are here to learn and he is calling them sheep.   Its not conducive to the work we are doing here.   Not beneficial to anyone.


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@Inliytened1 Sorry man I wasn't meaning to reference to you at all, I know you had an awakening via meditation, and I agree he went about it in a way that wasn't the best!

My point was more about I would like a more balanced discussion on Psyches, that's all :)  

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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20 minutes ago, fridjonk said:


Raw awakening does not come close to psychedelic awakenings.

 ehh not true actually...awakening is awakening.


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8 minutes ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

I mean most people here use psychedelics, I see a lot of trip reports, but not many awakened beings around here ;) 


They are working to get there, and can't take this work as seriously as Leo because they have survival to take care of. And many of them are not real truth seekers, rather psychonauts chasing experiences. 

10 minutes ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

By your logic, Martin Ball and Leo should be the 2 most awakened guys of all time then? 


I'd consider Leo as one of the most awakened humans of all time yes, from his "couch Leo" blog trip reports, he's gone into more detail than anyone has ever done on reality and consciousness. And I've had many of those realizations as well on psychs. Martin Ball is also very awakened but has a family to take care of, so he ended up running into some shadows.

12 minutes ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

As Alan Watts said, 'Once you get the message hang up the phone!' 


He died from alcoholism, so maybe he could've benefited from psychedelic healing, he hung up the phone while god was still trying to speak to him.

14 minutes ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

Here, Now, This. Isn't that the point of Psychedelics to help give you insights and awakenings that actually are embodied, not just highs for 8 hours? 

After a certain point, it becomes more about god wanting to experience himself on all levels. The truth-seeker cares more about knowing God than being here now. That's what is meant when we say it goes deeper. What you might notice is that almost every master has his fair share of problems and shadows, that just goes to show that realizing the "I-I" isn't the endpoint. Psychedelics have the potential to purify your soul on levels that these masters never achieved. 

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@fridjonk well said.  Although i have no experience with psychedelics i can intuit they can take you deep and overwhelm the ego seamlessly.  They can also probably heal depression and other psychological ailments.  I've no doubt about it.  Studies are coming out about that too.


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if you think this is cult then maybe its you who are too attached to this forum and to Leo? were not in a physical place, you can leave anytime, noone forcing you to follow, what does Leo have that you guys cant get on your own?

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@fridjonk I'm afraid I couldn't disagree more with the Leo comment, but as I said we can agree to disagree :) 

Yeah Alan Watts did have Alcohol issues, that was a huge shame, however, he was undoubtedly awakened. 

Yes a lot of masters do have these issues, as does Leo, although one that didn't have many was Ramana, also people like Rupert and Francis seem to have very little. 

I am also not disputing psychedelics have incredible healing and awakening potential for insights and deepening awakenings, I was just amazed how you could comment what you did about psychedelics but you've retracted it now. 

The thing is, to me it doesn't even seem like Leo has stabilised in the I-I, that's what I'm saying. It just seems like it's trip after trip after trip, needing more and more awakenings. 

Realizing The Self = Knowing God. It doesn't matter what word you want to use for it. 

Like I said, I'm open minded about the power of Psychedelics, in my own journey I have 0 reason to currently use them, unless deeper shadow issues appear, but I am intrigued to see how it plays out in the long run with Leo and Martin Ball and guys that are heavily using. Again, definitely not denying the healing power of these Plant Medicines, more that you made out a genuine awakening could only be had on Psyches. 

Can I ask, what has your journey so far been like out of interest? 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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32 minutes ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

I was just amazed how you could comment what you did about psychedelics but you've retracted it now. 

Did not intend for it to sound like that, I just meant you have the freedom to explore reality further such as collective consciousness and things of that nature. 

32 minutes ago, LfcCharlie4 said:
20 minutes ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

The thing is, to me it doesn't even seem like Leo has stabilised in the I-I, that's what I'm saying. It just seems like it's trip after trip after trip, needing more and more awakenings. 

Because after you experience the I-I, you see how infinite reality is, so you go on exploring more of it. I'm definitely not saying psychedelics can get you to a permanent awakening faster than self-inquiry or meditation. It probably is easier to "awaken" the good ol' fashion way. But what I'm saying is that you hit a glass ceiling at a certain point, such as most masters do. Psychedelics break that ceiling. Permanent awakening only takes you so far. xD

Edited by fridjonk

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2 hours ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

@Mongu9719 Your point early on about excessive use and Martin Ball was something I also worry about for Leo, but he's a smart guy and it's up to him to take his own path, if he wants to go down this road, then after warning him there's not much you can really do tbh, can you link Martin Ball's FB page, I heard he had issues but couldn't find them anywhere. 

Pretty sure Martin Ball has used 5-MeO way more than Leo, or anyone on the planet for that matter. As far as I understand he spent years doing 5-MeO therapy with hundreds of people where he would take 5-MeO at the same time as them. He also smoked his 5-MeO which I suspect had a big influence on his current health issues. And of course you can't just assume that because one person fucked their body up with repeated use it means that everyone else will. Martin probably already had some pre-existing issues.

