
Arguments to being high all the time?

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@JonasVE12 This reminds me of chasing experiencing. I'm good while high and not good while sober. I've been in this cyclic dynamic a few times. A much better place is when it doesn't matter if I am high or not. I'm ok either way and there is no desire to leave a sober state and no seeking for "good experiences" while high . Whatever happens, happens. . . One thing that has helped me is to enter those "quasi-like" states. For example, I would be hiking and wouldn't know if I was high or not. I would feel a bit trippy / stoned and question if I took something. And being able to enter intriguing states while sober was really helpful.

The hard part about cannabis is that it can be habit forming. 

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@JonasVE12 You're not done if you're still seeking a better state. One awakening isn't enough. 

The way to live the best life isn't through thinking about it, that's mistake number 1. 

Living with truth IS the best subjective experience possible. That's why i'm here anyway lol. If there's a better subjective experience then full embodiment of the truth then point in that direction. 

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@Serotoninluv I think there's nothing inherently bad in that. There's no inherent goal or meaning in life. You have to choose what character you want to play in the dream. My personal truth and vision is being the most positive state all the time in my subjective experience. If it can so by chasing weed high, then why not?

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@JonasVE12 It's all about context. Maybe you want the roof. Maybe another person likes the rain.

Enlightented people can do whatever the fuck they want because they are already whole and complete. Your situation there is because you assume one situation feels better than the other. When you're enlightened you will already feel amazing. Decision making isn't about what feels better at that point. 

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@Raptorsin7 I think you think that I have attachment to a more positive state because I'm in a state of suffering now, so I desire a better experience that weed will give me. That's not how I'm seeing it. There's lot's of modes in how to experience life. Even if you don't have attachments, you still have an subjective experience where you prefer one thing over the other. I prefer positive emotions, creativity, clarity, and lots more positive things. Other people might indeed like sleeping outdoor in the rain more, but I don't.

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@JonasVE12 Yeah i'm definitely projecting my experience onto you. I view everything as not our peak state, as suffering. It's harsh, but I think I'll be proven right. I don't believe in the variety like you do. Yes there is a variety of experience and variety in feeling, but i've felt god's grace and I know there are different tiers that underly the range of experience. You can change your baseline to the point where you are so engrossed by your life that you are no longer seeking a better experience, because the one you're already having is so good.

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@JonasVE12 Exercise is a totally different subject matter. Your body is constantly adapting to it and becoming more physically fit if you are doing a proper exercise program, your baseline is changing. You aren't going to get diminishing returns from an exercise because you become more fit and increase your capacity.

Get high every day then, stop looking for external validation on how to live your life and put your money where your mouth is if you think it will benefit you. No point in continuing this discussion.


 @Raptorsin7wisdom has nothing to do with morality, that is the mistake you are making. You are the one putting the moralization on top of the wisdom. "Its right to be wise" "its wrong to be unwise" You are the one doing that. Being unwise comes with its consequences, having nothing to do with morality. 

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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@TrynaBeTurquoise I disagree. Morality is people's attempt at finding the highest wisdom on how to live life. People moralize because they think they are wiser then the people they argue with. I am expressing my opinion because I think it's a wise opinion and i'm trying to be of service, but its based on a judgement of your opinions as wise or unwise in relation to my opinion. 

I view morality and wisdom as intertwined. You can't discuss without inherently bringing in the other.

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1 minute ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@TrynaBeTurquoise I disagree. Morality is people's attempt at finding the highest wisdom on how to live life. People moralize because they think they are wiser then the people they argue with. I am expressing my opinion because I think it's a wise opinion and i'm trying to be of service, but its based on a judgement of your opinions as wise or unwise in relation to my opinion. 

I view morality and wisdom as intertwined. You can't discuss without inherently bringing in the other.

Simply false. Morality is a mechanism of keeping society in place, has nothing to do with wisdom. Someone "thinking" they are wiser and using it as moral highground has nothing to do with actual wisdom. Make the distinction.  

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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@TrynaBeTurquoise Well i'd hope that people who give advice actually believe they are wiser than the people they giving advice to lol, couldn't imagine the opposite of that.

I am making the distinction. I am not saying they ARE the same thing. I'm saying they are intertwined. People who moralize, try to tell people how to live, think they are wiser then the people they giving advice to. Or at the very least they think the advice is wiser than the perspective of the person they are giving the advice to.

Don't people believe in morals because they think living a moral life is the path to the best experience possible? I feel like we're talking past each other here.

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2 hours ago, JonasVE12 said:

I'm thinking about something lately. I used to smoke weed regularly. Especially sativa strains. For me, sativa strains put me in an experience that is much more vivid. I experience things much more deeply. In puts me in connection with my feeling . I'm much more thought dominant for the most part. Sometimes I miss the feeling aspect of this human experience and weed really gives me that. It makes it so I experience friendships and intimate relationships much more intense. Not only relationships, but everything in general.

