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Victor Mgazi

Is Love the final answer?

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Upon realizing how reality is absolutely One and that I was practically inseparable to it, I've also realized something utterly profound... God's soul.

For me, soul has nothing to do with who you are but rather what you are in essence. Think of it as fundamental identity if you will. I discovered my true and higher self when I started getting into Kundalini meditation, and the way I live my life has drastically changed since then.

Meditation and deep inquiry had helped with the dissolving of attachments and the exposing of the conceptual self. First, I realized how what I considered to be brain perception was actually not perception but consciousness itself. This, slowly but surely, led to my second realization: how I, myself, was in fact illusory and not separate from this sensory field of awareness.

And finally, my latest awakening, knowing how it's all possible, how this miracle we call existence is happening. It's the answer prior to any question, prior to the when, the how, and the why. It's nothing, it's formless, it's utterly selfless. It's what let's everything you know, including yourself, exist. 

The answer is consciousness which I've understood to be the manifestation of God's love.

When I look around I no longer see what I used to see before this whole thing started. Instead of seeing dumb, non-living objects, I see the formless taking form. Instead of seeing people with individual identities, I see the selfless taking upon a self. I see God become the space and substance of my world: the ground I walk on, the bed I lie on, the air I breathe. I see all this and can't help but feel deeply in love with everything and everyone. Every moment becomes a moment of beauty even at it's ugliest. It's all beautiful.

Which brings me to the now. I know I'm God, and I'm in so much love with myself, hence I let every single part of the infinite me exist - including this dream of an individual me. I love this soul so much I let it live forever. Love is what I am and what I'll always be.

Having found this much inner peace, what more can I possibly want? All I feel like doing is exploring the world, exploring this Life and creating beautiful things. What else could make me more content than this? I know myself and my deepest nature. What other spiritual enlightenment is there? What else could give me this peace?



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? You have received peace. 
Surrender and flow within the experience. Your spirit is connected with your heart. Your mind is wanting attention by making your self question if it’s far enough or if your truly on the right path. It is trying to take the peace that was created, and bring you back into the physical reality of a simple human. Stop questioning and know that you are exactly where the divine wants you to be. Love is only the final answer if you conclude it to be. And if you do put love as the end goal, wouldn’t that change love and how people use it. Without hate and fear, love and peace would never exist. It’s all a cycle of recycling. Trying to organize frequencies by their importance brings confusion and restlessness. Let humans worry about that while god is breathing through you. Trust 

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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Yup. FULL blown unconditional LOVE is the answer. And the resistance to that is the final stage boss. 

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Final stage boss is clinging to experience, be it love, or anything. 

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