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Do metaphysical realities exist in between material reality and conciousness?

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Let’s say for simplicity’s sake that material reality only exists down to quarks. Our base reality is pure conciousness, but are there other metaphysical layers in between pure consciousness and material reality? Highly visual psychedelics like DMT seems to suggest that the mechanics of our reality like time, while they do ultimately arise from pure conciousness, are actually metaphysical in nature and have their own dimension with entities that regulate it.   For example machine elves also say that reality is made from pure conciousness, but they exist on a higher plane of reality and have access to our reality and our actions. DMT hyperspace exists and is interwoven with conciousness just like our reality. And on salvia there is a wheel/book of time which depicts all the possibilities of someone’s life. This wheel seemingly exists in between the 1st order reality of pure conciousness and the second order reality of our material universe. It seems that both of these realities inhabit an in between space which has not been properly explored or understood yet. You could interpret this as our brain communicating with itself, trying to express God but being unable to do so without a medium. I think the best way to interpret this information is rather than looking at reality as simply arising from pure conciousness, we need to consider that there are layers in between. Reality is not a banana with the outer peel being material physical reality and the inner part being pure conciousness. Rather it is like an onion, with the surface layer being physical reality, and the in between layers being metaphysical dimensions to our reality which govern all physical laws. The core of the onion is pure conciousness which ultimately gives rise to everything. What are your thoughts on this issue?

Edited by Mongu9719

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Key word is: "density". 

"Material" or "physical" reality is nothing but a specific density of Light.

And light is consciousness.

Other realms exist, indeed. Like the astral realm for example. And what that is is a reality that vibrates at a different rate/frequency than we are used to in our "physical" reality.

Shifting from one realm to another is done by raising your frequency. That's what psychedelics ultimately do for you.

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@ivankiss But these other realms are  seemingly deeply tied with our own. If you enter DMT space the entities will tell you about their connection to our dimension and how we join them after death. The salvia archetype is a wheel which has all the possible paths that a human being can take in their lifetime. This wheel represents time in the material world and has entities spinning it. My question to you is if these realms exist as an underlying mechanism to our reality, or are separate from it? ultimately they might actually have no connection to our material existence as the idea of  this connection itself might be incorrect, but not the realm itself Which does exist since everything is a hallucination. 

Edited by Mongu9719

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“Do metaphysical realities exist in between material reality and conciousness?”

Consciousness IS material reality and metaphysical reality, and it is what connects all things.  

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@The Lucid Dreamer i know that, but is there any correlation between dmt hyperspace and our lives or are the machine elves just making it up?

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