
Arguments to being high all the time?

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@Inliytened1 No, I’m not asking it because I’m attached to it. It’s just an idea to heighten my experience, just like Leo likes to improve his intellectual abilities by taking nootropics and supplements. Me too I have been told many times that taking too much drugs is bad. So of course I have judgements and worries that it indeed might be a bad idea because that’s what society has influenced me with. I’m rather looking for health concerns and such. Infinity can express itself through many forms, right? It can live all alone in a cabin in the woods, or live like dan bilzerian and be equally truthful and unattached.

@Serotoninluv why not? There’s still relative truth in the potentialy that long term weed smoking is harmful for the body, or other considerations like tolerance. I don’t know. I might overlook a lot of things.


I still don’t really know if it’s damaging to the body. That’s the only reason I’m hesitant to do that. I also have some systemic issues that give me symtoms like ADHD, brainfog, fatigue, so I would not want to make things worse

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43 minutes ago, JonasVE12 said:

@Roy thats the same as saying that you can go for a hike Without leaving your couch



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@JonasVE12 At the personal level, don’t have a problem with people using substances recreationally, to feel good or to take away pain. If an addiction starts to cause them personal suffering then I would feel empathy for them - since I have gone through that. 

My concerns are mostly at the social level. Addiction/dependence can cause harm in the social level with things like hospitalization, treatments and loss of potential. And with psychedelics, it only takes a few newbies overdosing at a concert, freaking out, making the news to reenforce a negative stigma of psychedelics. 

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37 minutes ago, JonasVE12 said:

@Inliytened1 No, I’m not asking it because I’m attached to it. It’s just an idea to heighten my experience, just like Leo likes to improve his intellectual abilities by taking nootropics and supplements. Me too I have been told many times that taking too much drugs is bad. So of course I have judgements and worries that it indeed might be a bad idea because that’s what society has influenced me with. I’m rather looking for health concerns and such. Infinity can express itself through many forms, right? It can live all alone in a cabin in the woods, or live like dan bilzerian and be equally truthful and unattached.


Yes - it can express itself in an infinite number of forms.  If that's the case go for it - but be conscious that weed can be addictive and addictions can lead to suffering for the ego ultimately.  

If i were you i would embrace ALL of you and not need to be in a particular state.  As long as that's the case all is well.  From a health standpoint the addictive nature can be a negative and may end up working against your productivity.  I would just be aware of this.   

Yet the benefits for you may outweigh that...


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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I knew a guy who smoked weed every day. He would forget conversations we'd had 5 minutes prior. The term pothead comes to mind, it messes with your cognitive abilities big time. But hey, it's your life.

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8 minutes ago, Gili Trawangan said:

I knew a guy who smoked weed every day. He would forget conversations we'd had 5 minutes prior. The term pothead comes to mind, it messes with your cognitive abilities big time. But hey, it's your life.

Good point.  Overdoing a thing is never good.  Balance and moderation is king.


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There are no shortcuts to Truth. You can be high all the time but once it wears off or a situation where you do not have supply of your tool you will have to deal with the rebound effect, so to speak. The key is to realize the lesson in-between the states, when you are high, if you observe deeply, you are generating that state naturally, the substance is simply the door-opening/wayshower(so to speak), without you, the substance does not work.

This is especially more noticeable in stronger psychedelics like mushrooms, they ease things out and accelerate your consciousness temporarily buit to get to the peaceful blissed out state, you do it yourself, you are the one who walks through the door and does the work, they simply show you that there is a door you can walk through.

The plant teachers are here to show us that what we experience on a substance is simply a portal to the truth within ourselves, once we get the message and learn to generate the state naturally, the substance is of no longer a need.

But if you keep going back to the substance to generate the state for you after you have already received the message, it only becomes a crutch, an addiction, a loop in itself. The natural high is being on psychedelics all the time without the intensity and extreme amplification of sensory and hallucinogenic experience rather you remain in the same higher-awareness as when on the psychedelic but you are crystal clear in thought/sight.

Once you get a taste of the natural high, your natural state, embodiment of the true self, substance will feel slightly false. They are great tools and reminders but cannot and will not replace the eternal natural state that is beyond all substance.

This is what Mooji, Sadhguru, Osho and other modern teachers try to explain to us. The goal is to generate the sustained state naturally and stabilize awakenings thus Enlightenment. If you are still experiencing ups and downs in states of being, you are not embodied in the true enlightened self.

