
Very similar experience to Leo's Salvia video from Ayahuasca

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@Leo Gura I had a very similar trip from Ayahuasca. All my visual, sensory, and motor functions were gone, with no ability to think or remember anything during the trip, absolut selflessness. Just absolute infinity. Infinity of infinity of infinity... It is all me and is all you and is all us, and that is me, and it just keeps going infinitely. Reality becomes infinite points of more infinite points of infinity, and I am all of it, but not, but I am, but not, but that's me too, and so on. All the dimensions were folding onto each other. It is like a shift in perspective like you would from a square to a cube but infinite times onto each other. At the most fundamental level, reality/existence is just itself. It is infinite self-reference and self-definition and self-copying and self-creation. All human concepts are gone, become you became all of it. When you become all of reality, there will be no sense of reality because you are it. During the trip, I will have moments where I come back, and when that happens, it's like you as reality/infinity moving into forms of more infinity from yourself. This is how visuals are formed. These infinite points of infinity form more infinity, and it causes an infinite chain reaction with itself to form this moment of existence. When I am back in this reality, but in infinity at the same time, I have no control or incentive to act like a human, because I am not. This caused me to do things that could danger my life, but of course, that concept doesn't even exist during the trip. It is only the next day after I regained my sense of self and reality that I realized what I was doing. One point of the trip, I was trying to crawl into a fire pit, and the shaman and people at the ceremony had to hold me down. I was told later that three grown men couldn't hold me, and I am not a strong person. So you can see how much I was trying to merge with the fire. (Which during the trip was me) I was going so deep that the shaman used rapé twice to bring me back. During the whole trip, I was infinity/existence, so I was experiencing everything from the perspective of everything. I was the shaman and the fire and the air and everything in existence, like being all the characters in a movie at the same time. So when the shaman did the rapé, in my direct experience, I was the shaman, the Rapé, and my body, and everything, and infinite infinity. So from the perspective of this human experience, if you are not careful, you can easily harm yourself or even die from psychedelic. However, everything is so perfectly created/imagined/experienced that it is all for infinite self/love. I just thought I'd share my experience.               

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It is very hard to write or describe anything from the experience because in this reality things are separated, and you need to choose a perspective when describing which will never be what it actually is since it is all there is. 

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Wow, yeah thanks for sharing. That's one of the best descriptions of how infinity/reality works I've heard yet. 


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Seems odd to me that you had this kind of reaction to Ayahuasca, the trying to crawl into a fire and 3 grown men having to hold you down. I've done many many Ayahuasca ceremonies and I've never seen or heard of someone having an experience that's so dangerous.

Did the people there at the ceremony say this was common or an extreme rarity?

Was it just Ayahuasca or could have there been something else in it? I've heard some Ayahuasca is 5-MEo based, not N,N based, which could have account for the difference in experiences. 

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@Jed Vassallo This is not common at all, I am extremely sensitive to psychedelic, and almost no one I met has had a similar experience. And my dosage isn't even that high on this trip. Ayahuasca, for the most time, is very safe, but there are many things that can influence the experience. Everyone I know who took it reacts to it differently. 

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Ayahuasca has helped me a lot. It's the only thing I have tried so far and it's cool. 

I get beautiful images in mind while tripping on it and I always get a sense of Bliss. Sometimes I cry on it.. 


This is how I feel on ayahuasca. 








INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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@erik8lrl that is something else bro.  Beyond words.  That was Infinity.  That was Absolute Love.  Thanks for the share.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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