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Metaphysical Love...How to differentiate it from the love of the mind?

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How come metaphysical love exists across the universe as a constant? Is it because one trait of Awareness is love?

How is it possible that is universal in each being?

I just find it so mindfuck that actually the universe is not "neutral" but actually there is something there that actually is groundbreakingly love.

I´ve been doing lots of self-inquiry and meditation this last days, and I just had a glimpse of something fucking weird while looking at the window. I was not thinking "this moment is love" but rather, a realization of something being "absolutely like this" was being revealed.

It was scary lol. It was something like "omg, fuck me, this is actually real. There´s actually something Absolute" (meaning the "feeling" i was having of love).

However who knows. I could be deluded. Leo said if you doubt it then it wasn´t the Absolute/Awakening. However what happend today it felt trascendental af.

Fear is just a thought

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