Ultimately, you only need one ego-death experience but due to our lifestyles we tend to resist some change thus fall back into old programming. The less you resist the truth you realize on the psychedelic and integrate/live it to your fullest, the less it wears off. Resistance to the natural, true self. That's all it is but when you truly Know Thyself, how can the realization wear off?

Do the work, then take psychedelic to finalize and integrate all the work you have done.


Edited by pluto


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15 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@Gili Trawangan Lol not true. I smoke weed all the time, and my mind is rock solid.

Hehe..the irony is when you become a mystic you realize its all imaginary and healing becomes possible.  All logic is thrown off the table.


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2 hours ago, Mongu9719 said:

Do you know any enlightened people or highly functioning people like Tony Robbins or athletes where all they do is smoke weed?

Michael Phelps and almost every NBA player smoke weed on the regular.

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Sativa is very useful but as with all substance use it is unsustainable. IMO the idea is to grow your baseline, not artificially boost it

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5 hours ago, JonasVE12 said:

if weed came in a capsule form,

That capsule already exists.


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52 minutes ago, pluto said:

There are no shortcuts to Truth. You can be high all the time but once it wears off or a situation where you do not have supply of your tool you will have to deal with the rebound effect, so to speak. The key is to realize the lesson in-between the states, when you are high, if you observe deeply, you are generating that state naturally, the substance is simply the door-opening/wayshower(so to speak), without you, the substance does not work.

This is especially more noticeable in stronger psychedelics like mushrooms, they ease things out and accelerate your consciousness temporarily buit to get to the peaceful blissed out state, you do it yourself, you are the one who walks through the door and does the work, they simply show you that there is a door you can walk through.

The plant teachers are here to show us that what we experience on a substance is simply a portal to the truth within ourselves, once we get the message and learn to generate the state naturally, the substance is of no longer a need.

But if you keep going back to the substance to generate the state for you after you have already received the message, it only becomes a crutch, an addiction, a loop in itself. The natural high is being on psychedelics all the time without the intensity and extreme amplification of sensory and hallucinogenic experience rather you remain in the same higher-awareness as when on the psychedelic but you are crystal clear in thought/sight.

Once you get a taste of the natural high, your natural state, embodiment of the true self, substance will feel slightly false. They are great tools and reminders but cannot and will not replace the eternal natural state that is beyond all substance.

This is what Mooji, Sadhguru, Osho and other modern teachers try to explain to us. The goal is to generate the sustained state naturally and stabilize awakenings thus Enlightenment. If you are still experiencing ups and downs in states of being, you are not embodied in the true enlightened self.

Ultimately, you only need one ego-death experience but due to our lifestyles we tend to resist some change thus fall back into old programming. The less you resist the truth you realize on the psychedelic and integrate/live it to your fullest, the less it wears off. Resistance to the natural, true self. That's all it is but when you truly Know Thyself, how can the realization wear off?

Do the work, then take psychedelic to finalize and integrate all the work you have done.


Beautifully said sir ??


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You're doing the right thing, and asking questions is part of the research.

I would say just keep researching about the exact substance(s) that you usually smoke, and from there you can decide better. Maybe you'll find a better substance that will get you to better places with much less harm than advertised. Better yet, perhaps you can do like I did and never use a substance and still be where you need to be.

Feelings come and go, but you don't. I don't prefer attaching myself to a certain experience. Although, of course, I do prefer a better experience.

Also be aware that with a lot of creativity, you'll lose touch with reality. Your thinking will become unrealistic. You will basically become an idealist, living in your own bubble of imagination. At least, that's my understanding. I prefer living in balance and harmony.

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10 hours ago, JonasVE12 said:

@Serotoninluv I think there's nothing inherently bad in that. There's no inherent goal or meaning in life. You have to choose what character you want to play in the dream. My personal truth and vision is being the most positive state all the time in my subjective experience. If it can so by chasing weed high, then why not?

@JonasVE12 Because you depend on a substance to be / feel good.

Making sure you are in a positive/feel good state all the time with the effective help of drugs, it's not a recipe for a good life, trust me.

The difference is that when you are sober and you don't feel as good as you are high, you actually are very motivated to start building a life and grow yourself to "something" that makes you be/feel in a similar way that when you are high.

However if you just take drugs, you are not building or developing yourself really.

I could do the same with Kratom, for example, I used to love how relaxed it made me feel, and particularly how it gives you a perfect numbing from your emotions. You are basically able to do about almost everything but you don't feel emotional distress. Who wants emotional distress or dealing with emotions anyway? By that narrative "it should be obvious" that I should keep getting high. However I am lucid enough to see that if I do that strategy, I won't move myself to build a life and grow myself to be who I want to be .


