
Can NLP anchors be used with psychedelics?

1 post in this topic

An anchor in NLP is where you associate two experiences together, for example you could clap your hands every time you felt happy and eventually you’ll be able to just clap your hands and induce happiness. According to Richard Bandler (the creator of NLP) this can only be done if the feeling is genuine and vivid - so the traditional way would be to visualise yourself being happy, make it real, take up your visual field (with your third eye) and keep doing it over and over to strengthen it and the associate it with something else. The Jordan Belfort version of it which he used for sales was to wait till he (or his mentees) closed a hard client or just made a really good deal and then would associate that genuine feeling of being really happy and empowered with a scent (since apparently the smell perception is the most powerful and reliable) - he found this way more effective because you can capture the feeling in the moment. 


Now, with psychedelics, surely you could go into “God mode” or an enlightened state or just any desired state - wait for that experience to arise naturally (as Jordan Belfort did) and then associate it with a powerful specific scent, over and over, and then BOOOM, God mode at will (or as close as you can get without actually tripping). 

If you trip as frequently as Leo (80+ times), this would surely be something that you could do and then it could be an added layer to help integrate the experience back to the “sober” state. 

Personally I feel like this is a life hack. 


Forget all the responses of “why would you want to?” “It’s not needed” and all the other nonsense - just acknowledge what possibilities this could open up and look at what’s actually being said here. 

@Leo Gura you could 100% make good use of this.

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