2 hours ago, Cudin said:

This is a cult. 

This is a cult now. 

Can't you guys see? 

Leave before you get hurt

Hardly, no one is forcing you to stay on the forum, or watch Leo's videos, or believe Leo in any way. Regarding the recent bannings, why would I want to use the forum if it was filled with a bunch of junk, ignorant conversations by people who aren't serious about this path and who clearly have no idea what they are talking about. Not all criticism is equal. 

Edited by Space

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1 hour ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

I also don't resonate deeply with the Psychedelic path, I'm only 20 dn't think tripping every week would be great for me, our brains develop until 25. I would really recommend those on here under 25 to be careful with Psychedelic, and any drug use, I'll probably get backlash for this but I would go as far to say we really shouldn't be regularly taking Psyches this young, especially not powerful ones. Leo, is a fully grown adult though, he can do what he wants with his life, and you don't have to follow him after all. Although, I would say maybe ask people's age and mental health background before recommending trips.

However, I respect Leo's decision for going down this path and that is his teachings, we have to remember this is his forum, it does seem a bit Cultish to ban people for disagreeing, but it's a fine line and a very hard one to censor speech and let people get away with crap, so I understand that also. 

If you don't like the path Leo is going down, find another teacher you resonate with, who embodies this understanding and go as deep as you can with that. That's what I did and it transformed my life, you don't have to follow Leo, or take Psychedelics, plenty of awakened beings who done it ALL sober, and imo have realized the truth of their own being in the deepest possible way.

 @ttm I liked that analogy about doping, as it also warns people of the side effects. 

@Visionary Please can you explain the issues my faced, I have a friend in the midst of LSD excessive use, so it could be helpful, thank you. 

5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


@LfcCharlie4 ofc brother, i gotta say i'm still using mushrooms every two months next to weekly transmissions even though people who give these transmissions have adviced against it. I think my body handles it incredibly nice and the combination is superb. Maybe this shows that experimenting is very useful and we don't need to pick sides. At all.

However, acid seemed to be causing a lot of side effects in my case. Different chakras were really affected by it. My throat (chakra also) felt very inflamed for example. Like there was lots of 'dirty' energy stored up. Lots of rash on my body too. And sweating with a disgusting odor. You could really tell it was a chemical. I stopped using it and healed everything. I feel a lot more clean. 

Acid would sometimes get me in a trance too. Like completely blacking out. For some reason it worked a lot on my third eye. I think there might've been entities attaching to me while in these trance states (speaking in click alien tongues etc.). I certainly do not regret it. I've had 2 of the biggest breakthroughs/encounters with my Higher Self with it. But i'm glad i quit. Might try some time in the future (though i feel my throat contracting with that statement).

I prefer natural psychedelics anyday.


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It's pointless dude. THIS, NOW, HERE, etc... don't feel mysterious. Seekers are seeking mystery. In pointing it out in a demystified way, no one will listen. Instead, look at how much exaggeration and mystification Leo does. A seeker does not want the mundane. They're rather seeking to run away from it. And that's where Leo comes in handy. Promises after promises. Just follow along and keep your money pouring. Best case scenario, a blind leading the blind.

Edited by Lento

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2 hours ago, ttm said:

Why do you feel so threatened when someone brings up issues or doubts? That cult mentality here is so sad. On every other forum, if people don't agree on each others views, it's no problem as long as they don't cause trouble. Here Leo and his apostles start "Khhh, don't you dare to come here and break our bubble. Please go away or you get banned. You just don't understand anything. You this, you that. Stop projecting. Khhhhh."


We are probably both projecting stuff. Understand that it's very very hard to communicate through some forum using written words. To completely understand a persons view you have to have a linguistic conversation face to face because a lot is said by HOW you said something. You must hear the intonation and the emotion behind the words spoken to fully understand. I don't mean anything in an angry way, you probably read and thought that, that's OK from my POV cause I understand this problem. Which is also not spoken by other people and I myself see tons of confusion here on the forum and else where like emails, chats, public comment sections such as youtube etc. Im not here to defend.


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@Visionary I get you, I've never tried shrooms but Dr Rosalind Watts among others are using them with great effect for healing depression & Anxiety I believe, like I said not opposed to Psyches at all. 

Yes, my teacher also said when abused Psyches can mess with your energy system in ways you described and I was receiving transmissions so never bothered tripping at the same time as it also wasn't recommended. I'm glad you're feeling better man! Just out of curiosity what are you using shrooms for nowadays? 

And yes, like I said they can give amazing insights, it's the endless seeking that concerns me, if you're completely at peace and absolutely happy, and know the truth of your own being as well as reality, what is the need to keep going? Isn't that just continuous seeking for the sake of it?

