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What state did I enter

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Everyone I love is not around me and at parties I didnt get invited to. Deep depression formed from feeling alone and loosing my friends and family and therefore my history. Decided to contemplate on what the sadness is. Long story short I became aware that my friends and family dont exist, their parties dont exist, and Im all Alone(with a capital A). This brought great joy because 1) no other can kill me and 2) I cannot loose other. And this is absolute. Absofuckenloooooot! Im here, the present moment, with nothing outside of me, nothing to kill me, no outer space to loose anything. And the best part of all I'm pure love and joy. Fuck yes what a nice state. I then realized that my sadness came from believing in a false notion of separation, which was caused purely by being sucked into a thought story outside the present moment. The present moment is literally all there is.

What happened next was the the physical universe bent: trees bent, space bent. Simultaneously it went to darkness. The physical universe disappeared and all there was, was darkness. Then a pure white light came. With massive bliss, massive energy, massive love. I felt like my past was disappearing at a rate of knots, replaced with pure love. 


What in the actual fuck was that. Didn't even know the universe could disappear like that.

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@zeroISinfinity mate the universe fucken disappeared in like a second and transformed into something unbelievable. Mate it was like i was cheated i think life is so sophisticated and laws of physics so hard to break and then the fucken entire thing just fucken disappeared in like a millisecond like wtf man

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@electroBeam It was all you all along. 

Same as THIS right now. Meet YOURSELF and finally recognize it. 

Also you are Leo, Me and everyone else. ?

Conciousness =Love=God 

It has all positive qualities to infinity. 

What would Absolute create? 


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Thats GRACE my brother. It gives me goosebumps all over my body. I'm so happy for you man. 

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5 hours ago, electroBeam said:

What happened next was the the physical universe bent: trees bent, space bent. Simultaneously it went to darkness. The physical universe disappeared and all there was, was darkness.

In the dreaming state I've had instances of very similar, actually almost exactly the same experience when I get an increase of consciousness or "awakening".

It feels like all the dimensions of the sensory field collapses on itself like a black hole.

There's also a number of other kinds of experiences that can occur when I get an increase of consciousness in a state of consciousness that isn't rigid. Another notable kind that stands out is "reality" seeming like it's gradually drowned out by pure consciousness until there's also no sensory experience.

What you've described has never occurred for me in the waking state as your consciousness usually needs to be a lot less rigid for this sort of experience to occur like in meditation or REM sleep. So it's very cool!

Thanks for sharing.

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Blackhole =❤️/ Source shouts infinite Love everywhere. 

I do Love it but's common zen mistake as Bold Me say. Absolute state of Conciousness. 

Thing is this is the same. Love it. 

Unbeleivable just unbeleivable was worth living for this. 

"Forgetting" just God damn really. Missed to be MYSELF for so "long". 

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