
Questions About Awareness

4 posts in this topic

Note: I'm still learning English so if there is any mistakes, i'm sorry

1. I've watched some videos of Leo and i'm wondering that if i develop my awareness, then every problem will be disappeared so why does Leo still have videos about things like time management, leadership, career, etc? In order to solve the problem in the external world we have to master our psychology by develop our awareness? Is that awareness just the cure for the inner world? Am I understanding it right?

2. Enlightment, spirituality and self-actualization, self development are two different field right? If they're different, is there any connection between them?

3. While I'm thinking, suddenly I realize that I'm judging people, which is the thing I don't realize the whole time, and then I stop thinking about judging people. Is this awareness? Am I awareness in the right way?

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Awareness is the glow of disidentifying with the mind.  Noticing one is judging is merely "noticing one is judging". This is not awareness.  It's a blessing that you have noticed, but you must allow the judging to be there, as allowing will give rise to the opportunity to find out the emotion that is holding judgement in place.  Once the emotion is felt fully and let go of, you will have an experience of awareness. 

This process is called making what is subject in you into an object.  The judgement is the symptom of a deeper underlying feeling, and getting in touch with that feeling and processing it is what is called "inner work".

Outer work is all the techniques we use to navigate this world.  Techniques are useful but if we don't do the inner work too we just end up with a very complicated system, information overload and are still burdened with our emotional problems.

So it's best to "cross-train" to get an even result and growth. 

There are two types of enlightenment known to us.  One is states of waking up, which is the method that the wisdom traditions teach us. The second type is self-actualisation which is a way of growing up.  It's directly related to how the mind evolves in its meaning making process through life.  This is obvious to us if we look at how we handle life now compared to how we handled life as children. We have "evolved" both personally and as a collective race.  

I hope this satisfies some of your curiosity 


Edited by Mal

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@Mal  Thank you very much for your explainations. You said that judging is just a symptom of a emotion so each emotion causes one symptom or each symptom can cause many symptoms?  And does everyone have the same emotion that cause the same symptom? And do we need to discover what is the emotion that cause the symptom to solve it or we just need to let the problem happen natuarally in order to using the awareness?

In two types of enlightment, we have to choose one of them to do or we can do both of them because i see that each of them need a lot of time and effort to do? (If there is any mistakes or you don't understand what I said please tell me so I can fix that)

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