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Nico Semsrott trying to make a change in the European Parliament

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The politcal party "Die Partei" started out as a comedy-party, but became a good example for conscious politicics, i think.

Nico Semsrott made this creative suggestion to save a lot of resources in the parliament.

Here is what he is saying:

There is also a Petition, so maybe some of you want to support this:’s-single-seat-in-Brussels


Petition Summary  

The petitioner describes how the European Parliament in the fifties started up its activity in Strasbourg, using the building of the Council of Europe, but then later decided to have its own house in Brussels. However, travelling between Brussels and Strasbourg continued, as Member States agreed, and enshrined in the Treaties (Protocol No 6), that “The European Parliament shall have its seat in Strasbourg where the 12 periods of monthly plenary sessions, including the budget session, shall be held. The periods of additional plenary sessions shall be held in Brussels [...]”. The petitioner refers to different initiatives taken by the Members in view of setting a single seat in Brussels. The petitioner highlights that the situation of the European Parliament is particular, as it is not allowed to decide on the location of its own seat. As a solution, the petitioner suggests to rename the Brussels Plenary hall in Brussels into “STRASBOURG”, so that, meeting in Brussels, the European Parliament still meets in “Strasbourg”, in line with the legal text. The petitioner therefore suggests renaming the Brussels Plenary Hall, and highlights the cost- and environmental savings that would generate.


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