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Teleporting objects or just my mind playing tricks?

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I've had a paranormal experience where an object seemingly teleported into a different location. No one was in the house when this happened. I was just walking around my living room doing my own thing when I noticed a pen on the floor beside a table. I thought to myself, I'll pick it up later when I can get back to it. I come back about 10 seconds later and the pen on the floor is gone. Ok. Maybe I imagined it. Then I look to the table, and the EXACT pen I seemingly imagined to myself was sitting on the table, as if it were picked up for me. I never even glimpsed at the table, yet I apparently imagined the same pen that was sitting there? Am I just crazy? Any insight would be nice. Also, the view of the pen was blocked by some other objects on the table, so theres no way i saw or knew it was there beforehand.

Describe a thought.

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You might have been in a very realistic OBE or lucid dream and didn't know it. Its a common thing in that state.

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From the Nonduality perspective: You (God) are infinitely everything. All appearances and experiences are happening within your imagination. Anything happening is happening because you (God) imagined it. One perspective of infinite possibilities. So what you think happened happened because you thought of it. 

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