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Combining heaven and earth - don't forget to be human

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For some reason most members here are very focused on the mind and much less on the body. Please read this and tell me what you think about this, how your process with regard to this unfolds etc.

I've been through quite a lot the last 4 or 5 years. Been living a lot in my crown chakra the past year. Been open to lots of energies. Hitting rock bottom was becoming my favourite hobby. It almost became addicting to hit up high frequencies and then plunge into darkness through various ego death cycles. 

But your life will absolutely suck if you won't anchor that shit into your body. If you refuse to be a person in a real world, life will suck. Don't tell me this is an illusion. Because you're actually filtering a Higher Truth through language. Which makes it incredibly nihilistic and won't do you any good. 

Dying out of your body = awakening of the mind = psychological death

Dying into the body = awakening of the body 

You must die into the body before you can transcend it by death of the body. During this phase you will realize that love is what you're really afraid of. That there is no difference between fear and love.

Ultimate fear pops up when ultimate love shows itself for the ultimate surrender

For this we need to merge both the earth energies (from the root) and sky energies (crown) into the heart. Bridging those mofos.

What do you guys do to ground yourself? What rituals do you guys use for the root chakra (also sacral and solar plexus).



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Resonates with me deeply. 2 years ago as I was really getting serious with consciousness work, contemplate, meditation, etc., I got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and basically my entire relationship to my body transformed overnight... I became very conscious of just how interconnected the body is with our state of experience, our awareness, our focus, mood. It’s all connected. 

Nutrition, sleep, exercise, breathing correctly are all techniques I use to ground myself. It any of these are off, monkey mind, illusion, and ego are all much more rampant. 

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What I think about this,please do not put my on stakes.  :D 


For me it is all mind, difference is how you use it, you focus on  emotions,feelings instead of logic and they process information quite differently. 

You do not have much of options in this case, you will change every second day, because you are slave to emotions,logic and every state that comes and goes,trying to make sense out of illusion, because each and every one of them are trying to make it as real as possible, it is not that it is even trying, it is just what that moment is. 

I wish you luck though, it will not free you from illusion ,but you might get to lalal land you are looking for.   

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5 hours ago, purerogue said:

What I think about this,please do not put my on stakes.  :D 


For me it is all mind, difference is how you use it, you focus on  emotions,feelings instead of logic and they process information quite differently. 

You do not have much of options in this case, you will change every second day, because you are slave to emotions,logic and every state that comes and goes,trying to make sense out of illusion, because each and every one of them are trying to make it as real as possible, it is not that it is even trying, it is just what that moment is. 

I wish you luck though, it will not free you from illusion ,but you might get to lalal land you are looking for.   

So many assumptions my man. 

To me it looks like you're in a complete denial of this "physical" reality. Or in a very infantile stage of your journey. I know it's consciousness, but groundedness heavily influences the quality of your subjective experience. Why don't you cut of your leg if it doesnt mean anything to you? Even some of the most enlightened beings (like Gangaji and Matt Kahn) are saying this. Ignoring the quality of your humanness and subjective experience can be a much darker way of being attached to that same illusion you're talking about. In the end it will be maya. But you misunderstood illusion if you think they mean it is "not real". Thats a major disrespect to the realness of existence. 

This work is not about denying anything. "Seeing through" is a loving act. Detachment is a loving act. Freedom means the willingness to become a slave. Not-knowing is not an attitude that stems from denial. Denial is judgement = concept.

Maybe i misunderstood you, but even the grandest sages warn us to not forget humanity (no one talks about being attached). What is consciousness/spirituality but a concept relative to your humanity? 

Edited by Visionary

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7 hours ago, Gnosis said:


7 hours ago, Consilience said:

Resonates with me deeply. 2 years ago as I was really getting serious with consciousness work, contemplate, meditation, etc., I got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and basically my entire relationship to my body transformed overnight... I became very conscious of just how interconnected the body is with our state of experience, our awareness, our focus, mood. It’s all connected. 

Nutrition, sleep, exercise, breathing correctly are all techniques I use to ground myself. It any of these are off, monkey mind, illusion, and ego are all much more rampant. 

Thank you man


7 hours ago, Gnosis said:



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1 minute ago, Dutch guy said:

Focussing on the tan/tien (below the belly), bone breathing, tai-chi, earth energy, six healing sounds, inner smile. All practices of the Healing Tao system.

Example; (but even be careful with this one if already much energy)


Mijn dank is groot! 

Oh and btw guys:

I've intuitively come across ecstatic dancing and singing. These can be incredibly grounding and freeing at the same time (also with self-expression).

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7 hours ago, Visionary said:

So many assumptions my man. 

To me it looks like you're in a complete denial of this "physical" reality. Or in a very infantile stage of your journey. I know it's consciousness, but groundedness heavily influences the quality of your subjective experience. Why don't you cut of your leg if it doesnt mean anything to you? Even some of the most enlightened beings (like Gangaji and Matt Kahn) are saying this. Ignoring the quality of your humanness and subjective experience can be a much darker way of being attached to that same illusion you're talking about. In the end it will be maya. But you misunderstood illusion if you think they mean it is "not real". Thats a major disrespect to the realness of existence. 

This work is not about denying anything. "Seeing through" is a loving act. Detachment is a loving act. Freedom means the willingness to become a slave. Not-knowing is not an attitude that stems from denial. Denial is judgement = concept.

Maybe i misunderstood you, but even the grandest sages warn us to not forget humanity (no one talks about being attached). What is consciousness/spirituality but a concept relative to your humanity? 

I am sorry my post hurt you so much, love :x:x hug.

