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Nonduality and addictions, crime,..

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How exactly does this work? Everything just happens? If you look at neo advaita teachers like Tony Parsons or Jim Newman, they are always radical about it, saying there is no one home, and thus there is no free will.

So what about murderers, serial killers, pedophiles, serious drug addicts etc? They have no free will? They don't have a choice in killing someone or staying addicted to heroin? I don't understand how this works. Also addictions in general. Do you actually have no choice wether you are addicted and stay addicted to a subtance?

"I should've been a statistic, but decided to go against all odds instead. What if?" - David Goggins.

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Without any mindfulness practise you literally can't control yourself or your sinful actions. There were things about myself that I couldn't control and now I can. However I also am suspicious that the idea that I am in control of them is an illusion. If I am an illusion then how can I control anything. It's just god manifesting himself through me and reacting to things that happen to him.

Different manifestations of the Guru. You think you chose your spouse when in actual fact it was based upon small things that you liked or disliked about them. The best explanation I've ever heard is this. You think you choose what music you like? Why don't you choose to like all music...or why don't you choose to like all food? You can't, because it's not your choice 

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