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What should I tell my frined about God, is it Love?

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Would it be cold-hearted to tell my friend who is constantly in suffering due to chronic bone pain, that God is Love?

In one of my spiritual trips, I too got the message that God is love and reality is created out Love. However, yet whenever I interact with my friend who ca- 5 years ago developed chronic bone/skeletal pain, whenever I speak with and I see the suffering in her eyes, how tired she actually is of it, day in day out, I just cant tell her that according to my direct experience God and universe/reality is Love. 

How could her situation even be so? Yes, one of my direct expiring form a psychedelic showed my that God and reality is Love but on the other hand, my direct experience with my friend shows me an overall good-hearted individual who is very tired of constantly feeling pain in her bones, and it seems like it will be so until her physical death.

This really makes me think, and I have to understand how could a universe made of Love let such a thing happen and keep happening to her.  This literal pain, does not benefit her whatsoever, it only destroyed her life up until now, and keeps destroying it. I really wish it was not so. 


Edited by WHO IS

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Arent I, who is, in general, a person with a healthy body, telling her that God is love and just be happy and enjoy existing, sound sarcastic because due to the nature of the situation I'm in a privileged position compared to hers?

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11 minutes ago, WHO IS said:

Would it be cold-hearted to tell my friend who is constantly in suffering due to chronic bone pain, that God is Love?

It depends on the person and where they are in their spiritual development. I probably wouldn't tell someone that their chronic bone pain is love. It would likely be interpreted as being crass. . . . If I had direct experience of transcendent love, I would express that with her through loving energy, loving connection and loving acts - rather than telling her thought stories about how pain is love or that god is love.

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But I wouldt give pain to someone whom I Love, at least not consciously, then why God/Universe the ultimate source does it?

Either God/Source/Universe does it because it is unconscious of it, or it is indeed conscious of it and still doesnt take it away from her, then one could ask to what extent is it truly loving towards her, in her individual case. 

Edited by WHO IS

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Just now, WHO IS said:

Either God/Source/Universe does it because it is unconscious of it, or it is indeed conscious of it and still doesnt take it away from her. 

This is the classic dilemma of an external, all powerful anthropomorphic god. There are literally thousands of hours of religious people and atheists debating this online. 

Or one can transcend the construct of an external, all powerful anthropomorphic god. . . . 

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If God is Love, you cannot see clearly unless you see with eyes of Love, not with the eyes of someone wanting something to be some other way. Even though on the human level this LOOKS like love and compassion, ask yourself, if you were sick and suffering would you want to be seen as the divine light that you are, or a sick person suffering? There could be some incredible reason that has yet to unfold. Sometimes those reasons are revealed to us and sometimes they aren't. Even so it's likely that here and now your friend wants to be seen for who she is beyond the limitations of her form. That's what we all really want the most after all. We all have that in common, some are conscious of this desire and some aren't yet.  

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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