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Why Is Cosmic machinery necessary if conciousness is unlimited?

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Why is cosmic machinery necessary if conciousness can manifest anything instantly? Isint conciousness unlimited, so it would take the least complicated route right? Why are there underlying mechanisms like the wheel of time  or machine elves who dictate human actions and create the framework and underlying mechanisms for a material universe?

Edited by Mongu9719

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@Mongu9719 the eleves are just appearances apart of the infinity not the cause of anything here your using your mind to put labels and causes on  things there’s only appearances the elvs appearance is not more special then what you see in the direct moment 

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@Mongu9719 not false persay its all apart of the infinite creation?who created the machine elves? Why are they there ? And what created that ? See infinite regression 

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It's because of beauty.

Like, do you know the Mandelbrot fractal? It could be just a nice Buddha shape, and it would be still beautiful. That would be the case if the universe would take the simplest way of creation. But it's not taking the simplest way. It's creating much more complex forms because it's always creating ever higher levels of beauty.

Look how beautiful can be the complexity of the simplest mathematics: 


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@Barna@Nate0068 But are what the machine elves communicating to me valid information? Do we really become one of them when we die. Can they really experience things through us.  What about the wheel of time on salvia? Is that really the underlying mechanism for time in our material reality?

Edited by Mongu9719

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5 minutes ago, Mongu9719 said:

@Barna@Nate0068 But are what the machine elves communicating to me valid information? Do we really become one of them when we die. Can they really experience things through us.  What about the wheel of time on salvia? Is that really the underlying mechanism for time in our material reality?

Every one of us is experiencing a different reality, so I don't know what's true in your one. What do you feel right now? What's true for you right now?

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@Barna We all experience the same reality as humans. That’s how I’m communicating with you. If you lived in DMT land then I couldn’t communicate with you. There is internal logic and rules that govern this material reality. My question to you is if those internal logic and rules are created by a deeper metaphysical reality called DMT hyperspace or if the information that I get from machine elves (which is identical to what other people receive from my research) is invalid? 

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@Mongu9719 what I meant is that I don't experience what you experience right now. And I don't believe in anything other than the here and now. It seems like I'm sitting in my room right now and I'm hearing the music that is playing and this is all I know. This is the only thing that exists for me right now. I don't believe in entities behind the scene because I don't believe anything that I don't experience right here, right now. 

If you experience entities right now, then this is your experience right now, so this is what's true for you. But the mental stage behind what you experience doesn't exist. There's nothing behind the scenes. Only the here and now exists. Only experience exists.

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