
Biden has come back

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Just a few days ago, it seemed like Benie was going to have a massive victory in Super Tuesday. That didn't happen. So Far, Biden has won 9 states and Bernie 4 ( including California). It is a setback for Bernie, if not a major one. The establishment is back on the game and they are fighting with all the resources that they have. In last two days Mayor Pete, Amy klobuchar and Beto O'rourke has endorsed Biden, which seemed to help him to get a late bump over the polls before super tuesday. At present, he has the most number of delegates while bernie is trailing him closely.

I think this is going to be a long fought battle. Progressives need to come forward for bernie more than stronger then they did before. Otherwise he is going to loose like he did in 2016.

Edited by Annoynymous

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This is looking dark. Plenty of states favorable to Biden (Florida, Georgia etc) are still coming up. Bloomberg will probably drop out, while Warren sticks around to siphon votes from Bernie. We really are fighting an uphill battle here. 

We will definitely not hit majority now, so it will be a contested convention, where 500 party insiders will have a say on this. Not good.

Edited by HelluvaGuy
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I don't really see Bernie winning it now. Most of the country is still not developed enough to see Bernie's appeal, hence Biden is what a majority can agree on.

Don't forget that most of the US is not a solid stage Green. So it's really hard for solid Green to get elected.

Before someone like Bernie can win, voters have to grow up (or die). Most would rather die than grow up. So here we are.

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I'll admit I had a hard time not voting for Biden, because the fearful part of me thinks he is our best bet against Trump, even though I wanted Bernie. I'm pretty sure that a lot of the problem with our election process is that people vote out of fear and not out of vision or inspiration. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@mandyjw I think it is important to listen to your inner love than your fear. Maybe Bernie won't get the nomination. Maybe he won't be able to win against trump even if he wins the nomination. Still its worth it to vote for him, because it's not only about winning. It is about showing support for the movement. Even if he looses, we must make sure his words are heard and acknowledged by the wider population which will inspire future generation to creat more stronger moment to make sure the progress happens which he is advocating today. We must support higher consciousness even if it cost us.  

Edited by Annoynymous

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It's incredible how powerful the mainstream media is in shaping the general public's views of candidates and positions. I feel that if every American understood that Bernie Sanders is trying to provide a single payer-health care system and that they wouldn't have to spend so much on private health insurance they would realize that Sanders is on their side. 

The same thing happens in Australia, the conservative government tries to privatize trade schools, increase university fees and weaken the countries already existing medicare and the working class votes the party in! Literally voting against their own interests due to misrepresentation of ideas and fear mongering that the economy will somehow crash under left-wing governance. 


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@Leo Gura It's true that most of the country is not ready for a solid stage green, but at the same time Biden's victory may lead to policies that reinforce stage orange, hence slowing down development, whereas Bernie would massively help a large chunk of the population reach stage green.

That would accelerate the entire process, although I don't expect him to win after everything that's happened in the last three or so days.

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@Leo Gura

Could you maybe share your opinion on what Warrens agenda is?

  • Is it ego?
  • Does she want to play kingmaker during the convention?


I am really curious because it is obvious that her not dropping out prevented Bernie from winning Massachusetts, Maine, and probably Texas.

Winning those would completely changed the night because than the narrative would merely be that Biden dominates the South.

But even losing Maine is a hit Bernie will probably not recover from (of course not from a delegate perspective, but more from not being able to mobilize his base in key areas).


But then again, the primaries rely heavily on momentum, and if Biden has to debate Bernie 1-1, and Bernie hammers him down on the issues, things might turn again



Edited by Ferdi Le

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Wow, the establishment has really united all their forces behind Biden, and quite effectively so. It's also notable that Warren did not pull out. It just seems like the whole thing is coordinated against Bernie.

I am myself, heaven and hell.

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I think for Bernie to win, all the progressives around the country must come under one single banner just like the centrists have done in past few days. That obviously includes warren. I don't see any other chances of bernie winning the nomination without this happening. 

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It will probably be a tight race, but it's not over yet



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Well, if Biden's the nominee, expect a high chance of another Trump presidency.
At best, I'm hoping that the cuts to social security, the repeal of federal programs like student loan forgiveness, and  Medicare may possibly lead to slight increases in wages or a reduction in taxes. Social Security might make it tight for my parents, but maybe it'll encourage them to save like I've been telling them for the past decade. 

