
Is weed addictive for all human being ?

29 posts in this topic

@Preety_India While I'm high on weed it makes all experiences feel fresh and more vibrant.  Even the most mundane stuff feels like a new experience again.  Movies and music seem more interesting.  It makes me feel more loving and compassionate.  After a while it became increasingly more difficult to function without it.  If I went a day or two without consuming weed I became super irritable and prone to rage.  Thank God I found meditation.  The "high" that I got from daily/consistent meditation feels similar to a mild weed buzz and it lasts throughout the day and without the withdrawal symptoms.  After years of weed addiction I was finally able to quit thanks to meditation,, and this forum. :)

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420 views lol. SYNCHRONICITY! jk but still funny. Also yes I did ruin it and it now has 421?


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@SickLuv I am 4 and a half weeks sober from marijuana. I was smoking around an eighth a day EVERY SINGLE DAY (VERY expensive habit). I have quit cigarettes and alcohol for over a year now but continued to have trouble not smoking pot. I finally buckled down and quit cold turkey and the difference in my mindfulness now compared to then is like night and day!!!  I also am able to get way deeper into my meditation without it. It is well worth quoting for a month and at that point YOU decide if you should quit or not. It will take serious will power, ESPECIALLY if you were smoking as much as I was but It is well worth it.

Edited by Adodd

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@Adodd ??? Good job! 

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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Why would anyone wish to pay attention to decades of individual failure(s) repeatedly projected on humanity while also avoiding to learn anything constructive from such misleading pattern?

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14 hours ago, Adodd said:

I was smoking around an eighth a day EVERY SINGLE DAY

I smoke 1/8 ever 2 days. Best medicine in the world.



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