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Victor Mgazi

From seeing God to being God?

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I understand that I'm God and so is everything else. But now, how do I go from directly seeing God in everyone and everything to having the direct experience of being God? I'm super curious ?

Currently, in this present and infinite moment, I feel as if I'm drowning in the ocean LOVE but at the same time breathing more freely than ever. I'm free falling and simultaneously flying higher and higher. I can't describe this experience in conventional terms except for maybe ?... Nah, I can't describe it. Sometimes I feel like I've gone mad ?

It's this.. it's too much. I'd sit in the living room staring at my family and seeing pure God expressing itself as my little brother who is without a worry in the world, or my lovely mother who is almost constantly worried about my little brother maybe hurting himself, and my younger teenage sister who's just glued to the screen of her phone. Walking outside, I'd see God in a hurry, God laughing his ass of with his group of friends, God sweeping the floor of her salon, God..God..God. And I'm constantly aware that all of this is out of LOVE and that that's who God ultimately is.

So this leaves me wondering, How do I start seeing myself as God since I've already caught God?? behind the illusion of "reality"? I'm already aware of my conceptual self, I can see that he is too but an expression of God emerging from a rather personal POV from this field of consciousness. Aware of this, I also can't help but feel like the answer to that which I'm wondering is right in front of me but I'm missing it. Not that it bothers me. LMAO, nothing really bothers me anymore. Even the feeling of being bothersed is less stressful and somehow more fun.

But yeah, to get to my point, what is it that I'm missing? How do I go from seeing God to being God. If seeing through the illusion isn't cutting it then what exactly will? Meditation feels ridiculously redundant now as I feel like I'm always in a meditative state.. too much peace of mind or something. 

Any pointers?


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Simply put - you just need to become conscious of it.  That facet hasn't happened yet in your case but it will.   Continue self inquiry because it can reveal not only what you aren't but what you are.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Victor Mgazi It seems to me that God can be "caught" by transcending /surrendering/ this feeling of madness. As avatar Leo says: do you dare? 

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57 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Simply put - you just need to become conscious of it.  That facet hasn't happened yet in your case but it will.   Continue self inquiry because it can reveal not only what you aren't but what you are.

What am I not though?

1 hour ago, Nahm said:

@Victor Mgazi Just look at a mirror until you realize it’s a mirror. Are you in it, or are you it?

I am only aware that I am not separable from "the mirror". But in terms of what I am.. I don't know, I'm not aware of that.


@Inliytened1 @Nahm , I am aware that the strong sensation of 'I am' arises from consciousness. I'm aware that I'm really not separable from something 'else'. There is no else or other, there's only one. 

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I know that I am consciousness in the sense that everything that gives me the perception/belief of a self arises from consciousness. But when I attempt to go beyond this perception I literally end up nowhere and find nothing. There's just awareness. 

By the way, I use the term awareness differently from the term consciousness even though they were meant to be synonymous. Consciousness being this isness, and awareness being this unidentifiable ever present presence which can be said to be nothing.

Does this awareness arise from consciousness also? I know the 'I am' in "I am aware" does.


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@Victor Mgazi There isn’t consciousness or awareness. They are thoughts, words. Like “mirror” is a thought, and perception is perception. There’s no perception “of a mirror”, there is awareness of a thought, “mirror”, and awareness of perception.  “Consciousness” is a thought. “Awareness” is a thought. There is no awareness or consciousness in perception. “Perception”, is a thought. “A thought”, is you. 

This is already the DIRECT experience of God. 

If you are looking for ‘the absolute’ experience, as in, without relative, without appearance, that is ‘triggered’ through one of, or a combination of:  practices, letting go / surrendering, self inquiry, psychedelics, retreats, healing modalities, life events / ‘the lightening’, etc (typically). The theme is Suffering, and Healing. I’d focus on the one you naturally gravitate to, rather than the one(s) you don’t have a good feeling about. ‘Later’, that might change, but now is now.



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You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Who are you being right now?  Is the one who wants to know how be God, real?
What is unreal, will never be, nor become, the real.
The unreal has to be seen to be unreal,then the real will stand as it always was.

Edited by Guru Fat Bastard

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5 hours ago, Nahm said:

There isn’t consciousness or awareness. They are thoughts, words. Like “mirror” is a thought, and perception is perception. There’s no perception “of a mirror”, there is awareness of a thought, “mirror”, and awareness of perception.  “Consciousness” is a thought. “Awareness” is a thought. There is no awareness or consciousness in perception. “Perception”, is a thought. “A thought”, is you. 

This is already the DIRECT experience of God. 

This I'm already aware of. Of course I use these terms and concepts to communicate with you guys, but yeah I get it.

5 hours ago, Nahm said:

If you are looking for ‘the absolute’ experience, as in, without relative, without appearance, that is ‘triggered’ through one of, or a combination of:  practices, letting go / surrendering, self inquiry, psychedelics, retreats, healing modalities, life events / ‘the lightening’, etc (typically). The theme is Suffering, and Healing. I’d focus on the one you naturally gravitate to, rather than the one(s) you don’t have a good feeling about. ‘Later’, that might change, but now is now.

I'm not sure whether or not it's "absolute experience" that I'm looking for. All I know is that I'm constantly aware of God being everything and everyone, I can look at 'evil' deep in the eyes and still see the love of God.  Now I'd like to be aware of God being me or me being God.

Am I making sense ??

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


When I can I definitely will.?

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6 hours ago, Victor Mgazi said:

This I'm already aware of. Of course I use these terms and concepts to communicate with you guys, but yeah I get it.

I'm not sure whether or not it's "absolute experience" that I'm looking for. All I know is that I'm constantly aware of God being everything and everyone, I can look at 'evil' deep in the eyes and still see the love of God.  Now I'd like to be aware of God being me or me being God.

Am I making sense ??

When you say “I’m aware of”, (Evil, God aware of me, me aware of God) it just sounds semantical then, but isn’ that what you’re saying? That you are ready know how you really are? If so, ????♥️. If not, it’s beliefs (thoughts repeating), and those ‘semantics of the mind’ would be what to inspect. “You” could root out the belief of the “ I “, as there is no ‘separation’ sans that. Again, unless that’s just semantical. ??‍♂️ Then “you’re” all set. 

If you’re interested in continuing to inspect, and that first paragraph I wrote is understood...where is the “you “?



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Forget everything and believe yeah, fastest way to forget Everything is to plug some powerful psychedelics up your butt. Don't believe anything you just said. Be critical, impartial, empty. Literally do not believe any of that. 

Look at your hand. If you become simple it appears. Become like a simple person. Until you are so empty and simple that you just...are. you are. 

Edited by Aaron p

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19 hours ago, Nahm said:

where is the “you “?

The closest, if not the only, thing to a me are these thoughts. They give me the illusion of control like right now as I'm typing.. the persistent idea that's standing tall is the "I am doing this, I am typing, I am thinking". These thoughts emerge from consciousness along with this moving picture  that we call "the visual field" , and other 'sensations' which ultimately give rise to a ME or the experience of a self 

So when you ask where the "me" is I can only say it's in experience or ultimately consciousness since that's where it constantly arises from. 

@Aaron p that's what I'm hoping the psychedelics will achieve basically. If somehow 5-MeO-DMT can induce a state that allows for the utter dissolving of the self then maybe I'll start seeing the God that I am instead of just my conceptual self. Of course then the question is how long will it take for that level of consciousness to last after I trip? Will I continue seeing me as God or will I get back to just seeing God in everything, including the conceptual/ego me 


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