
Breatharian Personal Trainer and 5 min workout!

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@DrewNows You're talking about unreliable sources, your sources are YouTube videos...

You won't find many sources about "breatharian diets" because it's not a diet it's just starvation. 

I can't find nutrition studies when there's literally no nutrients.

Why don't you just study the physiological effects of starvation?


Edited by Red-White-Light

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@Red-White-Light Go find yourself before you start arguing with people. You look pathetic in that argument. Your argument style is gross.


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@Red-White-Light believe what you want to dude if you ain’t interested in learning how it ‘might’ be possible then maybe start checking yourself. There’s more to health than simply nutrition. It will support weaknesses/deficiencies but not going to get to the root causes. I’m not interested in arguing. I don’t care about sources or adopting the beliefs of others, so there you go, it’s a lifestyle not a diet and you are welcome to dismiss it 

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21 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@Red-White-Light Go find yourself before you start arguing with people. You look pathetic in that argument. Your argument style is gross.


Gross Misconduct :)

Good work Drew. It's not something I really understand this Breatharian stuff, but over the last few years, if I've learned one thing, it's to keep an open mind. 

I've always liked your approach to spirituality and personal development. :x

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The debate about people surviving long-term on no food at all is sort of like the debate about aliens.

Are they among us? If so, then why hasn't anybody caught one?

Maybe they're among us, but they hide from us because they're much, much smarter than us...

Or they're simply invisible by nature.

Then, if they are invisible, do they have mass?

If they don't have mass, are they even alive? Or real?

Hypothesis: people staying alive long-term without calories are definitely real. If you change your definition of alive and/or real.

Edited by flowboy

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@flowboy hahaha. They are here in plain sight, heard of ‘light workers’? Ever been so passionate or in love you no longer felt hungry? That’s the type of energy/frequency some resonate at daily to sustain their vessel. Don’t think food freedom is simply about eating or not eating, it’s about meditating and working with substance of reality, light, energy, love and untangling the old beliefs related to food. Calories exists as a belief just as we do 

Edited by DrewNows

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30 minutes ago, flowboy said:

The debate about people surviving long-term on no food at all is sort of like the debate about aliens.

Are they among us? If so, then why hasn't anybody caught one?

Maybe they're among us, but they hide from us because they're much, much smarter than us...

Or they're simply invisible by nature.

Then, if they are invisible, do they have mass?

If they don't have mass, are they even alive? Or real?

Hypothesis: people staying alive long-term without calories are definitely real. If you change your definition of alive and/or real.

There most likely is alien breatherians as it wouldn't surprise me that another lifeform has transcended the need for food to survive. Humans are probably the most fragile in the Universe. We need water and food or we are dead. We are too dependent. 

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@Bill W what’s even an alien? An extraterrestrial....extra - sensory (third eye?) terrestrial - being 

Saw this the other day: dissecting the word human (hue-man)


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54 minutes ago, DrewNows said:

@Bill W what’s even an alien? An extraterrestrial....extra - sensory (third eye?) terrestrial - being 

Saw this the other day: dissecting the word human (hue-man)


This instaperson is clearly taking the phrase "believe whatever you want" very literallyxD

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Millions of years ago, We started off non-physical. As we interacted more with physicality, we started to consume the physical food, we became denser and denser in vibration and our DNA and level of consciousness was significantly reduced, we lost our immortality, physic abilities and started to forget.

This was the Golden-Age where we lived one with natural and universal laws, a pretty much enlightened reality.

Now we are going back up the ladder in consciousness, where we will eat and need less as we will be more tuned-into source-consciousness/energy thus will eventually no longer need physical things to nourish or energize us us, food, sleep, these things will be no longer a part of an enlightened world. We are going from Carbon-based DNA matrix to Crystalline-Silicate based.

Once you activated your light-body, you can be breatharian anytime you wish if it is in harmony with your lifestyle and believes.

Now we are leaving Dark Age back to Golden Age once again which is why consciousness is expanding so rapidly and everyone is waking up.

The vibration is returning to a very high state where we once were back in days of Lemuria or Mu and Early Atlantis and more enegetic/etherial nature, 4th/5th density existence and eventually 5th dimensional living.

You can tap into this knowledge via the Akash in deep meditation or surrendering your vessel to source downloads.

Be empty, be here and now.


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@pluto  Why force the cycle on ourselves?

If consciousness has the ability to reach those peaks, why go back into the suffering?

Why the hell do we do this to ourselves?

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54 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@pluto  Why force the cycle on ourselves?

If consciousness has the ability to reach those peaks, why go back into the suffering?

Why the hell do we do this to ourselves?


Every cycle is a new creation in itself.


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@pluto How does one surrender to source downloads?

I've only had the download experience with bliss once on lsd. Not sure how to get there without psychs yet

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1 hour ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@pluto How does one surrender to source downloads?

I've only had the download experience with bliss once on lsd. Not sure how to get there without psychs yet

You get downloads all the time, you have to learn to notice, decipher and transmit them, you just have to surrender deeper to source, surrender ego, be more still and present within the moment, allow life to live through you rather than you trying to live through life.

Your body is simply a vessel or a channel to source energy, the less ego, the less attachment to the physical nature, the greater the signal to higher frequencies and the greater depth of source energy that can transmit through you.




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