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Afraid of bad trips

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I want to start venturing into heavy psychedelics like dmt and 5meodmt. Ive only done shrooms & 2cb, but recreational trips with friends, with light degrees of spiritual contemplation. They were all great trips.

The thing is Leo makes the trips seems so easy and wonderful, while there are horrifying trip reports online especially with 5meo.

I really don’t want these experiences. What im most afraid of is the bad trips traumatizing me/permanently damaging me. Is this a rational fear? Are the chances of bad tripping lower if I am really open minded? (Which I would consider myself to be)

Is it best to just never to do 5meo if you 100% don’t want a bad trip? Or still worth it? Would love to hear you guys’ thoughts.

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."

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@PlayTheGame A bad LSD trip changed the trajectory of my life. It was pretty miserable, i was basically woken up to the fact that my life is terrible and I was really unhappy, and I wasn't really sure how to improve it.

I wouldn't trade that bad trip for anything in the world. If i never had the bad trip I would never have had an awakening, it was necessary to my path.

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You can practice meditation and keeping your cool on lighter psychedelics such as LSD or Psilocybin, and slowly work your way up to higher doses.  Though nothing can ever quite fully prepare you for the mind-fuck that will be 5-meo, practicing quieting the mind during intense trips of LSD or Psilocybin can certainly help. 

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Many of my trips are so good that's what maked them so challenging.

You'll understamd once you have a breakthrough.

Remember, all fear is an illusion. Once you realize that, that makes tripping easier.

The fear is just those aspects of the ego-self which require purification, until one day you transcend all fear and enter Paradise.

Total awakening is the complete absence of fear because you are so conscious that you see all things as yourself, and God cannot fear itself. It makes no sense to fear Love.

Fear is what keeps you locked in ego, seperated from God's Love.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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