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how can you be concious if you are made of conciousness?

29 posts in this topic

Just now, Mongu9719 said:

@Serotoninluv so your answer is that conciousness is not self-awareness? this is so tricky. 

My sense is that any answer I give you will be misleading because you are trying to create grounded concepts. 

When I was immersed in intellectualizing, I found it helpful to relax the mind and just be. I might have a background question like "what is existence?" and then I would let it go. If I was genuine and reset the question, often times things would appear. I wouldn't even be thinking about it and some type of message or insight about existence would seemingly randomly appear. Or I might have a dream about existence. 

In addition to relaxing the mind, other things like doing yoga, listening to nonduality speakers, sensory deprivation tanks, lucid dreaming, shamanic breathing and psychedelics were helpful. All of this helped me step out of immersion into intellectualizing.

Also, I think you seem to be open and curious - which are important traits, ime.  

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7 hours ago, Nahm said:


What is the purpose of forgetting where you put your keys? 



To find them? 

Cheeky riddler with gigantic zen stick. 

?=❤️ well it is. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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By that logic a TV can't function because it's made out of consciousness, but it can.

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Again with the speculation on my part, but recognise that future and past is just a story in your head that is all going on... where? The NOW! Traveling back into thought-stories?

I believe this is what they mean that there is no future, there is no past.

Have you ever experienced the past or the future? No.

Realize there is just the now and that now is all there ever was.

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On 2/28/2020 at 3:35 PM, Mongu9719 said:

so your answer is that conciousness is not self-awareness? Then what is self-awareness? What is conciousness? My brain hurts. Think I’m gonna rest for a bit.

There's no point in trying to intellectualize any of this. If you intellectualize long enough, counter-intuitively it just points back to being. And believe me, I've done that, however I don't recommend it because you'll waste a lot of time in mind games and traps. Trying to grasp the hand with the hand is a futile pursuit. Trying to intellectualize your way through this is like insisting on taking the path through the enchanted forest in Lord of the Rings. The fog will envelop you, trick you. Make you lose your mind. And if you make it out of the forest alive, you'll be right back where you started, just armed with the knowledge of the direct path being the one and why it's the one. You'd understand the limits of the enchanted forest path and why it was a dead end. The direct path is in the opposite direction, so to speak.

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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17 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

To find them? 

To slow you down. To relax. Then they just, show up. 



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"being consciousness" is the same as "being universe" existence is awake in you? imagine there is a big cotton sheet stretched out at each corner and someone pinches the middle of the sheet causing it to crinkle into one point. You are like that pinch. A collection of energy concentrated on the canvas of reality. The pinch isint really anything. The distortion on the canvas (sheet) causes an illusion to arise, that there is such a thing as a pinch. Really the "pinch" is just a different form of the fabric itself. It's all the fabric just in a form that is concentrated. You are the substance of reality, concentrated into a "human form". Beautiful, no? ? "Becoming more conscious" isint about you attaining something more...but more of "you" is *literally* becoming more and more of what consciousness is. Which is nothing... And everything. Your letting go of the pinch and focusing on the fabric itself... Which is ofcourse what the "pinch" always was in the first place. 


Edited by Aaron p

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