
Are You Enlightened?

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Well I did reached highest levels but didn't shouted I am God. 

Did shout God that's for sure. 

Only thanks to @Nahm and illusion is it's not you.Couldn't be sure had to ask someone. Because everything that "appears" is me. So whom to ask? Is it True how is that possible, can't be. 

Yeah OMFG I never perceived anything I was Being "stuff". What I tough was "my life" got drained away. 

I made it all up. Hilarious. What a trick and what a fucking mindfuck. 

I never knew or could felt that I am literally Love and that hurted me the most. That hurts it really does. 

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All thinking false, all logic false all worldviews false etc. Entire conceptual Matrix false. All science false Everything what human mind beleives about anything false or limited severely. For me it's like 3 compared to infinity. 

Holly fuck. 

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@Nahm Yeah it really is mindbending when you actually realize not conceptually baby that Ruper Spira video on youtube is literally you, your mother is you, your dog is you this forum is you. 

Whom to ask? 

But thanks to actual "experiences" you can pinpoint easilly who is where and you have real discerment beleive it or not. 

You will ask. WTF I was living. For a concept beleive it or not. Lived life to keep concept alive. Never really actually loved anything, like really deeply and that's shocking. 

And so on and so on. 


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@Martin123 the enormity and magnitude of realizing you are God is so miraculous that it is truly beyond human comprehension.   Because to truly be conscious of it is to be it - and that's mystical and non-dual.  It's absolutely mindblowing and i hope everyone would experience it at least once in their lifetime.   Like i said after that all this talk goes out the window.  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Jailbreaking the mind... Mental Freedom...

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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Biggest mindfuck in whole thing. Holly fuck it's not Self discovery. It is Self remembering and you will have good laugh. 

@Inliytened1 Yeah man it's terrifying. If I have 5-meo for instant Self Realization will do it only once in year or when I feel need to really heal. 

Really is terrifying. God was not stingy and well there is nothing to limit IT. 

Terrifying just terrifying. But I love it. 

Now @Nahmit 's you, it' s you.

Ok hop hop dreamboard well can't do anything else but to dream. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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20 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

@Martin123 the enormity and magnitude of realizing you are God is so miraculous that it is truly beyond human comprehension.   Because to truly be conscious of it is to be it - and that's mystical and non-dual.  It's absolutely mindblowing and i hope everyone would experience it at least once in their lifetime.   Like i said after that all this talk goes out the window.  

Hi @Inliytened1 !

Saying that it is beyond human comprehension is just another way to deny the fact that every mystical, transcendetal and non-dual experience will be perceived by a human. Even the realization to know yourself beyond a person will still be personal to you. It's the most trans-personal experiences that often feel the most personal, funny haha :D.
I have had experiences of travelling to different realms, being swallowed whole by the light, having conversations with god, spirit guides, my soul's potential. None of it felt quite right until I was able to take all that and bring it back to the body.

Human comprehension is god's comprehension. It's precisely after you surrender to the reality of your transpersonal experiences that you get the full permission to be fully human. The sad truth about it is that most people in the non-dual and spiritual field have no desire to be human. They wanna be beyond, transcendent, ungrounded, 'free of samsara' and whatnot.
How unhappy do we internally have to be to motivate such a strong desire to escape form. 

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Well "human experience" is just a state of Conciousness. 

You can unlock central nob=❤️ as Leo says and turn "human experience" to be felt exactly as God. Because it's same infinity. Veil can be removed. 

@Martin123 I am currently in that stage where I somehow want to deny "human experience" and be "above"  because of so many practical issues with it. But eventually you accept it and find joy passion etc in it too. 

Love & Healing man all the time. Love and Healing. 

All good forever. 

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4 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

I am currently in that stage where I somehow want to deny "human experience" and be "above" 

Ik I noticed and I also told you. I wouldn’t recommend that ??‍♀️??‍♀️ But your choices are your own ?? May they be embraced with mindfulness and gratitude.

Sending healing energy to your body. It feels contracted, may you find relief in that overworked sacral chakra of yours.

Edited by Martin123

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@zeroISinfinity I hear you and understand exactly what you’re saying.  Let any remaining dualities go. You can ask anybody anytime, you can love anything anytime. You can’t deny (or not) “human existence” if you’re not already holding it as a duality. it’s just a thought. 



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30 minutes ago, Martin123 said:

Hi @Inliytened1 !

Saying that it is beyond human comprehension is just another way to deny the fact that every mystical, transcendetal and non-dual experience will be perceived by a human. Even the realization to know yourself beyond a person will still be personal to you. It's the most trans-personal experiences that often feel the most personal, funny haha :D.
I have had experiences of travelling to different realms, being swallowed whole by the light, having conversations with god, spirit guides, my soul's potential. None of it felt quite right until I was able to take all that and bring it back to the body.

Human comprehension is god's comprehension. It's precisely after you surrender to the reality of your transpersonal experiences that you get the full permission to be fully human. The sad truth about it is that most people in the non-dual and spiritual field have no desire to be human. They wanna be beyond, transcendent, ungrounded, 'free of samsara' and whatnot.
How unhappy do we internally have to be to motivate such a strong desire to escape form. 