Honestly I'd be more worried of an Establishment democrat who can "get things done" as in make it worse for the middle class over someone like Trump. Domestically I don't even feel like most of what Trump has done has been as disastrous as what Obamacare has done. Obamacare is like a USSR communist approach with capitalism at its core for the private insurance industry. It'd be like if everyone got a free government car, and then they forced the auto industry to recoop those losses at every dealership, and then banned secondhand sale of cars. That's essentially what they did with how insurance prices hiked. Unfortunately now that we've gotten used to paying the higher prices, I can't see them going down, or employee wages going up for people that have health insurance covered, even if they cut or repeal Obamacare. Internationally, all the war involvement under Obama and Hillary under secretary of state looks worse than even what Trump's done. Trump and Biden both have a history of sub-par or bad trade policies, but Biden would really just be an Establishment puppet working in the shadows, simultaneously having no idea what he's doing in public, and just signing off whateve crooked deals the blues and reds want him to sign in.

Bernie or bust for me. I'll proudly vote Trump in the general, even if he says some people in my ethnicity should "go back to Mexico or the Middle East" even though they were born here. Biden supporters are worse race traitors and socioeconomic policy traitors, and really just worse traitors of democracy itself.

Edited by Vladz0r

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3 hours ago, mandyjw said:

I'll admit I had a hard time not voting for Biden, because the fearful part of me thinks he is our best bet against Trump, even though I wanted Bernie. I'm pretty sure that a lot of the problem with our election process is that people vote out of fear and not out of vision or inspiration. 

Every poll Ive seen has shown Bernie as being the more electable than Biden because of Bernie’s ability to get non traditional voting groups to vote. Where are you getting this idea that Biden is more electable? 

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25 minutes ago, Consilience said:

Every poll Ive seen has shown Bernie as being the more electable than Biden because of Bernie’s ability to get non traditional voting groups to vote. Where are you getting this idea that Biden is more electable? 

I deeply mistrust those polls. Among the conservative people I know in real life who begrudgingly voted from Trump because he was better than Hillary, I know that they will have a very hard time voting for Trump over Biden. Over Bernie though, no problem. The dirt that can be dug up on Bernie is unending, the analogies he used in his past writings require a very open mind to understand the purpose of. I can only imagine what buttons Trump will push if it's Bernie vs Trump. Biden vs Trump is much less polarizing. Instead of two extremes pitted against each other (which is the perspective of most Americans), it's a moderate candidate against an extreme one. Most people are moderate, most really don't pay much attention and most vote out of fear. Biden is the classic marketable face of a politician. 

With that said I still voted Bernie, but that's my reasoning or my own personal fears, I guess. A desire to play it safe, compromise, not ask for too much too fast, etc. 

Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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If Biden is running, I'm feeling a Trump victory. 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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28 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

I deeply mistrust those polls. Among the conservative people I know in real life who begrudgingly voted from Trump because he was better than Hillary, I know that they will have a very hard time voting for Trump over Biden. Over Bernie though, no problem. The dirt that can be dug up on Bernie is unending, the analogies he used in his past writings require a very open mind to understand the purpose of. I can only imagine what buttons Trump will push if it's Bernie vs Trump. Biden vs Trump is much less polarizing. Instead of two extremes pitted against each other (which is the perspective of most Americans), it's a moderate candidate against an extreme one. Most people are moderate, most really don't pay much attention and most vote out of fear. Biden is the classic marketable face of a politician. 

With that said I still voted Bernie, but that's my reasoning or my own personal fears, I guess. A desire to play it safe, compromise, not ask for too much too fast, etc. 

If your line of reasoning is true for most people, then i think it will take some time to get a Green president elected in America. Even if that is the case, still supporting bernie is important to set a directional path for future green politicians.

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


Before someone like Bernie can win, voters have to grow up (or die). 

We need a Hitler version of leo ??. Gas chambers for devils ??

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Bloomberg just dropped out and endorsed Biden.
I guess all we need now is for Warren to drop out and endorse Biden as well so we can forget about politics for the next 4 years.


Someone else posted it, but yeah. Ggwp.

Edited by Vladz0r

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