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Enlightenment and Pain

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For those that have become enlightened or reached stage Turquoise, I'm wondering what your relationship is to pain. By pain, I mean physical and emotional pain/discomfort. Do you have a new appreciation for pain? Do you crave comfort and hedonistic pleasure less often? Do you have a new appreciation for purposeful pain (working hard, working out, putting yourself through challenges) than you used to? If you broke your leg, are you able to divert your mind and not feel the pain? Do pain and suffering not exist at all? 

I think this would be a huge motivation for going into spiritual work if this relationship changes with enlightenment!

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Best way to deal with pain in my veiw is to first see it for what it is, feeling senstation, then to breath into it as if you are expanding the space around the feeling giving it more space. At first it can seem worse as you are bringing more awareness to it, but the more one practices this the better it get. I suffered from chronic pain and this is how I basically cured it. 

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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‘Purposeful pain’ is mental anguish / suffering, in the same sense pain is a sensation but no one is hurting. It’s best to feel into both as much as possible, curiously and impartially interested in what they actually are. Chronic pain is ultimately the same, but also relatively significantly different, just as chronic mental suffering is substantially different than occasional incidental mental suffering.

“I think this would be a huge motivation for going into spiritual work if this relationship changes with enlightenment!”

Might be a trap. If “this relationship changes with enlightenment”, that might be putting the cart before the horse / using ““enlightenment”” to continue avoiding inspecting one or both.



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