
Time (what it actually is)

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@remember Sometimes this forum kinda turns into a ghetto and you gotta play gangster xD I got used to speaking its language.

Most of the users are mentally oriented, logical thinkers. Hence all the neurotic funk. That's just my opinion though - not to offend anyone again.

Point is; it's not really how I'd prefer it, but I still enjoy posting and interacting here.


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@ivankiss it’s not only about language... language is only a medium. what’s hidden behind the symbol, goes deeper than that.

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I def had some shifts in time while i was meditating, however i feel it happens rare. Like i lose the sense of time and hour passes in few minutes.

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@remember I meant that metaphorically, not literally. And yeah, cool. We don't all resonate with each - other.

@Applegarden Awesome. To me it usually happens when I get lost in what I love doing. Like playing or composing music.

It's because in certain states our frequency increases and shifts occur in a different way, so it seems as if time is flying by.

When we are passionately involved in something, we can jump further - to put it that way.

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  On 3/3/2020 at 8:08 PM, ivankiss said:

We don't all resonate with each - other.

Actually you do, cuz all is one and you guys are just sitting here debating yourselves. ;)

Edited by fridjonk

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I've been told at work I have time management issues. If I printed off this thread and showed my boss, do you think he will back off? He wants to put me on time management training and I don't have time to do it because I'm over loaded with my work. 

Maybe I could ask him "Do you actually know what time is?", but I am not sure it would go down well.



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@Bill W xD

no time no management ;) i‘d say it’s a bottleneck in that case.

i see today is a special bottleneck day.

Edited by remember

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Nailed it!

If I can convince him there is no time, then there is no time to manage. Kill two birds with one stone with that. Can't wait to tell him tomorrow xD

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@Bill W but you still have all that work to do - and he wants that after such and such earth rotations to be ready. 

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don’t concentrate on time concentrate on what to do today what is only today in a leap year and do a time warp today. as it is only now you can only do it now.

there is no better day than today to really change history.

Edited by remember

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"Dismantling the clockwork that makes me the cynic
Pallet, wheel and click
The properties of my indifference
Reverse-engineering what makes it tick
Dissecting the fine-tuned mechanism
Rack and barrel, spring and pin
Its synchronous characteristics
To kill what makes it spin

Disassemble this machinery
Re-program these eyes, undo this design

Labelled and filed, each part indexed
Broken to pieces then thoroughly burned
Deconstruction of what I am
Buried to make sure he never returns
Taken apart, defused, blueprints turned to ashes
Eradicate the last remains, remnants of the insane

Disintegration, the destruction of me now imperative
To purge myself of this condition, complete this dissolution a necessity

Break this deceitful machine

A lie, what once I was..."

This thread is not complete without Meshuggah. 

This is how you make time your bitch xD 

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Bashar also says that you're shifting through billions of static frames per second, so that matches with what you said :-)
Yesterday I heard him say something like that physical reality is just like 60 frames per second. People who have an awakening reach perhaps a perception of 300, with a very few of those people reaching or perceiving like 1000 frames per second

Edited by Waken

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@Waken I imagine that is correct, yes :) It all comes down to frequency. It's literally what determines how frequent appearance is. In other words; how many frames you're able to perceive and how fast.

When you reach a certain frequency tho (full enlightenment and above) you can experience a complete stopping of shifting. All the frames are frozen and static right in front of "your face". That's what "no time" truly is. No movement whatsoever. No continuum. No Breath, even.

Only pure crystallized Light.

It completely changed how I view and understand everything.

Edited by ivankiss

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