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I did acid about a few weeks ago. When Leo posted “God for dummies”. I realized I had been imagining the self. It’s all is quite imaginative.

But after that realization I’ve found the me, it, in quite a confusing funk.

To give you some background... I have a good job, I’m naturally pretty self absorbed, and I’ve been feeling like these darn people at work should give me more respect... but I don’t know... I’m not as engaged as I should be and could spend more time building relationships with people.

Concurrently, I’ve been spending time ironing out my life purpose. As I’ve been spent more time thinking about it, I’ve gotten the sense that it feels pretty empty. It’s not good nor bad. It feels more like I’m doing something and that I will do that something well. That something is an action. The action will bring pain, it will bring joy. I just don’t feel that sense of exciting passion.

My question is:

is that emptiness or just mild depression?


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@pregnantplatypuss Of course everything is ultimately Empty.

But that doesn't mean you can't be passionate about your LP.

But also, if you're first starting to become conscious of the existential Emptiness of life, that will likely rob you of motivation and make you depressed for a short period of time until you integrate it and the ego gets over it.

A sense of meaninglessness and loss is a common egoic reaction to deep consciousness work. It will pass once you go deeper. It is one of the many threshold guardians which guard the deepest Truth.

Trust that your sense of passion will come back even stronger once you fully awaken. But also be open to your passions changing and evolving. Maybe your passion for your current work will die completely but that's because some new greater passion with take its place. Be open to that.

Remember, the ego will go through a period of mourning its own death. Just like it does with the death of a loved one. There is a period of resistance, emotional upheaval, depression, then acceptance, letting go, and moving on.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 hours ago, pregnantplatypuss said:

 It’s not good nor bad.

Can you see how even saying "it's not good nor bad" appears to avoid judgement, it appears to be a statement that is above judgement, and yet, it's just another judgement? 

7 hours ago, pregnantplatypuss said:

is that emptiness or just mild depression?

Can you feel empty? How does empty feel? Does it actually feel empty or does it feel like a rejection of feeling the way you feel?

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Yes empty nothingness

Pure actual Love. Real as it real gets. Nothing nihilistic or neutral or bad. 

For you to avoid ? traps. 

Your desk is made of it your body is made of it your computer is made of it etc and that Love is You. (helping them helping myself, beating my ego up I guess) 



Edited by zeroISinfinity

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