 @Space Okay, I am merely acting on the side of caution as nobody else here does, especially for younger people like me. Our brains don't stop developing until we are 25, why risk it before then? When you're Leo's age go-ahead do as you please, my worry is younger people than me watch his videos and come on this forum, even me 2 years ago would've tried to get on this if I heard what Leo says today. All I'm asking is he warns young people that there COULD be side effects/ damage that is all. I'm NOT saying there will be in all cases. Of course, lots of factors go into it, and I'm not saying Leo or others will develop issues, but it also happened to the Hippies of the 60s who abused Acid as they didn't know about the 2 week tolerance rule, integration, dosage etc. I'm more saying be careful, I might sound like a boring old man, but at the end of the day we're talking about the most powerful hallucinogenic on Earth (or one of) that people have been known to die or have issues from- not a bad thing to practice harm reduction.  

@fridjonk To me that just sounds like endless seeking, and the seeker excusing it forever. THIS is it, why do you need to keep going to different dimensions once you have realized the truth of your own being, surely there comes a point to put the drugs down, and face THIS sober and as it is, and actually integrate the trips? 

@Lento That's the issue. It's not as much of an instant 'high' as Psyches will give you. I understand as when I was a seeker I also wanted to escape reality, not go deeper into it. I can defo see the allure of Psychedelics in this context. Eventually they will come back to THIS, but you're right I feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall. Seekers love seeking, until they find, then they will be in awe about how it was so obvious all along. I have an addictive personality so get the appeal of highs, believe me, but honestly, Absolute peace and happiness trumps any high, any day of the week. 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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10 minutes ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

@Visionary I get you, I've never tried shrooms but Dr Rosalind Watts among others are using them with great effect for healing depression & Anxiety I believe, like I said not opposed to Psyches at all. 

Yes, my teacher also said when abused Psyches can mess with your energy system in ways you described and I was receiving transmissions so never bothered tripping at the same time as it also wasn't recommended. I'm glad you're feeling better man! Just out of curiosity what are you using shrooms for nowadays? 

And yes, like I said they can give amazing insights, it's the endless seeking that concerns me, if you're completely at peace and absolutely happy, and know the truth of your own being as well as reality, what is the need to keep going? Isn't that just continuous seeking for the sake of it?

 @Space Okay, I am merely acting on the side of caution as nobody else here does, especially for younger people like me. Our brains don't stop developing until we are 25, why risk it before then? When you're Leo's age go-ahead do as you please, my worry is younger people than me watch his videos and come on this forum, even me 2 years ago would've tried to get on this if I heard what Leo says today. All I'm asking is he warns young people that there COULD be side effects/ damage that is all. I'm NOT saying there will be in all cases. Of course, lots of factors go into it, and I'm not saying Leo or others will develop issues, but it also happened to the Hippies of the 60s who abused Acid as they didn't know about the 2 week tolerance rule, integration, dosage etc. I'm more saying be careful, I might sound like a boring old man, but at the end of the day we're talking about the most powerful hallucinogenic on Earth (or one of) that people have been known to die or have issues from- not a bad thing to practice harm reduction.  

@fridjonk To me that just sounds like endless seeking, and the seeker excusing it forever. THIS is it, why do you need to keep going to different dimensions once you have realized the truth of your own being, surely there comes a point to put the drugs down, and face THIS sober and as it is, and actually integrate the trips? 

@Lento That's the issue. It's not as much of an instant 'high' as Psyches will give you. I understand as when I was a seeker I also wanted to escape reality, not go deeper into it. I can defo see the allure of Psychedelics in this context. Eventually they will come back to THIS, but you're right I feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall. Seekers love seeking, until they find, then they will be in awe about how it was so obvious all along. I have an addictive personality so get the appeal of highs, believe me, but honestly, Absolute peace and happiness trumps any high, any day of the week. 

5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


I use it for healing my bro. Shrooms bring me in an incredible shamanic space where the Higher Self completely takes over. Last time i felt Spirit entering the space and it was pouring into my body through the crown chakra. It's actually soul retrieval (which happens through the inner healer) or retrieval of soul particles. Which result in a restoration of the energetic system as Truth gets integrated through the embodiment of the Soul/Higher Self. These plants are truly sacred and should be treated with utmost respect. They can really show the blind spots we have.

Edit: and no i'm not seeing ultimate self-realization through it. But i think its speeding up the process guided by Grace.

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@inFlow I didn't think you were angry. If you thought my post had that as presumption, you might have misunderstood something. That paragraph you quoted was of course exaggeration from multiple threads and from multiple people, not just your post. But you have to be in denial for not to see that there is that kind of mindset and behavior going on here.

Edited by ttm

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19 minutes ago, LfcCharlie4 said:



@fridjonk To me that just sounds like endless seeking, and the seeker excusing it forever. THIS is it, why do you need to keep going to different dimensions once you have realized the truth of your own being, surely there comes a point to put the drugs down 

Its not about seeking enlightenment at that stage - it is exploring consciousness for things such as healing.  When you become conscious that reality is in fact an infinite mind - mystical and a mechanical  - then many new doors open up.   This is going beyond most enlightened masters.   Its to move humanity forward.   People will poo poo it of course - that's just fine though and to be expected.  


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I have a friend who says he doesn’t like the Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks. 

He’s never tasted one. 

He “knows what it is” though.



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@ttm That's how reality works. Some "rant", some "defend".


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