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Wisdom is relative

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The distinction between a wise person and non wise person is completely relative. The universe is wise from an absolute standpoint, but the idea that some people are wise and some aren't is completely relative. Everyone is equally wise from an absolute standpoint

Also the distinction between an intelligent person and a non intelligent person is completely relative. The universe is absolutely intelligent, but no one person is more intelligent than the other.

What we call intelligence wnd wisdom is an arbitrary cultural label that has no resemblance to absolute wisdom and intelligence, another way of saying it, a dumb person resembles intelligence as much as a smart person. There is initially sadness from this realization, but afterwards comes deep relief.

What intelligence and wisdom actually is, from a relative point of view, is literally something that can be talked about, but cannot be pointed to. Because its not actually there, its simply appearance but no substance.


If all the big ego scientists and silicon valley geniuses and show off new age teachers realized this they would be shitting bricks.

Bragging is absolutely impossible, because there is absolutely nothing to brag about, unless you insist the appearance is the substance, rather than the appearance, and you have followers who insist the same.


Blue collard workers are perceived as less intelligent, or as doing work that is less intelligent than scientists and engineers purely because of conspiracy. There is no difference... ahh this might be an example of what Leo talks about when he says there are no boundaries.



Edited by electroBeam

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6 hours ago, electroBeam said:

The distinction between a wise person and non wise person is completely relative. The universe is wise from an absolute standpoint, but the idea that some people are wise and some aren't is completely relative. Everyone is equally wise from an absolute standpoint

Of course it's relative. And because everyone is "equally wise from an absolute standpoint", those terms have little practical usage outside of relative context.

7 hours ago, electroBeam said:

Also the distinction between an intelligent person and a non intelligent person is completely relative. The universe is absolutely intelligent, but no one person is more intelligent than the other.

From "absolute standpoint". In relativity / practicality they are.

7 hours ago, electroBeam said:

What we call intelligence wnd wisdom is an arbitrary cultural label that has no resemblance to absolute wisdom and intelligence, another way of saying it, a dumb person resembles intelligence as much as a smart person. There is initially sadness from this realization, but afterwards comes deep relief.

As arbitrary as any other. Dumb person resembles intelligence as much as a smart person only when you are using term intelligence to refer something else than it's common usage, which refers to cognitive capabilities of a person. Why there would be sadness from this? I don't recall experiencing that. 

7 hours ago, electroBeam said:

If all the big ego scientists and silicon valley geniuses and show off new age teachers realized this they would be shitting bricks.

I would imagine that many scientists understand that, and use the term 'intelligence' in a relative context, knowingly that they do not refer to anything absolute.

7 hours ago, electroBeam said:

Blue collard workers are perceived as less intelligent, or as doing work that is less intelligent than scientists and engineers purely because of conspiracy. There is no difference...

Of course there's difference. The difference there is relative capacity of processing information or some such.


Is your realization here that words are always arbitrary and relative? Or are you speaking specifically about intelligence / wisdom? What's the practical benefit you got from this?

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@electroBeam Freedom feels so good, doesn't it? No standards to hold oneself or anyone else to, just freedom to live an inspired life of love and creation here and now. :x 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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8 hours ago, ttm said:

Of course there's difference. The difference there is relative capacity of processing information or some such.


No, thats just your relative point of view of intelligence. Blue collard workers process just as much information as scientists. Everyone defines intelligence differently, and each of those definitions have nothing to do with intelligence.

8 hours ago, ttm said:

those terms have little practical usage outside of relative context.

There is deep wisdom and intelligence in the universe. They do have practical usage to explain consciousness.

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1 hour ago, electroBeam said:

No, thats just your relative point of view of intelligence.

That’s pretty much anybodys relative point of view of intelligence. That is also your relative point of view of intelligence. Even if you try to deny it. Or what term do you nowadays use in relative human life to refer to that? Even if you avoided using term intelligence altogether, you would still easily understand what others are talking about when they use it. Even if you insisted that ”no, no, intelligence means totally different thing, everyone is equally intelligent!” I’m pretty sure you’re intelligent enough to understand that if same problem is given to ”more intelligent” and ”less intelligent” people, ”more intelligent” people solve it better.

1 hour ago, electroBeam said:

Blue collard workers process just as much information as scientists.

Even if, they process it differently. Which lead to different results.

1 hour ago, electroBeam said:

Everyone defines intelligence differently, and each of those definitions have nothing to do with intelligence.

Not everyone. There are definitions to which most people agree on. That makes words useful. Even if you have defined intelligence to mean only ”the intelligence of existance” or some such, it does not make it more ”right” definition. You are just using that word differently (you refer to different thing with it) than most people, and it is as arbitrary choice of word.

