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Odd physical sensations post DMT trips

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2 weeks ago I began to reach "access concentration" during my meditations. I have done DMT twice since than and have done DMT probably 10 times before that (12 altogether). The last two times have been very different than any of the other times. (I am wondering if there is a connection between that and getting deeper into meditating.) What i mean by different is this: When my trip is over and I am sitting or laying and recollecting my experience I experience a powerful sensation in the area where my spine meets my skull. It is a physical sensation that is almost comparable to a strong emotion like fear or sadness coming on (Yes, I realize my explanation might not make a lot of sense). It is an OVERWHELMING feeling that only lasts maybe a half second. The first time it happened every 45-90 seconds (give or take) and last night it happened 5 or 6 times sporadically spaced out between 15-20 minutes. Again I can PHYSICALLY feel it, no question, but it feels almost more than just physical as it also seems to affect my sense of awareness for that split second and almost makes me feel like I am about to have a seizure. I have NEVER had a seizure so I don't know if this is a good explanation either.

What the HELL is going on? This is after i am totally back from my trip for some good time but almost feels psychedelic in a way. Should I be concerned? Should I encourage it to become deeper? Any similar experiences?

Edited by Adodd

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@Adodd I know that feeling. In hindsight, it was purification. I described as a ‘rewiring’ sensation, in the exact same spot. Not sure there’s any explaining it, but it worked out to be just fine. It was as if a new part of the brain there was activated for the first time, filtering falsities out of mind with truth. I never considered the ‘spiritual’ or ‘nondual’ vs ‘physical’ aspect of it. 



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I’ve had painful pressure points on my spine, later realizing it was because the “kundalini energy” was blocked and not flowing freely. Make sure that you breath. Let it make you breath the way you have to. It sometimes becomes almost like a dance of honor when one smokes it and enters into the trance with the breath going deeply in and out, however it has to.
But that could also be irrelevant to your situation. If you feel uncomfortable doing it again, then don’t. Or have a friend nearby, until you overcome the experience. 

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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