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4 hours ago, jes said:

you suggested me this book before :) ? can you send me amazon link ,so i am sure i am buying the right one

4 hours ago, jes said:

I can relate to it , but that's why we have this forum :)

Yes, true, but I prefer one on one especially with enlightenment experiences, or I like watching informative clips, like Leo's clips, and then researching. Once you find someone that could tell you a lot more, and it's actually informative and not just make-believe, there are a lot of discoveries. I know one can see more than just the no-self (everythingness/nothingness). Even Leo mentioned Ox's tail (Zen terminology) in one of his enlightenment clips.

In other words, what I'm trying to say here want to talk to someone who will not shed the wrong light. Both trust and knowledge has to be there.

Leo did say in one of his clips-I don't remember which one-maybe it's his Graves model clip-not to get caught up in debates. I do agree with him. We need a lot of time for our life purpose. 

4 hours ago, jes said:

I am still in discovery mode , :) Life purpose and career can be cannot be same ?

Yes, of course, it can be the same. Mine happen to be the same. I'm a bilingual teacher (career at a school). I'm also working online, have my own website, and wrote my own book (my startup).

I wish you the best on your journey. Much success and peace. :)

Edited by Key Elements

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12 minutes ago, Key Elements said:

I'm a bilingual teacher (career at a school)

wow , what languages :) ?

12 minutes ago, Key Elements said:

Mine happen to be the same

How did you get answer of this question ? career and life pupose turned out to be same ( at least this stage of your life) , leo does mention , life purpose is evolving 


12 minutes ago, Key Elements said:

(Zen terminology) in one of his enlightenment clips.

I remb my eyes get wet when i watched it , i still dont know why ?

and thank you for book link :)


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12 minutes ago, Key Elements said:

I wish you the best on your journey. Much success and peace

Thank you and , I wished the same for you :) I am glad you are sharingg your expereince with me :)

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40 minutes ago, jes said:

wow , what languages :) ?


English / Mandarin 

42 minutes ago, jes said:

How did you get answer of this question ? career and life pupose turned out to be same ( at least this stage of your life)

44 minutes ago, jes said:


and thank you for book link :)



If you like your career, you could turn it into a home business and finally a startup. I've been a teacher since the final year of my university.


45 minutes ago, jes said:

Thank you and , I wished the same for you :) I am glad you are sharingg your expereince with me :)

Most welcome..:)

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dream of mountains 

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The only Zen you find on
mountaintops is the Zen you bring up

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Intellect part how and who is using it ? does knowledge comes to me 

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To adjust this mistaken
impression, we need to fully perceive and
acknowledge the dominating influence that
concepts have on our moment-to-moment

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Be completely free of any
possible reaction or upset, no
matter what may occur. Know
that suppressing or ignoring
what you feel is not being free of
it. Try to remain aware and
receptive but without a hint of
feeling for several minutes. Do
this now.

Its easliy confusing state that you think you are aware ,but you may be suppressing or ignoring ?????

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1. The act of taking upon
2. The act of taking for granted.
3. Something taken for granted
or accepted as true without
proof; a supposition.
4. Presumption; arrogance.

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busy day :) ,I am great ,celebrating every moment 

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6th july 2016 

Reminder : There are lot of distractions , Just Be is simplest and most effective way 


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No one can beat you , only you can beat your self, If you know you are winner ,you are unbeatable 

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i Learnt a new technique
If you feel you are developing negative feelings towards a person in front of you ( look like ego is playing games here) 
Do one thing ,see in his or her face and visualize it as yours , try to see that you are looking into mirror 
Outcome: instant peace ,calm , love and respect
Self love and self acceptance is important ,if you have conquered that part and apply this , emotions will be your friends and , there will not be reaction ,but action from higher self or just peace 

You are your worst enemy 
you are your best friend  

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very secure and safe place ,though its temporary :) ,but time is illusion again :D 


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looking for strategy 

what is my unique leverage point ?

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RIP Abdul Sattar Edhi ,An excellent Human I know of 

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