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Nature abhors a vacuum, what does it mean?

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What does nature abhors a vacuum mean?

Do we live in a vacuum? 

I’ve heard Adyashanti talking about this concept in one of his satsang talks. And I came across this concept in a Dutch museum, which explained it as follows;

Could you help me to understand this concept? Thanks


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think about it, science says outer space is a vacuum - you could say on one side nature loves vacuums because vacuum creates space but in another sense you could say it abhors vacuum because it’s at the same time a threat to survival.

imagine yourself in space, there is no time no sound no air to breathe that’s what’s the implication for me.

we also create metaphorical, emotional vacuums, if you look around you can notice them everywhere. for some people it’s more threatening than to others. imagine a metaphorical vacuum to be a little like a snow globe, it’s not the same but it still is metaphorically very close by. 

now imagine someone ringed that bell a long time ago and now someone lets the air in.

i hope i‘m not hijacking this. vacuum is inherently without meaning.


Edited by remember

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It means that your mind will constantly think of something. 

Unless you are powerful or something and you can direct your mind to think of nothing for hours, your mind will be thinking about something.

So if you are thinking about nothing right now, nature abhors a vacuum and your mind will think of or something.


PS: You can also bring to other contexts other than mind stuff.

Edited by hyruga

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God is Infinity.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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