Loving Radiance

Objections about some policy proposals in Conscious Politics Part 4

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Now today I finally got to hear the last part of conscious politics.

Note that the quotes are not the literal words he used, but the meaning of it. Also note that I find these proposals stunningly attractive and want them implemented right now, but there are some possible consequences and aspects which I want to explore further.




Term limits in all elected government positions: Old generation cling to their positions (corruption & power). New gen refreshes the system because they are more progressive, open minded, conscious than the previous ones.

What is with the old gen that acts as counselors for new gen? Do you see the possibility that they use the new gen as marionettes through brainwashing/manipulation?

Won’t this create bootcamps purposed for new gen for the old gen to brainwash their ideology into their new gen’s minds?

However, the implementation of this one outways the unforseen consequences.




Proposition to moving towards a 30-hour workweek: By developing wealth, infrastructure and society people will work less. No more working to death and more time is freed up for self-actualization, consciousness work, awakening, being creative, spending time in relationships (intimate, family, children, spouses). There is also less competition between collegues.

What is with people who work on their life purpose and invest all their life into it? They should be free to invest their time as they want it. Shouldn’t they be compensated for their work?

Maybe I haven't fully grasped the idea of how it works for people who want to work more because they see it as creative play.




Giving humanitarian aid to terrorist countries (aid as material resources).

Is also cooperation beyond giving material resources included like helping out with infrastructure and building fulfillment structure for basic needs?

Thats it for now.


PS: Important insight about human life in general:


I can have nice stuff when I let go of the stuff I am clinging and am attached to. Including this.


Especially the last hour of Part 4 was particularly juicy. @Leo Gura  you enable us be creators. With the life purpose we become creators. This is so beautiful that I cried. This vision is Beauty. It all connects. It is whole.

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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22 minutes ago, Loving Radiance said:

What is with people who work on their life purpose and invest all their life into it? They should be free to invest their time as they want it. Shouldn’t they be compensated for their work?

We have a 40 work week now. You are still free to work more if you want. But you are not free to force others into workaholism along with you.

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I'm defnitely gonna check out this series. I missed a lot of Leo's videos for a while, and I didn't want to get involved so much with societal things that I feel are out of my control, but I've been getting into the political stuff lately. It sounds like good stuff to listen to while at work, anyway. This might be one to take some notes on. I kind of want to comment on what you've said, but my response might sound ignorant. Not sure if I'm fresh enough on the prerequisite topics, so we'll see.

Can you elaborate on this question?:
"What is with people who work on their life purpose and invest all their life into it? They should be free to invest their time as they want it. Shouldn’t they be compensated for their work?"
I feel like you're trying to say that people should be compensated for their self-development work, whether it is a business or just speaking to other people. If you're going in that direction, I kind of agree, but that could go along the lines of a citizen score type of system. Not sure how that would work out.

Humanitarian Aid would include infrastructure things as well, as well as sending engineers and the like who can architect different ideas. These would likely need a lot of additional parties to protect both sides.

On the term limit thing, that kind of has to do with the inherent biases of certain generations. I forget if it was Leo or someone else who said it, but for example, people who have their basic needs met can look higher up Maslow's hierarchy. i.e. people who are struggling for food and safety will be biased towards protecting those economic issues before tackling social issues. Look at Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya for example and his stance on gay rights. He says they're "of no importance " because there are bigger issues that take priority, and he says that that issue can be tackled in the future. As a left-leaning bisexual person, I find it actually admiral that he's prioritizing the economics of his people first, though I don't follow Kenyan politics too deeply.

Of course, people can be progressive and change their views, but there's a heavy imprinting on most people and inability to do an unbiased and all-encompassing reflection of the current and previous generations, and continually evolve their understanding. Term limits are also not strict generational divides. This is what's allowing a slow but eventual replacement of current politicians and mayors and senators with people who are millenials now, for example. The fundamentalists of the previous generation serve a functional purpose of highlighting the good (and bad) of that generation. 

But again, this is without finishing Leo's series on this, so take it with a grain of salt.

Edited by Vladz0r

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@Vladz0r I thank you despite you haven't watched the series. It is good to hear another perspective. Uhuru Kenyatta is a curious one.

57 minutes ago, Vladz0r said:

Can you elaborate on this question?:
"What is with people who work on their life purpose and invest all their life into it? They should be free to invest their time as they want it. Shouldn’t they be compensated for their work?"

It came across to me that people who work with drive and inspiration in their career would be payed the same as someone working 30h per week. Hmm, now I sense that the 30h are connected to the living wage, and anybody can work more and thus get payed more.

Be sure to watch/hear the videos Leo suggested in Part 1 for proper understanding.

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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