
Accidently got into Dopamine Detox - I guess?!

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Here is my Question : What the fuck is going on with me?

It all started months ago. My new years resolution was to stop drinking alcohol for 4 months. While red wine is cool in the short run and mid term the results you tend to get in the long run are crap. So I decided I should quit my almost daily red wine habit. I have never blackouts or hangovers or crazy behavior from drinking by the way.

So I quit. I smoked some weed instead or learned. Then I decided to get off caffeine would be great to help me get off coffee. So I did that 2 weeks into the new years.

After some time I thought it would be nice to get back to my Yoga habit, because - well, I have free time now;)

Then I noticed that I should eat not only healthier, but in an other time plan. So I got to 16/8 diet, where you eats roughly 8 hours and fast for 16 hours a day.

After that, one week ago I thought that it would be nice to quit 'binge watching' and listening to music while on the run to work or so.

I plan to meditate, train more and a couple other things. It feels really good. On the other hand I'm working hard on my job, a job I'm very dedicated in and I see the good effects there too.

It's crazy. Now a lot of things seem to come easy after 5 years of intense work. Or is it the case that the work I did now materialized on the surface?

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