I also become insanely creative and become very good at contemplating in the moment. I become very good at seeing truth in things. I become very good at connecting things. My focus, motivation, and productivity increases. I become very good at staying in tune with my vision. This helps me to stop procrastinate.

When I'm sober, I'm a peaceful person. I don't suffer from much negativity. I do live in this permanent foggy state though. Not much clarity. I just have this contrast from the experiences with weed I had, and I miss those states. Fun and excitement are high values for me, and I think everyone values them. when I smoke weed I find them in almost all corners of life. everything becomes so vivid and interesting. 

Why would I not want to be high all the time?

What would be the arguments against that?

Life is indeed a dream where you need to live your personal truth, and I can live my values much more when I'm high, Why would I not want to be high all the time?

creativity, clarity, contemplation, fun, excitement and vision are important values for me, and weed greatly enhances them in my life

most arguments I can think of are ideological. Maybe the cost would be an argument. Also possible implications on health? 

You won't truly awaken and become directly conscious that life is a dream if you create a duality between sober and not sober.  Truth rests in simply being.  Chasing states is ego.  I'm not saying I'm immune to it.  I have an ego like everyone else.  What I'm saying is it will take you farther from Truth.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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2 hours ago, JonasVE12 said:

Why would I not want to be high all the time?

What would be the arguments against that?

Because you can reach all those states sober and wouldn't need to spend hundreds of dollars on weed that rots your lungs?

Your ego is justifying the addiction by telling itself you have brain fog sober and need pot.


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@Inliytened1 I create that duality so we can distinguish between being on weed and being not on weed. It’s not ego per se. It depends on your attachment to it. Is taking nootropics ego? Is doing activities you enjoy ego? Is  playing the guitar ego? It’s all the same. You want to do these activities because you enjoy the experience. I enjoy the experience of being high inside the dream. You can call being high a state. It does not matter. It is an experience just like hiking, swimming, playing the guitar. 

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@Roy thats the same as saying that you can go for a hike Without leaving your couch

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@JonasVE12 yes actually those things are ego.  Notice i did not demonize ego -  i said if you want to find Truth you have to do what is counterintuitive to the ego.

Example - if your ego craves a beer - fight it off, go upstairs and meditate.  Rest in being.

By the way if your ego wants to meditate too much than that becomes ego.  Its very tricky and paradoxical.  As it should be.   But Being is simple.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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I don’t think that’s ego. I think the difference lies in attachment. The difference between wanting to go for a hike because you feel like it but not being attached to it, so you feel completely fine if you don’t go and being really identified to your hike in the sense that if you don’t go, you suffer. I don’t need the weed high. I would be fine without it. I would feel equally peaceful. Maybe not equally happy. I’m happy now though. I think it’s silly to think that wanting anything is a function of the ego. It’s attachment that makes the difference. 

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@JonasVE12 It seems like you are trying to rationalise your weed use.Have you ever heard of diminishing returns? The more you get high the less pleasurable it will be. It will also make your mental state really bad, which is an issue you are clearly facing. It will be very difficult to develop yourself in this state. I know a lot of people that smoke weed regularly. Their life is a complete mess. Chasing pleasure or highs is not the way. Do you know any enlightened people or highly functioning people like Tony Robbins or athletes where all they do is smoke weed? I doubt it. Stop smoking ASAP that shit is addictive and it’s bad to get addicted to any substance to matter what it might be. 

Edited by Mongu9719

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1 minute ago, JonasVE12 said:

I don’t think that’s ego. I think the difference lies in attachment. The difference between wanting to go for a hike because you feel like it but not being attached to it, so you feel completely fine if you don’t go and being really identified to your hike in the sense that if you don’t go, you suffer. I don’t need the weed high. I would be fine without it. I would feel equally peaceful. Maybe not equally happy. I’m happy now though. I think it’s silly to think that wanting anything is a function of the ego. It’s attachment that makes the difference. 

Yes but you sound attached to wanting to get high or maybe you wouldn't have posted that?  

I'm merely pointing out the counterintuitive nature of reality.  If you want Truth do the opposite of what your ego wants.



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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1 hour ago, JonasVE12 said:

@Serotoninluv I think there's nothing inherently bad in that. There's no inherent goal or meaning in life. You have to choose what character you want to play in the dream. My personal truth and vision is being the most positive state all the time in my subjective experience. If it can so by chasing weed high, then why not?

My hunch is thats an intellectual construct for you. If you had awakened and embodied the singularity of experience, you probably wouldn’t be on the forum asking if its ok.

You could do an experiment: dedicate the next three months of your life being permanently high on substances and see how it goes. 

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