It just seems you are asking almost why we shouldn't do drugs everybody. You know Heroin actually is not quite bad for your body as long as is not very contiminated. Why not do it anyway? You can actually have a normal life while in the inside feeling bliss. Well because then your sober life has 0 interest and the only thing that makes sense for your brain is getting high.

Not trying to compare weed with Heroin because the latter will ruin your life very shortly while with weed you can even have a happy life. I'm just pointing out the mechanics of justifying "why not been high all the time" are basically the same . With weed you are just saying too "well I'm going to keep using weed because definitely life is much easier and enjoyable in it". No shit. You just described drugs. But the price you'll pay is that you won't work on your sober-state life, a price that in my opinion is too high to justify being high.

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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Living a life in allignment with Truth has nothing to do with your state. You can choose how you live and know Truth and embody it. I carry infinity everywhere I go. In what state I'm in, it does not matter. It's everywhere and nowhere. I'm not attached to any experience. It does not matter. I'm peaceful. Let me ask you, why do you take supplements for example? Why do you eat healthy? Why do you do activities you enjoy? It's all the same thing. You want to be authentic and live your best life. you aknowledge you still are a character in the dream that has a subjective experience. You want the best subjective experience you can possibly have. Don't make a duality between sober/not sober. Your goal is to have the best subjective experience you can have. No matter how that translates in your individual experience. For me, it's living with pleasure, creativity, Truth, excitement. If I live these qualities on drugs more then why would your human mind judge it's not in allignment with truth? There's no 1 right way to live an enlightened life. 

Don't make the mistake to think that being on drugs all the time is not truthful because it does not match your view of what an enlightened life should be like. Infinity can take many forms. 

there's no thing such a 'baseline' state. You say that your natural baseline state is the one without drugs. But that's just because you have been conditioned to think that there's such a thing as a natural state. Everything is natural and equal in the mind of God. 

You take supplements for better health that come from external products so you can boost your 'baseline' state. Why? From your judegment that's bad because that's not your natural state. Supplements do the same, they enhance your life in multiple ways. They might improve mood, focus, motivation, creativity, speech, memory, etc. Being in that state where you supplemented or eat healthy feels better for you because it boosts your subjective experience. You now wouldn't want to go back to your state where you ate unhealthy. You want to keep supplementation because it felt good. You will want to do it for the rest of your life. You live your life arround your new 'baseline' state which is now based on better eating patterns/supplementation.

And yes, it's indeed true that you don't work on your life while sober, but that does not matter. When you eat healthy and take supplements to achieve that better state, you also don't go back to unhealthy eating to work on that state.

And no you can't achieve that state naturally without drugs precisly because it alters your brain chemistry in specific ways that make you experience things different.

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19 hours ago, JonasVE12 said:

I'm thinking about something lately. I used to smoke weed regularly. Especially sativa strains. For me, sativa strains put me in an experience that is much more vivid. I experience things much more deeply. In puts me in connection with my feeling . I'm much more thought dominant for the most part. Sometimes I miss the feeling aspect of this human experience and weed really gives me that. It makes it so I experience friendships and intimate relationships much more intense. Not only relationships, but everything in general.

I also become insanely creative and become very good at contemplating in the moment. I become very good at seeing truth in things. I become very good at connecting things. My focus, motivation, and productivity increases. I become very good at staying in tune with my vision. This helps me to stop procrastinate.

When I'm sober, I'm a peaceful person. I don't suffer from much negativity. I do live in this permanent foggy state though. Not much clarity. I just have this contrast from the experiences with weed I had, and I miss those states. Fun and excitement are high values for me, and I think everyone values them. when I smoke weed I find them in almost all corners of life. everything becomes so vivid and interesting. 

Why would I not want to be high all the time?

What would be the arguments against that?

Life is indeed a dream where you need to live your personal truth, and I can live my values much more when I'm high, Why would I not want to be high all the time?

creativity, clarity, contemplation, fun, excitement and vision are important values for me, and weed greatly enhances them in my life

most arguments I can think of are ideological. Maybe the cost would be an argument. Also possible implications on health? 

I don't think you need an argument for that one. The best way to find out is to try it. Weed, when vaporized or eaten, is almost harmless to health. It's the effect it has on the mind that can be a plus or a negative. It opens some doors, and closes others.

I personally don't find the effects worthwhile when used daily, but you would need to experience that first in order to know that.

Edited by smurf88

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