
Time (what it actually is)

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"Time is an illusion. It doesn't exist."

Must've heard that a million times. 

If you're anything like me; stuff like that never really clicked with you. I've always felt like there's much more depth to everything. Everything people like labeling as "illusion" and whatnot. To me that seems like an easy way out. An excuse for justifying denial. A ticket for escaping what is. 

Never really resonated.

The best way to come to know time, or anything else for that matter, is to befriend it. Instead of being in denial about it.

So I became friends with time. I let it do its job. I do not run from it. I am not chased by it. And here's what's been revealed to me;

Time is a side-effect of consciousness shining through billions of frames per second.

Billions of frozen, static snapshots. Billions of perspectives that are looking at the same "thing", from different angles and dimensions. Billions of perfect and complete moments that are in actuality whole realities. Parallel realities. It's truly mindblowng.

Time is not linear. It does not go forward nor does it go backwards. It goes nowhere. It's just an effect. A lag in your perception.

It seems as if it was linear because the shifts in-between each and every one of those frozen snapshots are not that significant. In other words; the change from one moment to another is not that noticable. It does not stand out. It seems ordinary.

Whereas if you were to shift from being in your room one moment and being in Paris the next moment - the shift would be very noticeable. Linearity would not be experienced at all. That's what people would call "time-traveling" or "teleportation". But it's nothing but a big shift. A jump between timelines and parallel realities.

You're already doing this, all the time, automatically. You're shifting constantly. It's not something you must learn. Rather; it's something to become aware of.

And in case you've been wondering how come you cannot shift from being in your room one moment and being in Paris the next; it's because you reaaally, truly believe you cannot. It's that simple.

Belief is the barrier. Literally. 

It's all here now simultaneously. Every possible configuration of time-space reality. It's just that you believe you are where you are and in order to shift from A to C you must go through B. That's what creates the experience of linearity. 

Breathe and wave your hand in front of your eyes for a while. You might connect the dots and realize what I'm trying to say here. 

The past is not gone. The future is right here. It's all right here. It's just a matter of what you're tuned into. What's passing through awareness. 

One moment at a time.


Edited by ivankiss

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@ivankiss Thank you! It's amazing that some of you are sharing these insight here so beautifully.


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38 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

it's because you reaaally, truly believe you cannot. It's that simple.

This made me awake so much that I actually felt like I was in Paris.


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What resonates with you and what doesn't doesn't has nothing to do with truth. You say labeling time as an illusion is an "easy way out" but then say because it doesn't "resonate" with you, you basically ditched that an attached yourself to some other beliefs, instead of embracing a state of not knowing, where the real insights happen. That is the easy way out. It helps to become conscious of the difference between "concept" and "actuality". 

Edited by TrynaBeTurquoise

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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@TrynaBeTurquoise You obviously don't look closely enough. What I'm describing here is happening right now. You're simply unable to catch up with it just yet. Believe it or not.

If what I share doesn't feel right to you, move on. Don't waste your time :)

@Mongu9719 Will check and get back to you.

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I have moments where I experience a complete lack of time though. I like how you frame and wrote about time here, but time is still illusory. The illusion of time does not contradict with what you’re writing about here. 

Time is a side effect of the apparent continuity and casual nature of our experience (as you write about), but this is all happening right now. If eternity hasn’t clicked for you yet, keep going until it does imo. 

Either way, cool post dude. You’ve been making very high quality threads lately :) 

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2 hours ago, ivankiss said:


Reminds me of the movie Jumper, you may remember it. He could teleport to places he had seen before. He would visualize what it was like to be there, and BAM, instant teleportation. 

So, have you ever jumped to Paris? And if not, why not? 

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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Every-time someone says "its an illusion" here, it clearly tells the person is clueless.
Just about anyone can copy-paste those three words and no one grows smarter or better for it.

If my nephew asks me what an SSD storage is, I wont tell him "Its just atoms, lol", because thats just lazy and pretentious. 

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@TheAvatarState Yup, I've seen the movie a while ago. 

And no, I did not jump to Paris. I don't yet believe I can (fully). But I did experience jumping between timelines on a smaller scale. As well as the total an utter collapse of linearity.

It was never intentional though.

I am kinda careful when it comes to experimenting with stuff like that. One could say there's still some fear and my nervous system is not quite ready for shifts too big.

Do I feel like it can be done tho? Absolutely hell yes.

Do I know how to do it? Kinda.

I can intuit my way, if you will. But I always "chicken out". I'm sure time will come though when I'll go "all the way".

We all do stuff like that in our dreams, all the time. But the rules are different in those realms. Everything is much more "elastic". Bendable. 

Edited by ivankiss

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6 minutes ago, Mafortu said:

Every-time someone says "its an illusion" here, it clearly tells the person is clueless.
Just about anyone can copy-paste those three words and no one grows smarter or better for it.

Amen! :)

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Judge others and call people clueless all you want - still doesn’t change the fact that you can become directly conscious of eternity, timelessness. Id highly recommend remaining openminded to the possibility that right now is the only moment that has ever, and I mean ever existed and that you can truly experience this moment directly. But whatevah. 

The illusory nature of time is interesting though. Ive had moments on psychedelics where I experienced my entire life in a few seconds or during a contemplation intensive where I experienced my childhood again... very trippy experiences, but all happening within the metaphysical context of eternity. 

Edited by Consilience

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@Consilience To understand what I'm saying here you must step out of time altogether. Merge with Infinity completely. 

I am not describing anything that's contradicting Infinity. In fact; it's only confirming it.

Everything is always happening right NOW. And in order for you to have an experience of time you must shift from one complete reality to another. From one "moment" to another, if you will. But it's always now. No illusion there. It's actually happening; continuously.

Literally at the speed of Light.

Edited by ivankiss

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@ivankiss we’re talking in circles. I know what you’re talking about here, the model that we are constantly shifting from one reality to the next. From one moment to another moment. I get it. Ive felt it. Ive felt it in a variety of different modes via psychedelics and very focused and large amounts of contemplation. 

What Im talking about is the context, “the structure” (see leo’s video on content vs structure) of time. This traveling through one reality to the next is still content of time, not structure.  

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@Consilience No, it's literally how the effect of time-space continuum is created. 

But I agree on the fact that we're not getting anywhere here xD Let's drop it politely.

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4 hours ago, ivankiss said:

Whereas if you were to shift from being in your room one moment and being in Paris the next moment - the shift would be very noticeable.

When you start paying attention closely things are shifting constantly, it's all very staccato, not fluid at all.

I like the following thought experiment: You take a flight to Paris, but then by some dark magic the memory of the trip itself is completely wiped from your memory. What would someone experience in that situation? A very noticeable shift.

Naturally, you would then immediately start "filling in" the discontinuity and eventually conclude that time had actually passed, but you had amnesia.

But the real question is, exactly what sort of time was it that happened during the trip?

In other words is time the pure raw experience happening in front of your eyes? Or is time the constant "filling in" of discontinuities? Or both? Or neither? Can memories of anything be truly trusted?

57% paranoid

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All of that was literally to say that time is an illusion.  Because the way we generally think about time is that it is a linear sequence moving from one moment to the next in a straight line, but you pointed out that every moment is actually happening right now at once. Which is true, but that is literally the same thing as saying time(as is normally thought of by the ego mind, which is what we are trying to contend with here) is an illusion.  You’re not saying anything unique, you’re just using a different language to describe the same concept. Which can be helpful, so I’m not ragging on you.  I’m just saying that saying time is an illusion is not necessarily a bad way of putting it, either.  

Edited by The Lucid Dreamer

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