So I was listening to this video last week "10 Important Things You Don't Know You Want" and I realized when Leo starts talking about the "first time childlike intense magic experience" around the 8 minute mark, that this is something that I want.
Things were more much more lucid ,vivid and life was generally more enjoyable when I was younger. The older I get the more boring life seems to become as I become more and more acquainted with it, and everything I do seems to always trying to induce that new feeling to life again. So as I was watching this video I remembered two separate videos on different topics but still somewhat interlinked, which are ADHD and Dopamine Detox's.
If you put into YouTube "Dopamine Detox" a bunch of videos appear going over similar themes which are basically to deprive yourself of any form of gratification and eventually you'll regain that lucid childlike state again. I recently been attempting intermittent fasting, and after you experience a similar sensation as you starve yourself the first food you taste is heaven, even something like steamed broccoli beats chocolate. Same logic applies elsewhere, what is meditation if not boring yourself into submission to the point that your own breath becomes interesting. So my current plan is to gradually start boring myself more, to get that new life state of mind, this according to one video I watched gives you "dopaminergic ammo" to re give you the neuro chemical desire to actually step outside of your comfort zone and to "experience life", so basically to escape escapism.
So what does this have to do with ADHD, well our culture is what was called a "novelty culture" in this video, which is basically a culture built about hooking in to your brain and keeping you constantly stimulated in a zombie like trance. More and more people are getting diagnosed with ADHD, as I was. But it seems to in reality that ADHD is a result and reaction to this culture of over stimulation and constant entertainment. The inability to sit still and focus is because we get bored so quickly because we are so used to constantly being simulated. Which makes us sensitized to boredom as a result. Its not like ADHD is a recent genetic mutation, its environmental, caused by a culture of novelty, which results in the medicalising of boredom, so high schools can justify what is the drugging of overly bored and misbehaving children with hard stimulants, anyway I'm rambling. So I think my ADHD is bullshit, I'm going try a dopamine detox over the next few days and see what it does for me. There's a book referenced in one of the videos called "The Science of Boredom by Dr Sandi Mann" that I'm going to read, and is probably a insightful if anyone else is interested in this topic.
Anyway this is my first post on Actualised forum, I've been meaning to start using the forum for a while (became a member January of 2019) but just haven't got to it, so I just decided I'd write whatever. Anyway if anyone's got any advice on how to get the "first time childlike intense magic experience" it'd be much appreciate, Cheers