1 hour ago, electroBeam said:

There is deep wisdom and intelligence in the universe. They do have practical usage to explain consciousness.

For that reason I used word little instead of none, although I’m not totally sure that it really explains anything. I mean, I understand what it points to, but it is what it is, and I’m not sure what practical benefit there is to label it. Can you give few practical examples?



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@ttm No No No you don't understand the insight I was sharing. You're coming at this too theoretically and intellectually.

the way they process information seems to produce different results, but doesn't actually in reality. 

There are definitions people agree on, sure, but these definitions only seem to be consistent, they aren't actually in reality. Words seem to be useful because they are consistent, but they aren't consistent, and the idea that they are consistent and converge is not true. You're pretending definitions are consistent to maintain your sense of reality.

You're not getting the seriousness of the post. I'm telling you scientists are as intelligent as a construction worker, and your above post is an intellectual attempt to prevent yourself realizing this.


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6 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

@ttm No No No you don't understand the insight I was sharing.

the way they process information seems to produce different results, but doesn't actually in reality

Perhaps not. Ok, what do you mean by this? Reality does not exist so results don’t exist?

9 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

There are definitions people agree on, sure, but these definitions only seem to be consistent, they aren't actually in reality. Words seem to be useful because they are consistent, but they aren't consistent, and the idea that they are consistent and converge is not true. You're pretending definitions are consistent to maintain your sense of reality.

I didn’t pretend definitions are consistent. It seems that you don’t understand me any more than I understand you.

Of course definitions differ, and with abstract concepts like intelligence, many (most) don’t even have a definition, they just have a collection of situations where they have heard that word used, and from that get a feeling ”it’s something like something, I don’t know”.

19 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

You’re not getting the seriousness of the post. I'm telling you scientists are as intelligent as a construction worker, and your above post is an intellectual attempt to prevent yourself realizing this.

Now you just sound like Leo, that is kind of ridiculous. It’s cute when people get so attached to their conceptualization of their insights.

But yes, yes, I know, all is one so there’s no difference between construction worker and scientist. Both are consciousness and consciousness is infinitely intelligent. Sure, why not.


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I was contemplating what intelligence is and what wisdom is. I have done nowhere near enough contemplation to be able to say for sure. But I think wisdom is the ability to connect things, and intelligence is the ability to retain things. I'm actually gonna contemplate that more...hmm.....

Edited by Aaron p

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@Aaron p a definition I held for a long time was intelligence is wisdom in a specific field, wisdom is intelligence in all fields. This is a pretty good one. 

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That didn't make sense. I believe in absolute intelligence in the universe. Either something is in Synchrony or against it. You can't have everything as relative or only based on opinion.

However this thing can be applied to standards of beauty. Because that is purely a label dependent on how people consider and perceive physical beauty. 

But you can't apply the same logic to wisdom and intelligence or any other skill. 

There is always a better technician, a better basketball player, a better programmer, a group of students better than another group when it comes to creativity and reasoning and logic. This is undeniable.. 

This has nothing to do with showing off or big ego. And them having a big ego does not defy the fact that they are doing a better job than others in doing whatever they are doing. That's why they were selected out of thousands of people. They could do something better than others.. 

"If all the big ego scientists and silicon valley geniuses and show off new age teachers realized this they would be shitting bricks." 

Notice that phrases and adjectives like "big ego", "geniuses", "show off" are labels you are creating out of your judgement.. You could very well remove those adjectives and still those people remain the same. 

Character and talent has no connection. 

You could have a serial killer with a genius brain great at programming of solving a puzzle.. It means nothing. But of course can't deny if a genius is a genius. If you want to focus only on his character that's your character judgment arising from your cognitive dissonance. 

Intelligence is a capacity like any other. 

If someone can lift 8 pounds versus another who can lift only 4 pounds it's undeniable that the first person has a physical trait better than the other one.. 

Why is it better you may ask? 

Better or worse is decided by survival.. That which helps to survive and adapt better is automatically a better trait biologically. Nature favors the strong.. There's no spiritual judging and calculations there. 

And so also intelligence. These are intrinsic qualities and yes they do have values. 

You can also differentiate intelligence and someone can have better  logical reasoning and date interpretation as compared to someone with better emotional intelligence which will make calibration of intelligence a bit tough. But you can have grades and markers for that. 

That's why we also have different subjects and our grades in these subjects matter since proficiency in each is a different category of intelligence and an overall better score gives an idea that the person is relatively well rounded in all abilities..


There is so much ego backlash. 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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