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World Value Survey and my realization

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 N.B - this is not a post promoting Victim Mentality. I have decided to write it to find inner motivation and inspiring others as well. 

Last night i had finished watching Leo's latest video on world value survey. Truely, it was very eye opening. It also gave me some points to contemplate about my life and the society i live in.

I Live in Bangladesh. If you have watched Leo's video, you might have heard him mentioning my country's name several time, specially when he tried to mention Low to low-middle income, corrupted, survival oriented country. I was very surprised after some thinking that this survey pictures my country's situation almost accurately.

It was hard for me to develop myself in this country. I was confused about reality and walking in a directionless path. Still, i did not give up hope to find "Truth" and whatever the hell that meant. I didn't loose hope.

Then i had found  Leo's content has opened my mind to many possibilities that i couldn't have imagine by my own. I learnt about the nature of my mind, how reality, politices,society works and so on. I have watched atleast 300+ of his videos and an active member of this forum for the last 1.5 years and still i feel i have known a little and this path of self actualization just getting started.

Being in Bangladesh and doing self actualization is too hard. I feel alianated from my family,  friends and the soceity. There is hardly anyone with whom i ca share my insights and path. Many times, i have felt  strangled and limited by the social environment i  live in. There is almost no places that offers meditation course, retreats or yoga etc. Either they don't exist or they are just too expensive for me to participate.

I have also learned about psychedelics and they aren't available here.Nonetheless i am planning on moving to abroad to find them and other fascilities but it will take atleast 3-5 years for me to move and do those. My situations are so hard that even if i wanted to buy Leo's life purpose course, it is not possible as my country do not have paypal, not to mention how expensive the course is.

 So to those self actualizers here who live in developed countries, i want to say that you guys are very very fortunate to live in such a developed place. Don't take it for granted :) And to those who live in environment such as mine or worse, just persevere and do not loose hope. It may be hard to do self development work from being there, but it's worth it. It is thousand times better than just to be at the level of you soceity's consciousness and help maintaining status quo. Eleviation of consciousness has its own reward and satisfaction.

All the best to everyone :)      

Edited by Annoynymous

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You are inspiring!

Keep up the great attitude.

Yes it's harder for you there. But it also makes you all the more rare and special.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Annoynymous I live in a country with 350$/month average salary, and indeed it’s hard as fuck.

For me, having an income of 1000$+/month would make things at least x10 times better.

"It is the emptiness within the cup that makes it useful."

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I empathize (the best I can) with people living in poorer or more dangerous countries. I am trying to imagine how much of a struggle it might be to pursue these kinds of things with so many resistance forces acting against you.

However I would just like to say don't let the resentment of the way your society or culture is force you into feeling like you have to "escape".

It is entirely possible for you to live an amazing fulfilled life where you are at (it just might take extra work but that's worth it isn't it?).

Who knows, perhaps you'll serve as an inspirational beacon for those similar to you where you live!


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@Roy it maybe a possibility,  but it's actually matter of preference. That is why some becomes professional and some teachers.

I don't want feel that i "need" to escape, i want my life to be based upon conscious choice.

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@Annoynymous Very familiar, brother.

I live in Bulgaria, where things are at least OK financially (yet still the average citizen is 6 times poorer than a US citizen), but the majority of the country is at a very low conscious development. It's distribution will be something like 20% Red, 70% Blue, 10% Orange. The push-back I have from every single peer or family member as to the developments I do in my life (I've never brought up things like consciousness, spirituality or psychedelics) is ridiculous. Something I realised as part of my journey is to prepare for studying abroad (I'm applying this year) in the US (particularly in California), precisely because the surroundings have such an impact on one's consciousness. There's something "demoralizing" in not knowing anybody that shares your vision or direction. 

What comes with these conditions is an incredible strength and a peculiar POV that allows you to see things without taking them for granted. The fact that you are that conscious despite the circumstances is already pointing to a spiritual talent that you have, so don't compare yourself to the people around you. You are on an entirely different journey that society will be able to appreciate only after thousands of years. I'm not even exaggerating.

I can say that has had also a very profound effect on my consciousness. Utilise it to your fullest extent. It changed my entire political view, my position on psychedelics, my understanding of society, sex, relationships, leadership, conscious work and so much more. 

Most importantly - meet yourself where you're at. The specific conditions/position you find yourself living in play a role in your purpose and greater direction. Never forget that. 

Edited by Ero

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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@Ero it's very inspiring to learn from  people like you who are struggling like me :)

I don't wanna give anyone any kind of false impression here. I want to say that my family is doing quite well (financially) in Bangladesh. You might consider my family as the top 10% of my country. Still if we migrate to US for example, we will be low or low middle income family at best. I think still that is better,  relatively 90% of my other countrymen. Maybe this analogy will help you to understand my country's position financially.

There are some other aspects like social,  cultural and the imfluence of religion. I consider my country 60% Blue, 25% Red, 10% Orange and some greens, although very rare.It's very difficult to live with red and blue,  and even with orange.

Nonetheless, i have accepted my life and ready of whatever may come to my way. I feel the ways things are for me,  are there for a reason. Maybe it will help me grow and find my true purpose in this world.

N.B - maybe i am diving into victim mentality. I am sorry if i have done that. I feel i have been wrong with my financial assumption. I am doing fine relative to most of my fellow countrymen. 

Edited by Annoynymous

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