You do you, I am sure one day it will work out. 

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4 minutes ago, purerogue said:

I am sorry my post hurt you so much, love :x:x hug.

You do you, I am sure one day it will work out. 

Lmao good luck denying life :x

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8 minutes ago, Visionary said:

Lmao good luck denying life :x

:x Good luck spending rest of your life running in circles! :x


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@Visionary Love it.

From my perspective, the body is not legs, feet, stomach, etc. To me personally that all is illusion, or its projection.

Whats not(or less ;) ) of a projection is energies felt in consciousness that are beyond the mind(im very careful here not to day these energies come from the body, because while it seems that way, its not exactly true) and not getting sucked into the mind, and allowing these energies to have awareness placed on them(body awareness) is necessary not to get depressed.

So i agree with you, I just dont think its the body, its energetic perception.

Like if you watch closely, the chakras are not in the body. Thats a dogma you learnt because your kundalini teachers needed a way to teach it to you materialistically so it would make sense to your brain. All of it is actually within consciousness or our awareness field, and the thought that its located in the body... is just a thought, its not, its more accurate to say its in the mind, God's universal mind.

Its important to make this distinction because if you keep looking for things in the body, you have an inaccurate perception of those energetic sensations. Plus the 'body' and mind are connected. If you keep thinking these energies are in the body, you will have a tough time seeing that the mind and body are 2 sides of the same coin. Like energy felt in the heart chakra = emotional problems in the mind... They are the same thing but perceived to be located differently. Once realized these 2 things are the same, you get a union of body and mind which is powerful.

Edited by electroBeam

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50 minutes ago, Dutch guy said:

@purerogue I think Visionary is onto something. Sounds Visionary to me.

That's the visionary in you my bro


7 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

@Visionary Love it.

From my perspective, the body is not legs, feet, stomach, etc. To me personally that all is illusion, or its projection.

Whats not(or less ;) ) of a projection is energies felt in consciousness that are beyond the mind(im very careful here not to day these energies come from the body, because while it seems that way, its not exactly true) and not getting sucked into the mind, and allowing these energies to have awareness placed on them(body awareness) is necessary not to get depressed.

So i agree with you, I just dont think its the body, its energetic perception.

Like if you watch closely, the chakras are not in the body. Thats a dogma you learnt because your kundalini teachers needed a way to teach it to you materialistically so it would make sense to your brain. All of it is actually within consciousness or our awareness field, and the thought that its located in the body... is just a thought, its not, its more accurate to say its in the mind, God's universal mind.

YES! Exactly this my dude. It's all about energetics, that's what i'm also referring to. But its to make the distinction between the awakening stages.

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@Dutch guy Be open to the possibility that 'hit' is literally a projection, 'rotation' is a projection and 'bone' is a projection.

Im not saying the qualia is a projection. Im not saying the colours and the like, im saying your interpretation of them is a projection.

What's the difference between hit and rotate? You could say rotating is an object hitting air. 

Why is hitting real? When an object hits another object, its actually just pushing air onto the leg? When the object seems to touch the leg its not actually touching the leg, there's a thin veil of air between the leg ans the object, and science has shown atoms dont touch each other. So how is your projection of hit real?

Yeah you have all of these skeptical concerns about energies IF you believe in your dogmatic projections of 'hit' 'rotate' and 'bone' yet when those things break down then what are you gonna do? OMG you're gonna have to actually perceive reality in awareness and just use that! 

This is what is meant by the body is a projection. Youre so wrapped up in your beliefs of your definitions of your words that you've built a bogus truth determiner that's predicated upon shaky and corrupt grounds.

It seems like the body is connected to energies because youve defined it that way. I dont care how you define things, i care about whats true. And whats true is, the body as a whole is literally a projection. What is a body? How have you defined it? What if after contemplating what the body is for a while you discover its actually just Universal Mind ;) Scientifically speaking, the body is lightwaves reflecting off the body into your eyes then your brain converts the waves into electrical impulses. So what youre looking at is not the body but electrical impulses. So youre trying to prove that energies are in the body by saying these electrical impulses are consistently acting a certain way... instead of this bullshit why dont you just look inward and in awareness?

Edited by electroBeam

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19 minutes ago, Dutch guy said:

If its only energy like authors before me say, how come if you hit the bones so much energy is felt? And by rotating it in the bones the energy refines. Then I feel my fingertips pulsing. Seems a big link between energy and body..


Yes, that's awareness/consciousness/energy masquerading as form.

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@Visionary yo, not gona lie mate...i dont know much about all this shit with sky energies and tapping your bones with magical aluminium fans...i just dont see the need for so much.....content...........why not just stick some psychedelics up your ass and watch as reality morphs and folds before your eyes, then hit up a wee kryia yoga sesh after and stare blankly at your hand for 20 minutes then have a mad house party with all your mates after lol. Its my 22nd birthday party and thats EXACTLY what i'll be doing tomorrow lol 

Edited by Aaron p

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20 minutes ago, Aaron p said:

@Visionary yo, not gona lie mate...i dont know much about all this shit with sky energies and tapping your bones with magical aluminium fans...i just dont see the need for so much.....content...........why not just stick some psychedelics up your ass and watch as reality morphs and folds before your eyes, then hit up a wee kryia yoga sesh after and stare blankly at your hand for 20 minutes then have a mad house party with all your mates after lol. Its my 22nd birthday party and thats EXACTLY what i'll be doing tomorrow lol 

Lmao enjoy bro

Doing shrooms ocassionaly my dude

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@Visionary holy Fuck. It was mad. It was fucking mad. The place was bouncing. Lol. I was fucked hahaha

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