@Martin123  I'm not sure what you are saying - but we cannot escape contradiction and paradox because of Oneness and you seem to be trying to rationalize this.  You can't.  I will contradict myself and it will be paradoxical.  Because there is only One thing here.    I'm not denying form i embrace form.  But your true nature is what it is.   And when one wakes up to themselves it is miraculous.  It's not a denial or a downplay of finite form.  Its all One.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Inliytened1 sorry I seem to have not expressed myself clearly. I’m certainly not rationalising anything. I just meant to point out the intimacy of mystical experiences, and how personal that is to each individual. In essence it is our egos that perceive and live out the reality of awakening. They then build a relationship with the experience according to how our egos are wired. 

there is only one thing indeed. That one thing will be perceived from infinite viewpoints, each unique and each different. 

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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22 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@zeroISinfinity I hear you and understand exactly what you’re saying.  Let any remaining dualities go. You can ask anybody anytime, you can love anything anytime. You can’t deny (or not) “human existence” if you’re not already holding it as a duality. it’s just a thought. 

Crying right now. Always happens. 

Could feel IT, can  feel IT. 

I know "human experience" is just tought or definition of Actuality=Love. 

Just few years beleived science is True holly fuck. Just OMG. 

Thanks my good man. 

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@Martin123 :) well yes but also in a sense in a non-dual state all dualities have collapsed and One is conscious they are One.  The self and other duality collapses. 

But then when duality returns,  the separated self now realizes there really is no separation.  The ego knows that the ego has been imagined by itself as God so that there could be the appearance of separation.  So the "ego" knows that it and God are the same thing. ..God is just appearing as a separate ego - cuz all of that is imaginary.  That's when it gets loopy and paradoical.   So it's really God that makes sense of the experience.



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@zeroISinfinity ? This outta get a laugh out of ya.....

What you need to do is by a “Human Existence Board”. Then, write everything in life that you would like to hammer into place on it. Write everyone’s bullshit on it, and and everything in the past that you don’t want to bring forward into the future...write that, in great detail. Really focus intensely on each thing that you do not want. Then, make an identity column (this is key) and label and memorize who you are, as defined by everything you’ve ever experienced that you are 100% certain you do not want in your physical material world. Because there is no higher power, no infinite intelligence, because - as science has been telling us for centuries - this experience is no more than a blip packed in between a real past and a real future, you need to assert everything you want from anyone else onto them. Just keep demanding they change on a continual basis to accommodate your desires as they unfold. It’s all meaningless anyways (so be careful not to be deceived by “feelings”). Just make sure you are thinking as hard as possible, figuring everything out -before proceeding. The universe is not gonna just “provide” what you are wanting. It would be deluded to even consider it has been all along, and that you can let go of “resistance” that you’ve been “holding”. Most importantly, do not give money to the charlatans who “preach” such a message, and claim it to be “Truth”. You gotta be careful, and make sure you have all the proper dualities in place, all the right beliefs, when it comes to doing what you have to do for income and just to remain at contentment, or you will not make it in this dog eat dog real world. It makes me angry even having to tell people this, and I hope that one day (in the future, never now) you can fully realize this anger also. One day you will get the law of assertion through your fat head, and you will be able to talk to people just like this, and feel terrible about it. ?? We will begin our petition & movement to remove turquoise from the spiral dynamics model, replacing with black. 



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On 2/28/2020 at 0:02 PM, Leo Gura said:

You guys love to play word games.

When you are fully conscious that you are God, that is enlightenment/awakening. How long it lasts is irrelevant. It could last 1 minute or 100 years. For as long as you are conscious, you are awake. As soon as you are not conscious, you are asleep.

If you are in doubt whether you're awake, you're asleep. If you have questions about what God is or means, you are asleep.

Elliot Rodger wrote "I, Elliot Rodger am a God." in his manifesto right before he murdered humans including himself in Isla Vista in 2014. He didn't do any inner work. He simply had NPD and had trouble with women. So being an incel with NPD is the real shortcut to awakening and beats psychedelics? xD 

Edited by jimwell
Changed Rodgers to Rodger

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@jimwell Psychopaths live in grand illusion and are driven by 'a god' of the false self. Awakened live in grand reality without egoic delusions, and egoic delusions is what creates mental illness that psychopaths suffer from. 

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48 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

@Martin123 :) well yes but also in a sense in a non-dual state all dualities have collapsed and One is conscious they are One.  The self and other duality collapses. 

But then when duality returns,  the separated self now realizes there really is no separation.  The ego knows that the ego has been imagined by itself as God so that there could be the appearance of separation.  So the "ego" knows that it and God are on..God is just appearing as a separate ego - cuz all of that is imaginary.  That's when it gets loopy and paradoical. 


well it sounds like something you really wanna believe. Whether it’s true or not seems kind of irrelevant, but thanks for sharing. It sounds important to you and I respect your passion.

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