
The Truth about Human Food

35 posts in this topic

1764. The truth about human food. (Processed by Martin W., David B.) 2003.
Place: Area of Brno and Žatec.

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The major purpose of this article is to shed a little light and truth on the issue of human food being full of lies, falsities and myths.

The proof of this fact is that out of total number of people of planet Earth, as low as 2% are completely healthy. However, it is up to every human and his (or her) free choice whether or not he associates himself with what is being stated here. ?? ?? ????????? ???? ??? ?????? ??? ????????? ??? ????????? ???????????, ???? ???? ??? ????? ???????????, ?? ???’? ?????.

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The main difference is ?? ???????? ??? ?????????? ?? ??? ???? ??? ??????, which also corresponds to the physical body. If we, for example, detach the leaf of a plant, which, apparently, is immobile (it cannot move itself by itself), we don’t kill it. This is because the ???? of that ????? ?? ????????, ????????? ??? ?? ????? ?? ??? ????????? ?? ???? ?? ?? ??? ????????? ???? ?? ??? ????. (This can clearly be seen on a Christmas tree, for example. After the tree, or a part of the tree, was cut and brought into a warm room, its needles wouldn’t fall off at once. The spirit of that tree is still present in there. The needles begin to fall off gradually after some time. That is, the spirit begins to gradually leave the tree.) This is proved also by Kyrlian’s photographs. If we ingest the leaf, then the ???? ?? ???? ?????, ???, ?????? ??? ????, or more precisely, ??? ?????? ????, ??? ??????? ?? ??????????? - ?????????? ????? ????? to the benefit of both the plant and the human.

On the other hand, when ??????? are killed, the ????? ??????????? ???? ???? ????? ?????? (they are violently cast out of their bodies), and what people consume is just a piece of dead spoiled mass. In addition, people introduce into their bodies the energies of stress and fear experienced by the animal at the time of its violent death, and so one creates and bears a bigger and bigger karmic burden, for one has grossly violated the spiritual - Cosmic laws by shortening the life of e.g. a cow, which could graze down many plants in its life and so help them promote their spiritual level. (Source: George Adamski, book “?????? ??? ??????????”, chapter “?????, ??? ????? ??????”,

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It is clear from the above-stated that human is a being living on plant food. But because many people do mistakenly assume that human is an omnivore by nature, an illustration pointing to the physiological differences among herbivores, omnivores and carnivores is in place here.

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It is obvious from the above-stated table that human body ????? predispositions for meat ingestion. Food science, being under control of the negative state, argues that humans, children in particular, will miss important elements and substances needed for their health and growth. One of these arguments, for example, is proteins.

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Scientists dealing with food are in the matter of human need for proteins as highly disunited and inconsistent as possible. So-called experts recommend from 30 grams a day up to 100 grams a day. But all this is just theoretical considerations, while nature provides us with a simple demonstration of need for daily proteins.

Considering human lifetime, babies have the highest need for proteins. In the course of first six months of life, one doubles one’s weight, and this does not repeat any more. It is no doubt that human milk is an optimum food for infants. Human milk contains 2% of proteins. Given that these 2% of proteins are an optimum quantity for infants, then a human needs less than 2% of proteins for the rest of his/her life. No other adult mammal needs more proteins than is contained in the breast milk of their kind. Man-apes, elephants, etc., in adulthood feed exclusively on plant food (which contains 1-2% of proteins) and, nevertheless, they are healthy. Yet, humans are recommended to eat meat, which contains 20-22% of proteins.

The same applies to other substances like amino acids, vitamins, iron and other elements. But none of these are lacked by the above-mentioned and other mammals.


Cow’s milk should not be consumed by infants at all. It was designed for baby cows, inasmuch as it contains casein protein which is quite different from globulin protein contained in human breast milk, hence it is something alien for infants. It must be freed from poisons by the immune system, which poses a significant load for infant’s defense forces.

A low content of lactose in cow’s milk leads to an insufficient creation of myelin in infant’s brain cells. In comparison, baby cows’ brain grows much less than human brain.

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Concerning the calcium in cow’s milk, its content in cow’s milk is much higher compared to human milk. Unfortunately, considerable amount of phosphates in cow’s milk (5 times higher than in human milk) as well as the alkalization of digestive organs cause that the absorption of more than two thirds of calcium is blocked. In addition, a high content of proteins in cow’s milk causes that the body excretes a lot of calcium, even more calcium than the body receives, through the urine.

This is because milk proteins contain circa 3 times more amino acids with sulfur than vegetable proteins.

In the case of regular consummation of milk, the high content of amino acids containing sulfur would lead to the overacidity of blood if the body were not to protect itself. The protection consists in the continual release of alkaline phosphate of calcium from the bones. The final product of this process – the calcium hydrogen phosphate – is being excreted through the urine. This is how the cow’s milk takes valuable calcium away from the bones.

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?????? ?????? ????????? ??????? ?? ???? ??????? ???? ?? ????????, that is, minimize cooking as well, for, in this process, some 70% of vitamins get lost, enzymes get destroyed, and so the overall supply of these important nutrients is reduced to a minimum. The spirit is expelled from cooked vegetables. In other words, ?????? ???? = ???? ????.

