
How is Sam Harris not 100% yellow?

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Forget Sam Harris, you can’t really say anyone is 100% one stage, its highly nuanced, the colors blend together at different degrees.

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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@Roy 1. Psychedelics don't make you more yellow. They make you turquoise


2, How is he green?


Look at his systematic approach to things. Of course he takes empathy into his consideration, but that doesn't make him green. He is in a fight against mainly green... 

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@Endangered-EGO You are thinking too much in absolutes. The spiral is blended, it's not a blocked staircase with strict walls around every quality.

Psychedelics don't "belong" to turquoise. They are tools that exist that catalyze the opening of the mind and changing of perspective. Both of which usually trend someone up the spiral but if the experience goes wrong it can send them back down temporarily or they might not move at all.

Sam Harris has much green in him. His political attitudes are green, he supports legalization of drugs, he encourages and has done vegetarianism/veganism etc. etc. Does this make him purely green? No.

Once again with the limited thinking; Yes Sam Harris is fighting against Green, because Stages are broad and expansive and include a LOT of people. It includes the radical SJW feminists bloggers and it includes your local volunteer tree planters that aren't even aware of their agenda. Where do you think he is coming from when he's criticizing and fighting those kinds of Green people anyways? It's the attachment in stage Orange in him that is focusing too much on the minutia and content of what they are saying and ignoring the more important large scale change in structure that they are trying to make (whether they are aware of it or not). The illogical and hasty progressivism is just a means to an end because they aren't fully developed Green.

You're being resistant, because it appears you've already had your mind made up when you made this thread. You're attached and idolizing Sam and his teachings instead of being an honest observer.

Reality and people are complex. People don't just suddenly hop from one generalized stereotype to the next as they move up the spiral LOL. You don't go from a Mafia boss, to a Christian family man, to a greedy Oil Tycoon, to a Pot Smoking Hippy, to a UN ambassador, to a modern Jesus.

Everything is mixed and muddy.

Edited by Roy


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@Johnny5 Because he is not disproving their arguments by giving only orange arguments, but by showing that he can emphasize their points of view and showing them how they think, and what is wrong, and how you can argue the opposite with the same kind of reasoning. That's not orange that's Yellow. Its insane how good he is at it...

@Roy Psychedelics don't make yellow people more yellow was my point. But open the doors to turquoise right... Without radical open mindedness, psychedelics don't change anything. I have been lucky to be open minded enough to question Orange as a 16 year old boy, when I was in the dark night of the soul. That jumps directly to turquoise if you are open minded. There is no ego death -- nothingness -- infinity that leads to planting trees, socialism and social justice. It goes straight up to turquoise questioning reality. Believe me. 

Yes you are right. I have made up my mind before posting this thread, but I already changed my mind. Went from 100% to 75%. I just watched more interviews being sceptical it tends even more to yellow in my opinion. If he talks 90% moralistic and rational and 10% systematic ethic philosophical problem solving doesn't mean he is more orange than yellow, just that he emphasizes more on Orange as a means to an end. Yellow is his strategy and orange is his marketing. Green people don't care about how to solve a problem that doesn't seem to be a problem in their opinion.

He is not criticising because of his arrogance, but as a means to an end.

Imagine you had to convince a blind person that his lightbulb at home wasn't working and he didn't believe you. Changing the lightbulb would take 5 seconds. But explaining the problem, for instance that his dog cannot see anything (lets take a funny example hehe), he would need to make him switch the light on, let him feel the broken lightbulb with his hands, until the blind guy realises that the lightbulb doesn't produce heat. This would take more than 90% of his time. That doesn't make him an electrician.
Then he can convince him to change the lightbulb.
However you need experience with lightbulbs to know that they heat up after a few minutes, so by being an experienced electrician he can put himself in the position of a blind guy and show him that it doesn't heat. So that he can convince the owner to replace the lightbulb.

That's what he does with green people. 

Watch his "interviews"/"debates" that guy is never wrong. He went through every possibility and comes up with perfect responses in an instant.

That's why I would love to see him talk to turquoise enlightened gurus.

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27 minutes ago, Endangered-EGO said:

Watch his "interviews"/"debates" that guy is never wrong. He went through every possibility and comes up with perfect responses in an instant.

That's why I would love to see him talk to turquoise enlightened gurus.

The neurotic urge to be always "right" and not "wrong" and "perfect" is a very materialist, fact of the matter, ego based attitude to have. As is the applause you're giving it.

That's not only fine but necessary when the context is mostly scientific and pragmatic. Of course details matter. But too often Sam and others alike spend and waste so much damn time checking semantics instead of connecting to the larger human picture. Even if you have a stage Yellow attitude and strategy and intentions going in, you can still get triggered and bogged down like he does and come out of the discussion with neither person having learned anything. If he was truly a pure stage Yellow thinker like you believe this wouldn't occur nearly as often as it does. Believe me mate, I've probably consumed and followed him just as much of him as you have. Possibly more who knows :P!

I'm sure there would be some fruitful nuggets to be had from him talking to a Turquiose Guru. But I'd be willing to bet there would be a lot more of Sam getting frustrated and focusing too much running every concept and idea that came his way through his filter of logic and rationality.

He is still too invested in Orange. It's clear as day.

Sam needs to stop all his books and projects, quit social media. public interviews and showings for a year, take his family and go live in a cabin, do isolated meditation retreats every so often, and take psychedelics a few more times.

If he did all that and came back he would be a fucking POWERHOUSE and would lift millions more people from ignorance.

Edited by Roy


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@Endangered-EGO I think Sam is very yellow. No one is pure anything so it's a fools errrand trying to prove he's 100% yellow. But he's very concscious, he's just not turquoise yet. He's asking the right questions, he will get there eventually.

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