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Raw food is the only ideal healing food even for serious diseases!

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Furthermore, the food should be eaten slowly; not hastily and in stress. One should enjoy it. One should eat adequate amount of food to fill, but not overeat, oneself. Important is the variety and diversity – many kinds of vegetable and fruit, and frequent variation of food composition. People on the spiritual path with higher vibrations are enough to have smaller portions of food and less frequently during the day. (Some have two meals a day, some one meal only; this is due to better flow of energies in one’s bodies.)

Everything, however, is a personal matter of every individual. Every one determines his/her ??????? ?? ????, i.e. ?????? ????????? as well.

(Processed by Martin W., David B.) 2003.
Place: Area of Brno and Žatec.


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Ancient spiritual traditions like Hinduism consumed cow's milk and still do to this day. They even consecrate or bless the animals.

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Sure, tell that to everyone who has allergies to certain type of food, be it meat,vegetable, plants, or whatever,it is like listening to people who like to make make believe stories about social constructs,economic constructs on pure theory of perfect harmony,where everything follows rules. 

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I really want to believe that humans can thrive solely on raw living foods but from some of the experience with people who came to our clinic in awful shape following restrictive diet, I did not get that message. It did not also work for me and I felt cold and exhausted.  I think we do need some protein and essential fatty acids and other components not found in raw foods in any significant numbers. For sure we don't need all the supplements and dumping ourselves with so much protein and starch as we do today. 

Raw food diet can be an amazing healing diet such as when one fights cancer. I don't know if it is a good thriving and re-building diet. 

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21 hours ago, Nahm said:

I sometime wonder which word has been diluted more...consciousness, food, or God.

Or Truth.

Keep your eyes open for my "The Truth about Truth thread"

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40 minutes ago, Red-White-Light said:

@electroBeam So you can hang a tree upside and slit it's throat and watch it squeal and suffer as it loses conciousness? Didn't think so.

Don't speak of things you are ignorant of. 

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@pluto What exactly is a 'soul'? I assume it is just another way of saying consciousness/awareness. Also, it's true some people are restricted to carnivore diets and that it actually makes them feel better than if they ate plants (I'm not sure about the statistics on what amount of people are like this). These are all just thoughts arising in my head, I haven't actually tried a raw diet yet, mostly because I don't have much financial control (I live with my parents).

Describe a thought.

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Considering human lifetime, babies have the highest need for proteins. In the course of first six months of life, one doubles one’s weight, and this does not repeat any more. It is no doubt that human milk is an optimum food for infants. Human milk contains 2% of proteins. Given that these 2% of proteins are an optimum quantity for infants, then a human needs less than 2% of proteins for the rest of his/her life.

That actually made me think, interesting.


@Keyhole I spoke to a tree on shrooms, it was very wise. :ph34r:

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What has transpired here lol

What a trigger point :)


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Nice, it's more like you can feel vibe of the tree and it can feel you rather than conversation. Did you have these experiences sober ? I wonder if that's possible.

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6 hours ago, Red-White-Light said:

@electroBeam Plants are not conscious, sentient beings. 


sounds like you're talking about yourself.

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Hm :D

Doesn't it seem to you guys,  that humans... almost obviously... are extremely versatile and adaptive beings. Inhibiting the most desolate places and still surviving. High mountains, dry deserts, polar caps, tundras, jungles, islands, steppes ect. While living there extracting most of the nutrients from anything they can find around. Animal, plant or fungi alike, even from the soil itself in some cases. Some thrive mostly on plants, while some exclusively on animals. Even having modern vegans and carnivores that are actually alive is almost a testament to this. How would we be all over the place if our "true" food source was so limited.

On the other hand. Is it so hard to accept that love is so brutal and that at times...there is no life at the expense of another. Is it that hard to accept that in the sea of relativism, we are brutal beings, that do brutal things. We are still taking life, a form of being, and consuming it to further our own.

Eating an avocado is just as brutal as eating a kitten, alive. Its just that we feel so related to the kitten, it has big eyes, tiny nose, moves, breathes, makes sounds, screams when you peel the skin off, the avocado does not. You can not relate to the avocado as much, its just ... quite... different. So you peel that little thing, cut it into cubes, eat it and smile. Oh what an consciousness rising, healthy morning snack. Imagine an orb of light (creativity=0 ) appearing out of nowhere and it starts to twist you in myriad of painful ways that you can not even comprehend, only to end you and consume you, oh and it does not eat other orb like beings, like avocados, its not moral, it came for you, it only eats the beings that have eyes, nose, breathe, those are healthy, not conscious and fine for consumption. Its best to eat the ones that scream when you twist the fabric of their being. That's the sign that its an GMO free, organic mammal. Doesn't this whole thing seem a bit weird.

Haha, ofc someone made a video in this spirit. Its not bad.


Edited by Yog

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On 2/24/2020 at 3:41 AM, pluto said:

It is obvious from the above-stated table that human body ????? predispositions for meat ingestion.

Totally FALSE.

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